Today I would like to talk about things that happen to us unexpectedly! I received an unexpected call from a higher up in my company today. They called my home phone and wanted to say thank you for a great job at work last month. I was in total shock. The president of the company I work for called little me.
I got to thinking about the situation and God said, ya know when you and all my other children get to Heaven you'll hear the sweetest words you've ever heard. "Well done..." (Matthew 25:21.) When we do whatever we do, we're doing it unto the Lord hopefully. It's what He asks of us to do!
Today there was no walk, and I didn't get to go to church due to a morning meeting than ran a little longer than I had expected. However, on this day God has reminded me that no matter what I do, I should be doing it as unto the Lord and for His glory. And one day, He will split the eastern sky, He will welcome me Home and I will hear the most beautiful words ever heard. "Well done."
Here's a question for you to ask yourself as you spend time with God:
1. In all that I do, am I doing it unto the Lord?
I pray you've had a blessed day. I have. By the way...It's day 21 so this should be an official habit!
I love you all!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 20
God woke me up this morning thinking about a big 5 letter word; TRUST. I got to thinking about how I am so vulnerable to trust people these days. The people I work with, my friends,and just people in general.
The other day God spoke to me about a person and said, "You shouldn't trust that person." I was taken aback. I was like but Lord, they seem to be a pleasant person. God spoke again, "They're like a satan in the garden...sly, vicious, and ready to harm you when the opportunity arises." SO, I was faced with a decision to make. What was my decision? To love that person with a Godly character but distance myself from them.
Trust...We all face trust issues with people we love and care for. However, JESUS has never failed me. He's never betrayed me and His promises never fail. I can depend on Him 100% of the time. He loves me unconditionally! That's the kind of relationship I want with people!
Today here's the bible verse from my devotion which happened to be on trust. This is definitely a God thing. Psalms 52:7-9. Read it and let it speak to you!
Have a blessed day!
The other day God spoke to me about a person and said, "You shouldn't trust that person." I was taken aback. I was like but Lord, they seem to be a pleasant person. God spoke again, "They're like a satan in the garden...sly, vicious, and ready to harm you when the opportunity arises." SO, I was faced with a decision to make. What was my decision? To love that person with a Godly character but distance myself from them.
Trust...We all face trust issues with people we love and care for. However, JESUS has never failed me. He's never betrayed me and His promises never fail. I can depend on Him 100% of the time. He loves me unconditionally! That's the kind of relationship I want with people!
Today here's the bible verse from my devotion which happened to be on trust. This is definitely a God thing. Psalms 52:7-9. Read it and let it speak to you!
Have a blessed day!
Friday, July 29, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 19
They say that it takes 21 days to make something a habit. If that's the case I'm 2 days away from this being a habit and a good one at that in my life. The walks with Jesus are simply amazing. The way He talks, His still small voice that reminds me that He desires to talk with me daily, not out of habit but out of a desire to sincerely know Him more!
This morning I was out by 6 a.m. walking. NO traffic and there was hardly light out. However, I took to the street as I always do toting my ever faithful ipod along! I tell you something, music has a way of touching the soul.
Remember when I told you about the fact it takes 21 days to make a habit? Well, for several days in a row I've heard a song or two every morning. Today the song by Sandi Patty falling foward is what comes to mind. God told me I should make that my Theme song for the 90 Days with Jesus. Step by Step, mile by mile, it doesn't matter if I stumble or fall on that day it just matters that I"m falling forward into the arms of Jesus. I"m getting to know who He is, worshiping Him in Spirit and truth and I cherish these days with him! He's so real to me! It's like He's holding my hand and saying, "Let's go for a walk and talk about our relationship together and how it can improve even more!" Oh what a Savior! He is so worthy of all the worship and Praise!
Today I would like to ask you the following question:
1. What habit in your life do you need to change? Is spending time with JEsus daily one of them?
GOd bless you as you serve Him today.
This morning I was out by 6 a.m. walking. NO traffic and there was hardly light out. However, I took to the street as I always do toting my ever faithful ipod along! I tell you something, music has a way of touching the soul.
Remember when I told you about the fact it takes 21 days to make a habit? Well, for several days in a row I've heard a song or two every morning. Today the song by Sandi Patty falling foward is what comes to mind. God told me I should make that my Theme song for the 90 Days with Jesus. Step by Step, mile by mile, it doesn't matter if I stumble or fall on that day it just matters that I"m falling forward into the arms of Jesus. I"m getting to know who He is, worshiping Him in Spirit and truth and I cherish these days with him! He's so real to me! It's like He's holding my hand and saying, "Let's go for a walk and talk about our relationship together and how it can improve even more!" Oh what a Savior! He is so worthy of all the worship and Praise!
Today I would like to ask you the following question:
1. What habit in your life do you need to change? Is spending time with JEsus daily one of them?
GOd bless you as you serve Him today.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 18

Today I want to talk to you about a word that nobody likes. Obstacles. They get in our way, keep us from our intended goal, and frustrate us in the process. That is exactly what I encountered on my walk this morning. The first 1.1 miles wasn't bad only a couple of cars passed me by, but I was also in the midst of worshiping God through the music on my Ipod.
On the way back the traffic just kept coming. I had to be extra careful. Several times I had to stop to let traffic pass b/c they were too close to where I was. I reached frustration. I even said out loud at one point, "OF COURSE." However, I heard God say, "people use obstacles all day long to not spend time with me. They say they're busy, the cell phone rings, their to do list grows, and time with me gets put to the wayside." Humbling isn't it?
So today I would like to ask you:
1. What obstacles stand in the way of you spending time with God?
Have a blessed day! Thank you again for taking this journey with me!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 18

Today I want to talk to you about a word that nobody likes. Obstacles. They get in our way, keep us from our intended goal, and frustrate us in the process. That is exactly what I encountered on my walk this morning. The first 1.1 miles wasn't bad only a couple of cars passed me by, but I was also in the midst of worshiping God through the music on my Ipod.
On the way back the traffic just kept coming. I had to be extra careful. Several times I had to stop to let traffic pass b/c they were too close to where I was. I reached frustration. I even said out loud at one point, "OF COURSE." However, I heard God say, "people use obstacles all day long to not spend time with me. They say they're busy, the cell phone rings, their to do list grows, and time with me gets put to the wayside." Humbling isn't it?
So today I would like to ask you:
1. What obstacles stand in the way of you spending time with God?
Have a blessed day! Thank you again for taking this journey with me!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 17
Some days on this journey I wished I could take every one of my readers along with me in my pocket on these daily 2.2 mile walks. Oh the things that the Master is teaching me! It completely blows my mind! I stand in complete Awe of Him each and every day that I am on this journey.
This morning's walk was not different than any other morning. I got up, put on my exercise clothes, grabbed my ipod, and out the door I went. I was less than 2 blocks away from the house when I heard the enemy say, "Just take the short cut and go to Shepherd drive then turn around. Remember you were sick yesterday." I was like OH NO...NOT TODAY DEVIL...SO ONWARD we went Jesus and I! It is my sincerest belief that God has a way of lining up which songs He wants me to hear on the way up to the first mile. This morning's songs talked about Christianity and how when we're saved we're a changed people and that although we might stumble, falter, and fail, we're falling forward and that anything that seems way over our heads in completely under God's feet and under His control. How's that for a morning lineup of songs?!!! He knows what He is doing!
Then came time for the walk back. I stretched my legs, said a prayer and headed back home. I say this everyday but it is indeed the hardest part of the trip because I have to LISTEN. I talk to God, praise God, Glorify God for 1.1 miles so on the way back, for 1.1 miles I simply listen.
