Monday, July 11, 2011

90 Days with Jesus

This journey that I'm about to embark on will not be easy. Why? Because I will have to get out of my comfort zone and do it GOD'S way not mine. My body will get tired because on top of this journey I'll be working my full-time job, doing my wifely duties, and other responsibilities I have as a person. Everyday I'll share with you a verse God gave me.

Today's verse: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillippians 4:13. It will be Christ who leads me, speaks to me, allows me to loose 30 lbs. It will be through HIS strength that I am able to keep going on days when my mind and body really don't want to cooperate. During these 90 days I covet your prayers.

Here are the goals that God has given me to reach over 90 days:

1. To be Jesus hands and feet to 30 different people who are not expecting it. I.e. random actos of kindness to strangers. (I promise to be careful and be smart about this!)

2. To loose 30 lbs. I need to take better care of this temple God has given me called a body!

3. To walk 30 miles! Yep you got it right. 30 miles.

4. Last but not least at all. TO BECOME CLOSER TO JESUS THAN I EVER HAVE BEFORE. Through 30 minutes to an hour of bible reading, prayer, and at least 30 minutes of listening.

I covet your prayers during these next 90 days! Whatever happens...TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

You'll get another post from me later tonight after I get off of work!

In His Grip,

1 comment:

  1. Alicia - I am so blessed to have been introduced to you (thank you, Sharon!). Your heart for God is such an inspiration to me. I'll be praying for you as you journey through the next 90 days. I just KNOW God is going to BLESS you!
