Sunday, October 9, 2011
90 Days with Jesus- DAY 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Saturday's blog)
It's day 90! I'm dancing for Joy! I"m celebrating the goodness of God! I"m celebrating my relationship with Him and every mile of this incredible journey! I'm far better off today than when Jesus and I began this journey! He's so precious to me!
Now, you might be wondering where do I go from here?!!! Well, the journey continues, just under a different name and it will be done only once a week! It won't be a daily blog like this has been. It will be called Beyond Sunday Morning: Does your Walk match your Talk?! It will be scripturally based and sound. It will challenge us all to dig deep and have a look at our Christian Character! We might all get convicted, OK we will get convicted because that's how the Holy Spirit works, but it's not so bad to be pruned by God! Trust me!
I want to take the time to sincerely say thank you to all of you who have followed this blog and taken the time to read about what God is doing in my life! I appreciate you, but most importantly TO GOD BE THE GLORY! I love you all so much! If you were in this room with me I'd give you all a big hug!
Thank you King Jesus for this amazing journey! Your promises never fail, your mercies are new each morning! You've turned my mourning into dancing, and have given me a brand new song to sing! Thank you for your unfailing love! I am truly grateful to be called your child. Tonight I humbly bow at your throne and say I LOVE YOU.
Last but not least, THERE IS STILL ONE FINAL RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS THAT WILL PLAY ITSELF OUT THIS WEEK AND NEXT PROBABLY! So to all of you who are participating in that effort THANK YOU and for those of you who've prayed! Thank you!
May God bless you richly. May He give you grace for every moment, peace for every trial, and most importantly may you experience HIS UNFAILING LOVE!
A very humbled,
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-DAY 89 (Friday's blog)
I"m so excited!!!! This day has gone AMAZING! My best friend Sharon and I are in beautiful Lynchburg for a Christian Women's retreat! The weather is perfect, the sun is shining and I've been with THOUSANDS of my sister girls praising Jesus tonight!!!! The conference is put on by Extraordinary Women! You can visit their site at
The view all the way up was beautiful! It was like God had painted that picture just for us! It was wonderful watching God show off with His paintbrush! So the place where we are staying is called The Master's Inn. Sharon's son James hooked us up!!! The view from outside our cabin is breath taking! It's a beautiful lake! Again, just another reminder of God's splendor!
Tonight at the conference we heard Franchesca Battesteli...She's good, and Jeremy Camp.. We didn't stay for Jeremy Camp because we were too tuckered out....The worship leader Michael O'Brien is AWESOME!!!!! Man can he sing!!! He's cute too!
On this 89th night I just want to thank God for the opportunity to spend the final 2 days of this journey worshiping Him! I couldn't ask for more!
God bless you!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 88 (Thursday)
This day can be best described as crazy, busy, and very circus-like! No, I am not the star of this circus either!!! You see today I had a plan. I had it all planned out to go to work and then come home and pack. I was going to be home at 6:30ish. During my work shift I was going to do some coaching and training, sign folks up for credit cards, call the American Red Cross to inquire about the flyers, and then come home. Did the day happen like that?!! NO...A resounding no. It went all backwards because there was a donation I'd forgotten we'd agreed to give. It took 1.5 hours of my day due to snags along the way. Then when I was done with that, hunger over took me so I took 15 minutes to throw down something then back on the floor. I thought, ok...I can accomplish something today. Well, the day ended up with me working til 7 due to no flyers and me having to make some and our technology just didn't want to cooperate. I became bummed and frustrated, then God reminded me I'll be leaving for a 3 day weekend Women's Retreat!
You see our best laid out plans can sometimes get interrupted. But on this night I"m so glad that there is a higher plan that God has for me and His plan is to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future! Now that kind of plan I can live with!!!!! (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
So, when is the last time you had your best laid out plans go haywire on you and get interrupted?!!!
So thankful tomorrow is on it's way...I gotta roll...Time to pack..
In His Grip,
You see our best laid out plans can sometimes get interrupted. But on this night I"m so glad that there is a higher plan that God has for me and His plan is to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future! Now that kind of plan I can live with!!!!! (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
So, when is the last time you had your best laid out plans go haywire on you and get interrupted?!!!
So thankful tomorrow is on it's way...I gotta roll...Time to pack..
In His Grip,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 87 (Wednesday)
I can't believe there are just 3 more days to this amazing journey! Time has flown by quite quickly I must say!
Tonight I would like to take a moment to challenge you all to set apart some time of your day for Jesus. Just you and Him! It could be a room in your house or you could go to a nice quiet place where you can just focus on Him. The important part is getting alone with God to study His Word and to hear from Him and to talk to Him! There's no other real way to start your day. I've gone days without spending time with Him and the result has been horrible. I can't do anything without Christ and I'd much rather start my day with Him than without Him.
A couple of other things I would like to share with you are some things/events that will be occurring in the future as a result of this 90 Day journey! The first being that I will be leading my very first online Bible Study in the Spring of 2012. Secondly, I'll be in the process of writing my first Bible Study called 90 Days with Jesus! Last but not least, my next blog will be called: Beyond Sunday Morning, Does your Walk Match your Talk?!!! Stay tuned!