I've walked this same route now for 17 days. You would think that I am all to familiar with this route, the landmarks, the things that I see. was different. Around here in Williamsburg it's close to election time. WHAM. There it was, a big ol' honkin' election sign that read, "Re-elect so and so. Then God spoke what if in everybody's yards they had signs that read, "Elect King Jesus, Lord and Savior of Your life. His promises never fail, and His word endures forever." WOW! All because of a little election sign. Sometimes we go astray and wander from God and do things our own way. Then the sign should read, "Re-dedicate your life to King Jesus. He's waiting with open arms to welcome you Home." Let me tell you Jesus always Wins! He is the Master and Creator of the Universe and He desires to have a morning walk with you too! He wants to talk to you and speak to you in ways you never knew were possible. Take it from me, I know!
Last but not least this morning's devotion I read was on faith. The verse for today is: "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but those who believe and are saved." Hebrews 10:38. It reminded me of a couple of songs I heard this morning on my walk. Falling Forward, and Step into the Joy both by Sandi Patti. Have you ever heard of anybody taking a leap of faith backwards? Me either! So it's on this day that I encourage you to take a step of faith and know that if you stumble, falter, and fall that in God you're always falling forward right into His arms of love!
This morning's walk was not different than any other morning. I got up, put on my exercise clothes, grabbed my ipod, and out the door I went. I was less than 2 blocks away from the house when I heard the enemy say, "Just take the short cut and go to Shepherd drive then turn around. Remember you were sick yesterday." I was like OH NO...NOT TODAY DEVIL...SO ONWARD we went Jesus and I! It is my sincerest belief that God has a way of lining up which songs He wants me to hear on the way up to the first mile. This morning's songs talked about Christianity and how when we're saved we're a changed people and that although we might stumble, falter, and fail, we're falling forward and that anything that seems way over our heads in completely under God's feet and under His control. How's that for a morning lineup of songs?!!! He knows what He is doing!
Then came time for the walk back. I stretched my legs, said a prayer and headed back home. I say this everyday but it is indeed the hardest part of the trip because I have to LISTEN. I talk to God, praise God, Glorify God for 1.1 miles so on the way back, for 1.1 miles I simply listen.
I've walked this same route now for 17 days. You would think that I am all to familiar with this route, the landmarks, the things that I see. was different. Around here in Williamsburg it's close to election time. WHAM. There it was, a big ol' honkin' election sign that read, "Re-elect so and so. Then God spoke what if in everybody's yards they had signs that read, "Elect King Jesus, Lord and Savior of Your life. His promises never fail, and His word endures forever." WOW! All because of a little election sign. Sometimes we go astray and wander from God and do things our own way. Then the sign should read, "Re-dedicate your life to King Jesus. He's waiting with open arms to welcome you Home." Let me tell you Jesus always Wins! He is the Master and Creator of the Universe and He desires to have a morning walk with you too! He wants to talk to you and speak to you in ways you never knew were possible. Take it from me, I know!
Last but not least this morning's devotion I read was on faith. The verse for today is: "But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but those who believe and are saved." Hebrews 10:38. It reminded me of a couple of songs I heard this morning on my walk. Falling Forward, and Step into the Joy both by Sandi Patti. Have you ever heard of anybody taking a leap of faith backwards? Me either! So it's on this day that I encourage you to take a step of faith and know that if you stumble, falter, and fall that in God you're always falling forward right into His arms of love!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 16
On this journey I always find myself being surprised by what God shows me or tells me! Today was no different. I started off the day feeling ok, then I got nauseated and had to go lie down.
Earlier in the morning I read my devotion about appearances of people being deceiving. Just the other day while leaving work a young lady held up a sign that read "Homeless, lost house have 2 kids." I didn't stop I kept going. These days it's hard to know what to do but on yesterday the Holy Spirit didn't lead me to stop so I didn't. Was she trying to deceive people? I am not sure. As I began to think about the woman yesterday I was reminded of the great deceiver satan. He walks around this earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He's deceptive! Satan loves to tell Christians and non-Christians, it's ok to act a certain way, or do something just once. It's just one sin. However, there's always a penalty for sin. It will sooner or later find us out and we will have to give an answer for it.
My thoughts then turned to Jesus sacrifice for my sin. He paid the ultimate price for me. It's the great exchange. He took on my sin via the cross and I got His love, and mercy. I then became overcome with thankfulness. This past weekend at Women's VBS I heard a song called "It was a great thing." It's a song about the great sacrifice of God and it will get you Praising God for all of His goodness! Oh what a Savior.
Tonight I wish to challenge you to ask yourself the following question:
1. Am I easily deceived by what I see out in the world? If so ask God to give you discernment.
Thank you again for coming on this journey with Jesus and me! It's certainly a joy to spend time with THe King!
Please listen to the video below....The song that blessed me so this past weekend! It truly was a Great Thing that Jesus did for me and you too!
Earlier in the morning I read my devotion about appearances of people being deceiving. Just the other day while leaving work a young lady held up a sign that read "Homeless, lost house have 2 kids." I didn't stop I kept going. These days it's hard to know what to do but on yesterday the Holy Spirit didn't lead me to stop so I didn't. Was she trying to deceive people? I am not sure. As I began to think about the woman yesterday I was reminded of the great deceiver satan. He walks around this earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He's deceptive! Satan loves to tell Christians and non-Christians, it's ok to act a certain way, or do something just once. It's just one sin. However, there's always a penalty for sin. It will sooner or later find us out and we will have to give an answer for it.
My thoughts then turned to Jesus sacrifice for my sin. He paid the ultimate price for me. It's the great exchange. He took on my sin via the cross and I got His love, and mercy. I then became overcome with thankfulness. This past weekend at Women's VBS I heard a song called "It was a great thing." It's a song about the great sacrifice of God and it will get you Praising God for all of His goodness! Oh what a Savior.
Tonight I wish to challenge you to ask yourself the following question:
1. Am I easily deceived by what I see out in the world? If so ask God to give you discernment.
Thank you again for coming on this journey with Jesus and me! It's certainly a joy to spend time with THe King!
Please listen to the video below....The song that blessed me so this past weekend! It truly was a Great Thing that Jesus did for me and you too!
Monday, July 25, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 15

This past weekend I went to Women's VBS. It was absolutely AWESOME! Well, the last sermon/teaching we heard about was how to be lovely to others. We can be seen as lovely through the way we treat other people.
Today I got the chance to put that into practice. You see, not everybody who comes out to shop on Mondays is happy and excited to be out in society. My day began at 10 and Satan came along to work too. More customers today than not were unhappy. They grumbled about this that and the other thing. Then I heard loud and clear the final sermon I'd heard about the way I treat others can be seen as lovely. So, I made up my mind I was going to smile, be kind and gracious no matter what. Several of the people didn't know what to do. There were some who said, "I LOVE your attitude!." It's Christ in me. Nothing else. It's He who I portray everyday whether I'm at the grocery store, work, in traffic, or at home.
Tonight I'd like to pose the following question for you to ponder:
1. When people are unlovely do I show them the love of Christ?
Convicting isn't it!
Here's a quick recap of today:
Walked on the exercise machine...About 2.2 miles
Encouraged LOTS of people
Encountered 2 people I thought were homeless...I prayed for them because I didn't hear the Holy Spirit beckon me to stop.
I do this frequently, but I wanted to thank each of you who are following Jesus and me on this journey. I will remember this journey as long as I live.
