It's day 90! I'm dancing for Joy! I"m celebrating the goodness of God! I"m celebrating my relationship with Him and every mile of this incredible journey! I'm far better off today than when Jesus and I began this journey! He's so precious to me!
Now, you might be wondering where do I go from here?!!! Well, the journey continues, just under a different name and it will be done only once a week! It won't be a daily blog like this has been. It will be called Beyond Sunday Morning: Does your Walk match your Talk?! It will be scripturally based and sound. It will challenge us all to dig deep and have a look at our Christian Character! We might all get convicted, OK we will get convicted because that's how the Holy Spirit works, but it's not so bad to be pruned by God! Trust me!
I want to take the time to sincerely say thank you to all of you who have followed this blog and taken the time to read about what God is doing in my life! I appreciate you, but most importantly TO GOD BE THE GLORY! I love you all so much! If you were in this room with me I'd give you all a big hug!
Thank you King Jesus for this amazing journey! Your promises never fail, your mercies are new each morning! You've turned my mourning into dancing, and have given me a brand new song to sing! Thank you for your unfailing love! I am truly grateful to be called your child. Tonight I humbly bow at your throne and say I LOVE YOU.
Last but not least, THERE IS STILL ONE FINAL RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS THAT WILL PLAY ITSELF OUT THIS WEEK AND NEXT PROBABLY! So to all of you who are participating in that effort THANK YOU and for those of you who've prayed! Thank you!
May God bless you richly. May He give you grace for every moment, peace for every trial, and most importantly may you experience HIS UNFAILING LOVE!
A very humbled,
Alicia Roark