May God bless you all richly! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog. Only a few days left! Trust me you don't wanna miss the last 3 days of this journey with Jesus and me!
Tonight I would like to take a moment to challenge you all to set apart some time of your day for Jesus. Just you and Him! It could be a room in your house or you could go to a nice quiet place where you can just focus on Him. The important part is getting alone with God to study His Word and to hear from Him and to talk to Him! There's no other real way to start your day. I've gone days without spending time with Him and the result has been horrible. I can't do anything without Christ and I'd much rather start my day with Him than without Him.
A couple of other things I would like to share with you are some things/events that will be occurring in the future as a result of this 90 Day journey! The first being that I will be leading my very first online Bible Study in the Spring of 2012. Secondly, I'll be in the process of writing my first Bible Study called 90 Days with Jesus! Last but not least, my next blog will be called: Beyond Sunday Morning, Does your Walk Match your Talk?!!! Stay tuned!
May God bless you all richly! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog. Only a few days left! Trust me you don't wanna miss the last 3 days of this journey with Jesus and me!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 86 (Tuesday's blog)
It's day 86....Previously I stated that I didn't know how I was going to finish this journey! I didn't know if I was going to spend it alone or invite a few friends out to go eat. Well, I have the answer!!!
I will be out of town at a Christian Women's conference! I started this with just me and Jesus and it will end with Jesus, me, my best friend Sharon and several hundred women praising God!!! I can't think of a better way to end a spiritual journey! I"m excited!
I am closer to Jesus than I have been in a long time! It's like I can feel him holding my hand as we journey through the day. He speaks in His still small voice, and I am all to aware of it now. I listen intently to see what He has to say each and every day! He fills me to overflowing!
This journey reminds me of a song I used to sing in my home church back in Louisiana called Hand in Hand with Jesus...The chorus goes like this:
Hand in Hand we walk each day
Hand in hand along the way
Walking thus I cannot stray
Hand in Hand with Jesus
Oh He is ever so precious to! I simply love walking Hand in Hand with Jesus! What about you?!!!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 85 (Monday's blog)
It's Monday. Most people dread Monday because it's the beginning of the week. The good news is that I don't have to dread Monday's because I have Jesus with me everywhere I go! He's not only there on Monday but also every other day.
On this 85th day of the journey I can rest in peace knowing that Jesus goes with me wherever I go. If I start my day off with Him and give it to Him, it really doesn't matter what day of the week it is or what the ol' stinking devil throws at me. You see, God's Word says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee." James 4:7. Isn't that such a wonderful promise?!!! All we have to do is to submit.
Starting the day off with Jesus makes everything go smoother! He's the one I can depend on without any doubt! He's my friend who sticks closer than a brother and whether it's Sunday, Monday or the weekend rest assured I know He will be there!
My question for you today is:
1. Does the day of the week affect your attitude?!!
2. Did you start your Monday off with Jesus?!!
5 days left to the journey! Oh what a Savior!
Monday, October 3, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 84 (Sunday's Blog)
It's day 84 and I am all to aware that my Christian walk is constantly under a microscope by those who don't believe, and even by those who do believe in Christ! The other day I was talking to somebody about something and I said, "You need to stop doing thus and so..." The next words out of that person's mouth made me SHUDDER. He said in a slow tone "Hypo-crite."
You see it's not just on Sunday morning that people watch you..It's during the week and they are ready to point the finger at you just when you least expect it. It brings back the question: Does your walk match your talk?!!!! In my own life, I knew the same thing I got onto this guy for was the very thing to this day I struggle with. It was God's reminder to me that He's still working on me and that I need to be slow to correct others when I myself am still struggling. It's the thorn in my flesh that seems to just not want to go away. I'm reminded it of it every single time it rears it's ugly head. Satan himself knows what this thorn is and he loves to do everything he can to make sure it stays around.
However, there are two verses that I am using to help me combat this thorn in my flesh. The verse I will choose to share is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13. Please be aware though that this thorn is not illegal/immoral in it's nature. It's just a plain old sin that needs to GO AWAY.
Pruning by God isn't always comfortable. However, HE is teaching me to be more like Him and to live my life so that others can see Jesus in me, NOT JUST ON SUNDAY MORNING!
So, today I challenge you:
1. Be mindful of your actions and words because the world is watching and Satan knows what the thorn in your flesh is.
You see it's not just on Sunday morning that people watch you..It's during the week and they are ready to point the finger at you just when you least expect it. It brings back the question: Does your walk match your talk?!!!! In my own life, I knew the same thing I got onto this guy for was the very thing to this day I struggle with. It was God's reminder to me that He's still working on me and that I need to be slow to correct others when I myself am still struggling. It's the thorn in my flesh that seems to just not want to go away. I'm reminded it of it every single time it rears it's ugly head. Satan himself knows what this thorn is and he loves to do everything he can to make sure it stays around.