In His Love,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 14
There's no other way to describe this day but Amazing! I actually God to go to Sunday School and church today. I'd prayed silently during our closing Sunday School prayer that today we would truly experience God in His house and have true worship.
We sang songs and prayed and did what we normally do on Sunday, BUT THEN the youth got up to share testimonies from camp. The tears began to flow as some of them shared that they got saved and others are rededicating their lives back to Christ! You could feel the spirit of Jesus in our church today and IT FELT LOVELY!
This afternoon I went for my usual 2.2 mile walk in the blistering heat. Yep, I decided I needed to take that walk that I'd not taken for 2 days due to heat. I used the walk today to simply praise God for His goodness over the entire weekend. It was simply amazing!
My God is Great and through this journey He is teaching me to dig deeper in His word, seek His face daily, and He will take care of everything else that seems to come about in my daily life. I have to tell ya today I am just excited about what God is doing in the lives of our young people and in my life over these 90 days! Thank you Lord.
This song says it all! Enjoy
We sang songs and prayed and did what we normally do on Sunday, BUT THEN the youth got up to share testimonies from camp. The tears began to flow as some of them shared that they got saved and others are rededicating their lives back to Christ! You could feel the spirit of Jesus in our church today and IT FELT LOVELY!
This afternoon I went for my usual 2.2 mile walk in the blistering heat. Yep, I decided I needed to take that walk that I'd not taken for 2 days due to heat. I used the walk today to simply praise God for His goodness over the entire weekend. It was simply amazing!
My God is Great and through this journey He is teaching me to dig deeper in His word, seek His face daily, and He will take care of everything else that seems to come about in my daily life. I have to tell ya today I am just excited about what God is doing in the lives of our young people and in my life over these 90 days! Thank you Lord.
This song says it all! Enjoy
Saturday, July 23, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 13

Tonight I bask in the goodness of Jesus! I"m filled to overflowing and then some! God's Word is so precious and I experienced God in all of his fullness last night and today. I attended Vacation Bible School for women here in VA. A young lady by the name of Sharon Thomas brought us several Bible lessons. The theme "Isn't she Lovely."
Through 2 days I along with several hundred other women learned about how Jesus sees us as lovely and how we can be transformed to becoming lovely. Oh how the spirit of God moved in that church this weekend. I have met with Jesus and I am pleased!
Again today I didn't walk due to the heat. It's frustrating b/c I want to walk but I must be smart about this. Heat Exhaustion put me on my backside just a few days ago so I am really mindful of that heat. However, I did fill myself up with the Word of God and fellowship with His people.
There's just something special when God's people get together and worship Him. That still small voice that convicts of sin and woos us closer to Him is so powerful! Thank you Lord for the convicting power of your Holy Spirit.
Here's a question for you tonight:
1. When you look at the mirror do you see lovely?
I encourage you to spend some time in the HOly Word of God tonight and in prayer asking God to show you how He sees you!
Love in Christ,
Friday, July 22, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 12

It's Day 12. This morning I didn't take the 2.2 mile walk due to the heat. It's just way too hot and I"m feeling a little tired honestly!
Yesterday I noticed that the heat affected people. They were short with their answers, and there were no smiles on their faces. They toted along bottles of water or other cold beverages to cool down their overheated bodies. At one point I said, "Is somebody beating ya'll up out there because nobody is smiling." One woman said, "It's the heat and it's making me cranky." Another person said, "The heat is getting to me and making me tired, it's brutal out there."
So, I began to think. Satan, brings on his own heat called temptation, bittnerness, anger, jealousy, lust, wrath and all those things that don't look like Christ. It can even affect the happiest of people. He starts out real sly like with a magazine cover that has a half naked person on the front. Then he moves onto reminding you of the neighbors just down the road who own a fancy car. But wait, he's not satisfied. Just when he's got your blood going real good he'll remind you of somebody that did you wrong or a circumstance....Satan loves to heat us Christians up.
Now, if we Christians display love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, & self-control we can distinguish the heat of Satan in our lives! Isn't that amazing?!!! Isn't reading God's Word wonderful?!!!
So I challenge you today, when the heat gets too much outside make sure you take time to say a quick prayer so that God will show you how to display the fruits of the Spirit. Trust me Satan will HATE YOU MORE!
Have a blessed day!
In His love,
Thursday, July 21, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 11
I woke up this morning, thew on my exercise clothes grabbed my ipod and my new ear phones that are supposed to be sweat proof. I turned the switch on my ipod only to find the battery was dead. In frustration I plugged it in to the wall and then walked out the door. I like the music on the way up. It's my time of praising God and praying. However, I did it all without the music.
The walk up while hot and muggy didn't bother me. The only thing I seemed to notice was the sweat pouring off of my nose, and head...However, on the way home I started to notice that my calves were cramping. I said, Lord, please help these cramps stop I'm not even half way home. It wasn't long before the cramps stopped and I found myself quickly nearing the house. I had listened and really didn't hear anything. hen I came home to read my devotion for the morning. The scripture verse for the devotion is: "In Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17.
Through this morning's devotion God was showing me more about who He is and HIS power! Then here is what I heard Him say shortly afterwards: "You know your ipod that you couldn't listen to, well I provided you music by songs from birds. Those cramps you had, I hold you up with my right hand, and the heat and sweat you felt dripping down your face I shed tears, and blood for you. When you feel you can't take one more step on your morning walk, I'll carry you. When your ipod is out of power and you've no music, listen to my creation sing it will remind you that I am always there. I hold it all together! I am your God."
God is blowing me away on these morning walks! He's showing me to totally rely on Him for everything. When life gets complicated and I feel I am too tired and weary for a morning walk He will sustain me. When I walk through valleys He will carry me and when I stand back on the Mountain there He'll be showing me how he carried me the entire time. He holds my life together with His hand and your life too!
Today I challenge you to ask yourself the following question:
1. Do I always trust God with every circumstance in my life knowing He holds it all together?
Bask and reflect in the One who loves you the most today! Remember when you hit a rough spot He his holding you and your situation together by His almight powerful right hand and that you can be thankful for!
In God's Love,
The walk up while hot and muggy didn't bother me. The only thing I seemed to notice was the sweat pouring off of my nose, and head...However, on the way home I started to notice that my calves were cramping. I said, Lord, please help these cramps stop I'm not even half way home. It wasn't long before the cramps stopped and I found myself quickly nearing the house. I had listened and really didn't hear anything. hen I came home to read my devotion for the morning. The scripture verse for the devotion is: "In Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17.
Through this morning's devotion God was showing me more about who He is and HIS power! Then here is what I heard Him say shortly afterwards: "You know your ipod that you couldn't listen to, well I provided you music by songs from birds. Those cramps you had, I hold you up with my right hand, and the heat and sweat you felt dripping down your face I shed tears, and blood for you. When you feel you can't take one more step on your morning walk, I'll carry you. When your ipod is out of power and you've no music, listen to my creation sing it will remind you that I am always there. I hold it all together! I am your God."
God is blowing me away on these morning walks! He's showing me to totally rely on Him for everything. When life gets complicated and I feel I am too tired and weary for a morning walk He will sustain me. When I walk through valleys He will carry me and when I stand back on the Mountain there He'll be showing me how he carried me the entire time. He holds my life together with His hand and your life too!
Today I challenge you to ask yourself the following question:
1. Do I always trust God with every circumstance in my life knowing He holds it all together?
Bask and reflect in the One who loves you the most today! Remember when you hit a rough spot He his holding you and your situation together by His almight powerful right hand and that you can be thankful for!
In God's Love,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 10

This morning my best friend Sharon and I went walking in beautiful Colonial Williamsburg (CW). It's a place full of history. People are dressed in Historical regalia and merchants line the streets with souvenirs. It's a reminder of our Nation's History and our founding fore fathers. Truly beautiful!
At first when I agreed we'd go walking I thought, but this isn't my normal routine for walking. There willl be no power walking, and we're bringing along Zoe (Sharon's precious dog!). In the midst of the bustle of the business of CW would I be able to hear Him speak? I didn't know but what I do know now is How powerfully God did speak during our walk.
Here is just how powerfully He spoke. "This place is full of History; a reminder of the forefathers of this great land. I am the creator of it all, the Alpha and Omega the first and the last. I am the ultimate History maker. People need to have an eternal history with me or the result will not be great. As the people stand in charachter in Historical garb, what is your character? Is what people see on the outside the real you? Can they see me through you? You need to tell them that I can change their eternal History." Now...How's that for hearing from God?!!
Sometimes God needs to give us a change of scenery to talk to us! I'm so glad He changed the scenery for me today! I"m glad He allowed me to spend time with my best friend and her dog! We agreed to walk again in CW on another day!
Here's a couple of questions for you to answer today:
1. When is the last time you told somebody that Jesus could change their eternal History?
2. Can others see the Character of Jesus in you?
May God bless you today and always.
In His love,
May God bless you today and always.
In His love,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 9 Recap
Today has been a fun-filled day! Work was fun and then a little fun with my best friend at the movies tonight! I firmly believe that God intends for us to have fun in our Christian walk. However, while having fun we must bring His name Honor and glory!
Here's a quick recap of today:
Walked 2.2 miles
Encouraged several people
Had a great time in prayer and bible reading
This journey is helping me in so many ways. It's helping me see who Christ is and what He longs to do in my heart!
Again, thanks for taking this journey with me. There are 83 days to go! Woo hoo! Onward!
Love in Christ,
Here's a quick recap of today:
Walked 2.2 miles
Encouraged several people
Had a great time in prayer and bible reading
This journey is helping me in so many ways. It's helping me see who Christ is and what He longs to do in my heart!
Again, thanks for taking this journey with me. There are 83 days to go! Woo hoo! Onward!
Love in Christ,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 9
Over the past few days I've been complaining about this aggravating sunburn. It's gotten on my last nerve a couple of times and caused me lack of sleep for one whole night. Well, I woke this morning and thought I'll go back to bed. Not a chance. I laid back down and my body just seemed to wake right up...just like that when seconds before I was ready for another hour of sleep.
I took a swig of water and headed out for my 2.2 mile walk. The music began to play and I found myself in pure worship mode during my walk. Worshipping King Jesus! Truly there is nothing better than that. Period. God knows exactly what He is doing on these walks with Him. I hit play and the first song that played was Just a closer walk with thee followed by, Shepherd of my Valley, and finally Mark Lowry's Over my head. It was God saying to me through those lyrics, "Alicia, during these 90 Days I'll give you a closer walk with Me as we spend time together, and when those valleys come I'll be your Shepherd, and when you feel like you're in over your head, I've got this in control. WOW....I keep asking myself, why didn't I do this sooner? Right...God's time, not mine!
Now on the way home I took off those headphones as usual and uttered a prayer of praise and thanksgiving and then as always...the hard part...Listening! So, I began to be still before my King and this is what He said. "You know that sunburn that you've been complaining about? Well, you're now at the stage where peeling has begun. You're skin is red and irritated. It's kind of like your salvation, "Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) "You know that peeling skin it's like when you were saved I was peeling back the layers of sin that entangled you. Then when the layers of sin were gone you were breathing in new life!:" How's that for a morning talk with God?!
You see over two days I've learned that when you have a sunburn you'll go through this itchy stage because your skin cells are trying to rejuvenate themselves. When you peel back the dead skin off of you those new skin cells are given life to breathe! Also, I've learned I have to maintain this sunburn which to me seems a little crazy. I have to maintain it with aloe gel to moisturize it. It cools it down and the itch pretty much is non-existent. Never knew you could learn so much from a sunburn did ya?!! Me either!
Today I want to challenge you to ask yourself this question as you spend time with God:
1. What layers of sin are keeping me from truly living my life for Christ?
THEN, pray to God that He will forgive you of whatever sin you have and He will peel back those layers and give you forgiveness! New life in Him!
Oh what a Savior!
I took a swig of water and headed out for my 2.2 mile walk. The music began to play and I found myself in pure worship mode during my walk. Worshipping King Jesus! Truly there is nothing better than that. Period. God knows exactly what He is doing on these walks with Him. I hit play and the first song that played was Just a closer walk with thee followed by, Shepherd of my Valley, and finally Mark Lowry's Over my head. It was God saying to me through those lyrics, "Alicia, during these 90 Days I'll give you a closer walk with Me as we spend time together, and when those valleys come I'll be your Shepherd, and when you feel like you're in over your head, I've got this in control. WOW....I keep asking myself, why didn't I do this sooner? Right...God's time, not mine!
Now on the way home I took off those headphones as usual and uttered a prayer of praise and thanksgiving and then as always...the hard part...Listening! So, I began to be still before my King and this is what He said. "You know that sunburn that you've been complaining about? Well, you're now at the stage where peeling has begun. You're skin is red and irritated. It's kind of like your salvation, "Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) "You know that peeling skin it's like when you were saved I was peeling back the layers of sin that entangled you. Then when the layers of sin were gone you were breathing in new life!:" How's that for a morning talk with God?!
You see over two days I've learned that when you have a sunburn you'll go through this itchy stage because your skin cells are trying to rejuvenate themselves. When you peel back the dead skin off of you those new skin cells are given life to breathe! Also, I've learned I have to maintain this sunburn which to me seems a little crazy. I have to maintain it with aloe gel to moisturize it. It cools it down and the itch pretty much is non-existent. Never knew you could learn so much from a sunburn did ya?!! Me either!
Today I want to challenge you to ask yourself this question as you spend time with God:
1. What layers of sin are keeping me from truly living my life for Christ?
THEN, pray to God that He will forgive you of whatever sin you have and He will peel back those layers and give you forgiveness! New life in Him!
Oh what a Savior!
Monday, July 18, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 8
This day was busy. It started with the challenge of me being sleepy, groggy, moody, and itchy from this most aggravating sunburn. I didn't know how today would go, but I knew that I needed to pray about it or satan could have a hay day with this Jesus girl. I began to pray and tell God that I was tired, worn out, itchy, moody, and I needed HIS HELP to get through the day.
I hopped on the scale in anticipation of seeing how much weight I'd lost last week. The result. NODDA, ZILCH, ZERO. BUT GOD I said, I walked all those miles and really tried. His response, "You didn't gain the weight in one week and it won't go away in one week, be patient and wait on me." Just the answer I didn't want to hear, but I did ask....
Off to work I went and I began to feel more energy than usual, and the itch diminished significantly! The customers were happy and all was well. I headed home thankful for the day. I knew though I hadn't had my walk this morning. SO, I walked in and decided to go for my 2.2 mile walk this evening.
On the first leg of the trip I listened to music as usual, and the second leg I listened. I was one quarter of the way home when I heard God say, "You want to loose weight, well you need to do more than just the bare minimum of walking." I've only been walking 2.2 miles. Now, I'm not saying that's bad because that's me and God's time together. I believe I need to incorporate some crunches and other stuff in my exercise video as well as watch what I eat!" Garbage in, garbage out they say.