However, there are two verses that I am using to help me combat this thorn in my flesh. The verse I will choose to share is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13. Please be aware though that this thorn is not illegal/immoral in it's nature. It's just a plain old sin that needs to GO AWAY.
Pruning by God isn't always comfortable. However, HE is teaching me to be more like Him and to live my life so that others can see Jesus in me, NOT JUST ON SUNDAY MORNING!
So, today I challenge you:
1. Be mindful of your actions and words because the world is watching and Satan knows what the thorn in your flesh is.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 83 (Saturday's blog)
There's just one more week to this journey! I have all kinds of mixed feelings about it! I'm glad it's going to be over because then a new chapter will begin. Every day of this journey has been so precious to me. My spiritual walk with Christ is just AMAZING! Perfect? NO, but the closeness I have with King Jesus right now is something I never ever want to loose.
He's still working on me though. There are still many more conversations Jesus and I need to have over specific areas of my Christian life. However, it will be one day at a time! I"m excited just knowing that I have a solid relationship with Him! He's my Savior, source, and my strength. I can't find any other relationship like the one I have with King Jesus! It's eternal!
I'm learning to dig deeper into His word and not just read scripture from the surface! Oh there's so much more to the Bible when we dig deeper into what He has to say to us! That book is so powerful it's just simply unexplainable!
Tonight I'd like to challenge you to find a passage of scripture you are familiar with and dig deeper! Ask the HOly Spirit to show you something new!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
He's still working on me though. There are still many more conversations Jesus and I need to have over specific areas of my Christian life. However, it will be one day at a time! I"m excited just knowing that I have a solid relationship with Him! He's my Savior, source, and my strength. I can't find any other relationship like the one I have with King Jesus! It's eternal!
I'm learning to dig deeper into His word and not just read scripture from the surface! Oh there's so much more to the Bible when we dig deeper into what He has to say to us! That book is so powerful it's just simply unexplainable!
Tonight I'd like to challenge you to find a passage of scripture you are familiar with and dig deeper! Ask the HOly Spirit to show you something new!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Saturday, October 1, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 82 (Friday's blog)
Stepping out in faith has always been a challenge! I'm reminded on this day of the journey of Jesus asking Peter, "Peter, do you love me?" Peter responded 3 times "Lord, you know I love you." Jesus says back to him, "Feed my sheep." (John 21;15-19). Multiple times in the new testament and old testament people were asked to act simply on faith alone. Some obeyed while others simply questioned God and His motives, then they stepped out in faith.
God has been dealing with me LOTS during these 90 days about teaching a Bible Study, getting back out there and sharing my personal testimony at different places where He opens doors, and doing some Home Mission work in my own modern day Jerusalem...Williamsburg/Newport News, VA. Scared, uncertain about what's ahead, there's one thing I must do. I must obey Him! It's the 2nd part of God's call on my life. It's been 1 year ago since I graduated college and I've not done ANYTHING about this part of the call. God's been nudging hard on me.
What does all of this mean?!!! Well, the only true answer I have heard is for me to teach at least one online Bible Study. This won't occur until Spring of next year because I work retail and I must get through the next 120 something odd days alive!!!!! It's called Holiday Season...Black out where you aren't allowed any time off and you are 1000% devoted to your job...
So, I'm in the process of putting my other foot out of the boat and stepping out on complete faith that "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phillippians 1:6 NIV
Last but not least there are 8 beautiful days left in this journey! I've been blessed, amazed, wowed by God and the amazing people who have encouraged me through these 90 days. I can't say thank you enough for allowing Jesus and me to share this journey with you! It's not over yet, keep your seatbelt buckled! These last 8 days are going to be a thrill ride I"m sure!
Much love and blessings,
Alicia Roark
God has been dealing with me LOTS during these 90 days about teaching a Bible Study, getting back out there and sharing my personal testimony at different places where He opens doors, and doing some Home Mission work in my own modern day Jerusalem...Williamsburg/Newport News, VA. Scared, uncertain about what's ahead, there's one thing I must do. I must obey Him! It's the 2nd part of God's call on my life. It's been 1 year ago since I graduated college and I've not done ANYTHING about this part of the call. God's been nudging hard on me.
What does all of this mean?!!! Well, the only true answer I have heard is for me to teach at least one online Bible Study. This won't occur until Spring of next year because I work retail and I must get through the next 120 something odd days alive!!!!! It's called Holiday Season...Black out where you aren't allowed any time off and you are 1000% devoted to your job...
So, I'm in the process of putting my other foot out of the boat and stepping out on complete faith that "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phillippians 1:6 NIV
Last but not least there are 8 beautiful days left in this journey! I've been blessed, amazed, wowed by God and the amazing people who have encouraged me through these 90 days. I can't say thank you enough for allowing Jesus and me to share this journey with you! It's not over yet, keep your seatbelt buckled! These last 8 days are going to be a thrill ride I"m sure!
Much love and blessings,
Alicia Roark
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