Last but not least after returning home from my walk I sat down for today's devotion. The title of it was, "What's Your Ninevah?" I began to read and understand that I have Ninevah. Something I feel God has told me to do but I'm running in the opposite direction of it. All of us have a Ninevah. We are a scared people and want to do the very opposite of what God tells us to do.
Tonight I want to challenge you to ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is my Ninevah?
2. When will I obey God and stop running?
Last but not least a quick recap of my first week of 90 Days with Jesus:
Weight Loss: ZERO
Miles Walked: 9 miles walked
Random acts of kindness: Numerous
Thank you for coming along on this journey! To God be the Glory great things HE is doing in my life!
I hopped on the scale in anticipation of seeing how much weight I'd lost last week. The result. NODDA, ZILCH, ZERO. BUT GOD I said, I walked all those miles and really tried. His response, "You didn't gain the weight in one week and it won't go away in one week, be patient and wait on me." Just the answer I didn't want to hear, but I did ask....
Off to work I went and I began to feel more energy than usual, and the itch diminished significantly! The customers were happy and all was well. I headed home thankful for the day. I knew though I hadn't had my walk this morning. SO, I walked in and decided to go for my 2.2 mile walk this evening.
On the first leg of the trip I listened to music as usual, and the second leg I listened. I was one quarter of the way home when I heard God say, "You want to loose weight, well you need to do more than just the bare minimum of walking." I've only been walking 2.2 miles. Now, I'm not saying that's bad because that's me and God's time together. I believe I need to incorporate some crunches and other stuff in my exercise video as well as watch what I eat!" Garbage in, garbage out they say.
Last but not least after returning home from my walk I sat down for today's devotion. The title of it was, "What's Your Ninevah?" I began to read and understand that I have Ninevah. Something I feel God has told me to do but I'm running in the opposite direction of it. All of us have a Ninevah. We are a scared people and want to do the very opposite of what God tells us to do.
Tonight I want to challenge you to ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is my Ninevah?
2. When will I obey God and stop running?
Last but not least a quick recap of my first week of 90 Days with Jesus:
Weight Loss: ZERO
Miles Walked: 9 miles walked
Random acts of kindness: Numerous
Thank you for coming along on this journey! To God be the Glory great things HE is doing in my life!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 7
Today was a day to worship God, learn more about Him and get some work done too. I learned a lot today about the book of Revelation in Sunday School. Oh how sweet our new eternal home will be. However, on the flip end, how sad it will be for those who don't accept Christ and die and go to Hell.
This afternoon I went to work. I like where I work and the people I work with! One of those people immediately makes my day when I see her. I won't give her proper name here to protect her identity, but she is in a leadership position of sorts! She's as humble as she can be and she just makes you feel so special every day. Who could ask for a better coworker than that?
Last but not least, this has been an amazing first week. There are many weeks to go, but I look forward to what God has to say to me. Tomorrow morning you'll find out if I lost any weight this past week!
Take care and I'll talk to you all during the week! Thanks for coming on this journey with me.
This afternoon I went to work. I like where I work and the people I work with! One of those people immediately makes my day when I see her. I won't give her proper name here to protect her identity, but she is in a leadership position of sorts! She's as humble as she can be and she just makes you feel so special every day. Who could ask for a better coworker than that?
Last but not least, this has been an amazing first week. There are many weeks to go, but I look forward to what God has to say to me. Tomorrow morning you'll find out if I lost any weight this past week!
Take care and I'll talk to you all during the week! Thanks for coming on this journey with me.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
90 Days with Jesus- Recap of Today
It's late, my body is tired, but my spirit is rejoicing! Today we had a great women's ministry meeting and watched God show off big time. He gave us ideas for our coming church year and we got excited!
I only walked 1 mile today. I felt like I needed to be careful since I'd had heat exhaustion yesterday and am not quite over it yet. However, I'm feeling so good physically! I don't miss salt, nor soda...The weight loss will come!
Last but not least, I"m really excited to attend worship at my church tomorrow! I haven't been in a couple of weeks due to work so Im super excited!
God bless you all! Thanks for reading and joining God and me on this journey!
In His Love,
I only walked 1 mile today. I felt like I needed to be careful since I'd had heat exhaustion yesterday and am not quite over it yet. However, I'm feeling so good physically! I don't miss salt, nor soda...The weight loss will come!
Last but not least, I"m really excited to attend worship at my church tomorrow! I haven't been in a couple of weeks due to work so Im super excited!
God bless you all! Thanks for reading and joining God and me on this journey!
In His Love,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 6 (Saturday)
It's a new day! I still feel tired and am in pain from the sun. Thank the Lord for Aloe Vera gel! It's helping along with some tylenol! Let me tell you a little something about me. I have a very low tolerance for pain, so this sunburn and heat exhaustion is highly uncomfortable.
What about you? Do you have a high or low tolerance for physical pain? What about spiritual pain? See some folks don't understand that God brings us through circumstances to teach us something. It might be tough times at home, work, everyday life, marriage. It's ALL a GOD thing. He is drawing people to themselves. The question is: HOW MUCH PAIN CAN YOU TAKE BEFORE YOU TURN TO GOD? This is exactly what the Holy Spirit spoke to me about on my walk this morning. People are in pain everywhere we look. Some is financial, others might be marital or job-related. God is trying to get people's attention. The question still remains, how much tolerance for pain can they stand before they give in and turn to Jesus the Answer to all of life's problems.
Today I challenge you to ask God to show Himself more clearly to you than ever before. That whatever pain you're going through that He will ease it and be your burden bearer this day!
Have a blessed day! Please tell your Christian friends about this blog! Who knows? They too might be uplifted by God's Holy Spirit. God sure is doing a work in this 5 ft woman!
In God's Love,
What about you? Do you have a high or low tolerance for physical pain? What about spiritual pain? See some folks don't understand that God brings us through circumstances to teach us something. It might be tough times at home, work, everyday life, marriage. It's ALL a GOD thing. He is drawing people to themselves. The question is: HOW MUCH PAIN CAN YOU TAKE BEFORE YOU TURN TO GOD? This is exactly what the Holy Spirit spoke to me about on my walk this morning. People are in pain everywhere we look. Some is financial, others might be marital or job-related. God is trying to get people's attention. The question still remains, how much tolerance for pain can they stand before they give in and turn to Jesus the Answer to all of life's problems.
Today I challenge you to ask God to show Himself more clearly to you than ever before. That whatever pain you're going through that He will ease it and be your burden bearer this day!
Have a blessed day! Please tell your Christian friends about this blog! Who knows? They too might be uplifted by God's Holy Spirit. God sure is doing a work in this 5 ft woman!
In God's Love,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 5 (July 15th)
I am blogging for yesterday. Yesterday I was in bed practically all day from heat exhaustion. It was no fun. Wore out, feeling bad, and no energy. Have you ever felt like that? What about spiritually? Have you not felt like going to church, Sunday School, or even walking across the street to tell a neighbor about Jesus?
I'm human. I've been there before too. Thank the Lord we have a Savior who has a solution for us when we are spiritually worn out. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 28:11-30.
The verses above deal with your spiritual weariness. What about physical weariness? Sometimes we get warning signs! The other day my best friend and I went to the pool. Before I left home I grabbed the sunscreen so I'd be properly protected. I didn't take time to look at the bottle I just grabbed it. Well, off to the pool we went for several hours. I got home and felt a little tired. Later that night we both had a church meeting. I got the chills in that church meeting and knew I was in trouble. I told Sharon I was cold and to see if I was real red. She said, " You're pink...but not overly red." I went home after the meeting really tired and went straight to bed. The next morning I couldn't get out of bed. WHAM...Like a brick wall. God had given me warning signs that I was wearing out even before I'd gone to the pool. Lack of energy, restless nights etc...I just didn't heed them and the result was a day in bed practically all day until I had to leave for work last night. So yesterday while in bed I heard God say. If you'd had read the bottle you would've known that the sunscreen wasn't the waterproof bottle. Sean (my husband) had put it away in another location.) If you'd drank more water you would've been properly hydrated. If you would've taken a nap over the past few days and taken your vitamins you wouldn't be in this shape. Oh this journey with God is sure teaching me 1 thing for sure. TOTAL RELIANCE ON HIM AND TO ALWAYS BE READY TO HEAR THAT STILL SMALL VOICE.
I ended up in bed last night by ten! I prayed and yep...right back to sleep.
Oh what a Savior!'
I'm human. I've been there before too. Thank the Lord we have a Savior who has a solution for us when we are spiritually worn out. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 28:11-30.
The verses above deal with your spiritual weariness. What about physical weariness? Sometimes we get warning signs! The other day my best friend and I went to the pool. Before I left home I grabbed the sunscreen so I'd be properly protected. I didn't take time to look at the bottle I just grabbed it. Well, off to the pool we went for several hours. I got home and felt a little tired. Later that night we both had a church meeting. I got the chills in that church meeting and knew I was in trouble. I told Sharon I was cold and to see if I was real red. She said, " You're pink...but not overly red." I went home after the meeting really tired and went straight to bed. The next morning I couldn't get out of bed. WHAM...Like a brick wall. God had given me warning signs that I was wearing out even before I'd gone to the pool. Lack of energy, restless nights etc...I just didn't heed them and the result was a day in bed practically all day until I had to leave for work last night. So yesterday while in bed I heard God say. If you'd had read the bottle you would've known that the sunscreen wasn't the waterproof bottle. Sean (my husband) had put it away in another location.) If you'd drank more water you would've been properly hydrated. If you would've taken a nap over the past few days and taken your vitamins you wouldn't be in this shape. Oh this journey with God is sure teaching me 1 thing for sure. TOTAL RELIANCE ON HIM AND TO ALWAYS BE READY TO HEAR THAT STILL SMALL VOICE.
I ended up in bed last night by ten! I prayed and yep...right back to sleep.
Oh what a Savior!'
Thursday, July 14, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-End of Day 4
Tonight I ponder in my mind what is the cost of discipleship? Recently my pastor, Rev. Bill Cashman, preached on that very subject matter. The disciples dropped what they were doing to follow Jesus. They gave up their very livelihoods. Complete surrender.
For me to follow Jesus is to completely give Him my everything. It means for me to trust Him 100% of the time with my life, job, finances, well-being, and everything about this life He has allowed me to be a part of. Discipleship requires obedience. It means being obedient to that still small voice even when my human nature says, but God how is....going to happen? Or how are you going to do this, or make this circumstance occur and work out alright. He doesn't require me to ask any questions of Him, however He does require me to Follow Him.
It's been 4 short days and I've still got 86 more days on this journey. He simply bid me Follow Him, and the beckoning of His Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in the true ways of being a Christian. It's He who is my Savior and Sustainer. No human on earth here provides that for me. Sure, I've got a husband who works hard but still GOD is our provision. Period! He is my protector! Just the other day I got news there'd been a shooting on my street. He puts guardian angels round about me as I go for my 2.2 mile walk every day. I'm simply saying JESUS is my source. It costs me time, lack of sleep, dedication and a little weariness to follow him. That pales in comparison to a rugged cross, no sleep at all, and taking on the sin of this world so that people can live in Heaven with Him.
A second question I want you to ask yourself....Am I willing to pay the price?!!! The reward will be Heavenly! Easy? Maybe not but when we get to Heaven great will be our reward just to simply be there and worship at the feet of the One who gave us everything.
Here's a small recap of the day:
2.2 miles walked
Time spent with Jesus
Time spent with my best friend at the pool
Went to church and got convicted by the HOly Spirit of God there too
HOme for dinner, time with my husband, and then bed.
Thank you Lord for this day! Thank you for this journey. Thank you for your still small voice that beckons me to simply Follow You. IN Jesus' Name I pray-AMEN
In God's Love,
For me to follow Jesus is to completely give Him my everything. It means for me to trust Him 100% of the time with my life, job, finances, well-being, and everything about this life He has allowed me to be a part of. Discipleship requires obedience. It means being obedient to that still small voice even when my human nature says, but God how is....going to happen? Or how are you going to do this, or make this circumstance occur and work out alright. He doesn't require me to ask any questions of Him, however He does require me to Follow Him.
It's been 4 short days and I've still got 86 more days on this journey. He simply bid me Follow Him, and the beckoning of His Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in the true ways of being a Christian. It's He who is my Savior and Sustainer. No human on earth here provides that for me. Sure, I've got a husband who works hard but still GOD is our provision. Period! He is my protector! Just the other day I got news there'd been a shooting on my street. He puts guardian angels round about me as I go for my 2.2 mile walk every day. I'm simply saying JESUS is my source. It costs me time, lack of sleep, dedication and a little weariness to follow him. That pales in comparison to a rugged cross, no sleep at all, and taking on the sin of this world so that people can live in Heaven with Him.
A second question I want you to ask yourself....Am I willing to pay the price?!!! The reward will be Heavenly! Easy? Maybe not but when we get to Heaven great will be our reward just to simply be there and worship at the feet of the One who gave us everything.
Here's a small recap of the day:
2.2 miles walked
Time spent with Jesus
Time spent with my best friend at the pool
Went to church and got convicted by the HOly Spirit of God there too
HOme for dinner, time with my husband, and then bed.
Thank you Lord for this day! Thank you for this journey. Thank you for your still small voice that beckons me to simply Follow You. IN Jesus' Name I pray-AMEN
In God's Love,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 4
It's a beautiful day here in Williamsburg, VA, and the weather is HOT too. My day started at 6:30 a.m. I was due at work for a quick meeting which meant....A CHANGE IN PLANS. I'd have to do my walk later than usual. Ok, I was good with that, then as I began my drive home I began to notice the heat, and the fact it was 9 a.m. and the fact that it was approaching the hottest part of the day. I was determined. I don't care if it's 900 degrees today I'm going to walk.
I parked my car, threw on my exercise clothes and at approximately 9:15 I went for my walk. This morning I popped in a piece of watermelon bubble gum in my mouth, threw my ipod on and started walking. I listened to a couple of songs. Then God said..."Jog some today." I thought are you kidding me, I'm so out of shape...I obeyed. I jogged some and walked some." I reached the 1.1 mile point(Queen's Lake Middle School) then I stretched and said a quick prayer before heading back.
This is always the part where I turn off all of the noise and simply listen. I got a little worried because I didn't hear much at first. Then I gum is loosing it's flavor...AND THEN GOD SPOKE. "Just like that bubble gum, Christians can loose their fervor for God. Just like when you blow a bubble, it's like the day I saved you. You're full of fervor, ready to serve and tell somebody about me. Now when the bubble pops it's like Satan stealing your joy, telling you that you really don't have to read your bible everyday or go to worship, or spend time with me. You loose your joy and fervor for serving me. Remember my word says, ""You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." Matthew 5:13
How's that for God speaking? He got my attention!
Here's a question for today: Have you lost your fervor/flavor for serving God?!!!
Today's Verse: Matthew 5:13
Have a blessed day!
In His love,
I parked my car, threw on my exercise clothes and at approximately 9:15 I went for my walk. This morning I popped in a piece of watermelon bubble gum in my mouth, threw my ipod on and started walking. I listened to a couple of songs. Then God said..."Jog some today." I thought are you kidding me, I'm so out of shape...I obeyed. I jogged some and walked some." I reached the 1.1 mile point(Queen's Lake Middle School) then I stretched and said a quick prayer before heading back.
This is always the part where I turn off all of the noise and simply listen. I got a little worried because I didn't hear much at first. Then I gum is loosing it's flavor...AND THEN GOD SPOKE. "Just like that bubble gum, Christians can loose their fervor for God. Just like when you blow a bubble, it's like the day I saved you. You're full of fervor, ready to serve and tell somebody about me. Now when the bubble pops it's like Satan stealing your joy, telling you that you really don't have to read your bible everyday or go to worship, or spend time with me. You loose your joy and fervor for serving me. Remember my word says, ""You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." Matthew 5:13
How's that for God speaking? He got my attention!
Here's a question for today: Have you lost your fervor/flavor for serving God?!!!
Today's Verse: Matthew 5:13
Have a blessed day!
In His love,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-End of Day 3
Tonight I find myself feeling incredibly blessed! I"m blessed with an amazing husband, a great job, wonderful people to work with, but most importantly a Savior who loves me unconditionally!
I am blessed to be able to have these 90 Days with Jesus. To rekindle my relationship with Him, to hear Him speak, and to radiate Him in all that I do!
Here"s a quick recap of today:
2.2 miles walked
1 random act of kindness
and lots of encouragement to those around me.
I pray that you've been blessed today!
In His love,
I am blessed to be able to have these 90 Days with Jesus. To rekindle my relationship with Him, to hear Him speak, and to radiate Him in all that I do!
Here"s a quick recap of today:
2.2 miles walked
1 random act of kindness
and lots of encouragement to those around me.
I pray that you've been blessed today!
In His love,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 3
My night last night was looong. I couldn't wind down from work and then after I did wind down I couldn't find my comfortable spot for sleeping. Then if it couldn't get any worse, right when I was ready to doze off, my husband Sean stirred and that was the end of that. Practically no sleep.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnng went the alarm at 6:15 to wake Sean up. I'd just finally dozed off and now the alarm. I could just sleep in this morning and walk tomorrow morning. I"m tired and sleepy. Then came that still small voice again. "I never sleep nor do I slumber, GET UP ALICIA." Powerful huh?!
I got up put on my exercise clothes, grabbed my ipod and headed out. The sequence of songs I heard on my walk this morning I couldn't have done that if I tried: The came in the following order;
1. Awesome in this Place-Kathy Triccoli
2. Your grace flows down and covers me
3. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus-instrumental
4. Preach the Word-Gold City
5. Touch your people once again-Steve Green
The message in those songs were for ME today. I needed to be reminded today of just how much God loves me and how His grace and mercy sustain me everyday. Yes, tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. I got quite choked up during your grace flows down and covers me. God painted me a true picture of what Calvary was like. He said, "You say your tired today. Well, I had been up all day and night going from trial to trial. I was beaten, battered, and bruised. Then there was the cross I had to carry. You have a nice paved road, the road I trod on crucifixion day was dusty, rocky, and rough. I hold you in my hand so that you don't stumble. You have a place to rest at night but the Son of man has no place to rest His head. I've saved you from Hell. So, why not tell others about me? Stop complaining and start praising instead!"
There was no tree big enough to hide behind and there were no holes to climb in. That still small voice of God is powerful and if we will simply be still HE will speak to us!
So here's a question for you today: When is the last time you told somebody about Jesus?
In His Love,
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnng went the alarm at 6:15 to wake Sean up. I'd just finally dozed off and now the alarm. I could just sleep in this morning and walk tomorrow morning. I"m tired and sleepy. Then came that still small voice again. "I never sleep nor do I slumber, GET UP ALICIA." Powerful huh?!
I got up put on my exercise clothes, grabbed my ipod and headed out. The sequence of songs I heard on my walk this morning I couldn't have done that if I tried: The came in the following order;
1. Awesome in this Place-Kathy Triccoli
2. Your grace flows down and covers me
3. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus-instrumental
4. Preach the Word-Gold City
5. Touch your people once again-Steve Green
The message in those songs were for ME today. I needed to be reminded today of just how much God loves me and how His grace and mercy sustain me everyday. Yes, tis so sweet to trust in Jesus. I got quite choked up during your grace flows down and covers me. God painted me a true picture of what Calvary was like. He said, "You say your tired today. Well, I had been up all day and night going from trial to trial. I was beaten, battered, and bruised. Then there was the cross I had to carry. You have a nice paved road, the road I trod on crucifixion day was dusty, rocky, and rough. I hold you in my hand so that you don't stumble. You have a place to rest at night but the Son of man has no place to rest His head. I've saved you from Hell. So, why not tell others about me? Stop complaining and start praising instead!"
There was no tree big enough to hide behind and there were no holes to climb in. That still small voice of God is powerful and if we will simply be still HE will speak to us!
So here's a question for you today: When is the last time you told somebody about Jesus?
In His Love,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-End of Day 2
The hour is late, my body is tired, but my spirit is renewed! Spending time with Jesus today has really been refreshing! Why didn't I do this sooner? Timing...It's all about God's timing and that still small voice that is so powerful.
Here's a quick recap of today:
2.2 miles walked=approximately 25ish miles left to walk
1 random act of kindness
1 hour spent with Jesus
Truly refreshing! My cup runneth over. Here's a question for you to ponder tonight...When is the last time you truly spent quality time with Jesus?
Good night!
Amazed by His grace,
Here's a quick recap of today:
2.2 miles walked=approximately 25ish miles left to walk
1 random act of kindness
1 hour spent with Jesus
Truly refreshing! My cup runneth over. Here's a question for you to ponder tonight...When is the last time you truly spent quality time with Jesus?
Good night!
Amazed by His grace,
90 Days with Jesus-Morning 2
This morning as I rose and placed my two feet on the floor, I was reminded of my shin splints. An instantaneous reminder of the fact that I was out of shape. I quickly got on my exercise clothes and out the door I went. I know these 90 Days aren't going to be easy. There'll be many days that my body won't want to cooperate, but my mind and will must cooperate too along with the prompting from that still small voice called the Holy Spirit!
On this morning's walk I didn't have my phone with music on it. I had no noise making device with me. As I began to walk I began to pray for my neighbors, the firemen/EMT's down the street from me. I prayed that this day that God would bless them! My prayer continued, then I said Amen. This was the tough part. YEP...Listening time. I don't mean like 2 minutes of listening. I had 15-20 minutes of listening. Here's what I heard the Holy Spirit of God say to me this morning: "Just like you're physically out of shape, you are spiritually out of shape too. You can fill your body with Soda, junk, and other various foods to keep that energy going. You can bandage up your wounds, soak your legs in a hot tub to sooth the pain from your shin splints, but none of that will fix your spiritual condition. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11). You need to read my Word Daily, it will protect you and guide you. Talk to me daily I long to tell you much more about how to truly get to know Me. Spend time in worship at church, it's where you can also meet with me. Then keep telling others about me. It's what I've told you to do anyways, what are you waiting for?"
How's that for an encounter with God? Yep, humbling. So, now it's time for me to not only get in physical shape but also in spiritual shape! Here's a question to ask yourself today...Are you Spiritually Fit?!! Why not talk to God about this? Have a walk, and talk with him or go sit in a chair and just spend time with Him. Let me tell you, that still small voice is POWERFUL! Oh what a Savior!
Today is a day of celebration! Today is the inspiration (after of course the Holy Spirit's prompting) behind the 90 days with Jesus! Today is my mom's 90th birthday. Just a month or so ago we weren't sure she was going to live, but here she is, still alive and Oh how thankful I am! I got to thinking about mom a little too on my walk. Mom walks with a walker, has assistance with some of her daily activities of living, and is now legally blind. She doesn't always feel good but her attitude is great. She gets up and keeps on keeping on in her one bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility in Alexandria, LA. So, Happy Birthday MOM! I LOVE YOU!
I'll send another blog this evening when I get home!
In His Love,
On this morning's walk I didn't have my phone with music on it. I had no noise making device with me. As I began to walk I began to pray for my neighbors, the firemen/EMT's down the street from me. I prayed that this day that God would bless them! My prayer continued, then I said Amen. This was the tough part. YEP...Listening time. I don't mean like 2 minutes of listening. I had 15-20 minutes of listening. Here's what I heard the Holy Spirit of God say to me this morning: "Just like you're physically out of shape, you are spiritually out of shape too. You can fill your body with Soda, junk, and other various foods to keep that energy going. You can bandage up your wounds, soak your legs in a hot tub to sooth the pain from your shin splints, but none of that will fix your spiritual condition. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11). You need to read my Word Daily, it will protect you and guide you. Talk to me daily I long to tell you much more about how to truly get to know Me. Spend time in worship at church, it's where you can also meet with me. Then keep telling others about me. It's what I've told you to do anyways, what are you waiting for?"
How's that for an encounter with God? Yep, humbling. So, now it's time for me to not only get in physical shape but also in spiritual shape! Here's a question to ask yourself today...Are you Spiritually Fit?!! Why not talk to God about this? Have a walk, and talk with him or go sit in a chair and just spend time with Him. Let me tell you, that still small voice is POWERFUL! Oh what a Savior!
Today is a day of celebration! Today is the inspiration (after of course the Holy Spirit's prompting) behind the 90 days with Jesus! Today is my mom's 90th birthday. Just a month or so ago we weren't sure she was going to live, but here she is, still alive and Oh how thankful I am! I got to thinking about mom a little too on my walk. Mom walks with a walker, has assistance with some of her daily activities of living, and is now legally blind. She doesn't always feel good but her attitude is great. She gets up and keeps on keeping on in her one bedroom apartment in an assisted living facility in Alexandria, LA. So, Happy Birthday MOM! I LOVE YOU!
I'll send another blog this evening when I get home!
In His Love,
Monday, July 11, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-End of Day 1
It's the end of Day 1. This day I was reminded of just how great our God is! This morning I went on a walk that ended up being 2.2 miles. Praise and Worship music accompanied me on the walk this morning. I played Worthy of Worship on my phone as I walked. Our God is so worthy of all the praise, honor, and glory that we can give Him.
As I turned back around to head home I began to get weary. God quietly spoke and said, "Imagine what Jesus felt like carrying a cross all the way up to a hill called Golgatha." A lump set in my throat. I began to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice of His son Jesus. I made my way back home and cooled down with a bottle of water. Again, Jesus spoke, " This water you drink this morning will cause you to thirst again, but feast on my word and learn of me and I will fill you to overflowing." I was humbled. That still small voice that I had longed to hear began to speak. Oh what a Savior!
As I sipped on my bottle of water I read a devotion from the internet. The verse that accompanied it was, "To live is Christ and to die is gain." Phillippians 1:21. Everyday on this journey I must die to myself in order to live for Christ! It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Later I went to work. I did 2 random acts of kindness! I had the intention of doing it for strangers but on this day God led me to do something for two totally different coworkers! They were grateful! God must've smiled from ear to ear because on this day HE was glorified.
It's late now and I've had a long day, but the greatest thing about this day was my time with Jesus! I wouldn't trade it for the world! I can't wait to see what He has to say to me over the next 89 days! Come along and enjoy the journey with Jesus and me!
Recap of today:
Walked 2.2 miles (one way is 1.1 miles!)
2 random acts of Kindness
1.5 hours with Jesus
Amazed by my Lord,
As I turned back around to head home I began to get weary. God quietly spoke and said, "Imagine what Jesus felt like carrying a cross all the way up to a hill called Golgatha." A lump set in my throat. I began to thank God for the ultimate sacrifice of His son Jesus. I made my way back home and cooled down with a bottle of water. Again, Jesus spoke, " This water you drink this morning will cause you to thirst again, but feast on my word and learn of me and I will fill you to overflowing." I was humbled. That still small voice that I had longed to hear began to speak. Oh what a Savior!
As I sipped on my bottle of water I read a devotion from the internet. The verse that accompanied it was, "To live is Christ and to die is gain." Phillippians 1:21. Everyday on this journey I must die to myself in order to live for Christ! It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Later I went to work. I did 2 random acts of kindness! I had the intention of doing it for strangers but on this day God led me to do something for two totally different coworkers! They were grateful! God must've smiled from ear to ear because on this day HE was glorified.
It's late now and I've had a long day, but the greatest thing about this day was my time with Jesus! I wouldn't trade it for the world! I can't wait to see what He has to say to me over the next 89 days! Come along and enjoy the journey with Jesus and me!
Recap of today:
Walked 2.2 miles (one way is 1.1 miles!)
2 random acts of Kindness
1.5 hours with Jesus
Amazed by my Lord,
90 Days with Jesus
This journey that I'm about to embark on will not be easy. Why? Because I will have to get out of my comfort zone and do it GOD'S way not mine. My body will get tired because on top of this journey I'll be working my full-time job, doing my wifely duties, and other responsibilities I have as a person. Everyday I'll share with you a verse God gave me.
Today's verse: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillippians 4:13. It will be Christ who leads me, speaks to me, allows me to loose 30 lbs. It will be through HIS strength that I am able to keep going on days when my mind and body really don't want to cooperate. During these 90 days I covet your prayers.
Here are the goals that God has given me to reach over 90 days:
1. To be Jesus hands and feet to 30 different people who are not expecting it. I.e. random actos of kindness to strangers. (I promise to be careful and be smart about this!)
2. To loose 30 lbs. I need to take better care of this temple God has given me called a body!
3. To walk 30 miles! Yep you got it right. 30 miles.
4. Last but not least at all. TO BECOME CLOSER TO JESUS THAN I EVER HAVE BEFORE. Through 30 minutes to an hour of bible reading, prayer, and at least 30 minutes of listening.
I covet your prayers during these next 90 days! Whatever happens...TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
You'll get another post from me later tonight after I get off of work!
In His Grip,
Today's verse: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillippians 4:13. It will be Christ who leads me, speaks to me, allows me to loose 30 lbs. It will be through HIS strength that I am able to keep going on days when my mind and body really don't want to cooperate. During these 90 days I covet your prayers.
Here are the goals that God has given me to reach over 90 days:
1. To be Jesus hands and feet to 30 different people who are not expecting it. I.e. random actos of kindness to strangers. (I promise to be careful and be smart about this!)
2. To loose 30 lbs. I need to take better care of this temple God has given me called a body!
3. To walk 30 miles! Yep you got it right. 30 miles.
4. Last but not least at all. TO BECOME CLOSER TO JESUS THAN I EVER HAVE BEFORE. Through 30 minutes to an hour of bible reading, prayer, and at least 30 minutes of listening.
I covet your prayers during these next 90 days! Whatever happens...TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
You'll get another post from me later tonight after I get off of work!
In His Grip,
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