Friday, July 29, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 19

They say that it takes 21 days to make something a habit. If that's the case I'm 2 days away from this being a habit and a good one at that in my life. The walks with Jesus are simply amazing. The way He talks, His still small voice that reminds me that He desires to talk with me daily, not out of habit but out of a desire to sincerely know Him more!

This morning I was out by 6 a.m. walking. NO traffic and there was hardly light out. However, I took to the street as I always do toting my ever faithful ipod along! I tell you something, music has a way of touching the soul.

Remember when I told you about the fact it takes 21 days to make a habit? Well, for several days in a row I've heard a song or two every morning. Today the song by Sandi Patty falling foward is what comes to mind. God told me I should make that my Theme song for the 90 Days with Jesus. Step by Step, mile by mile, it doesn't matter if I stumble or fall on that day it just matters that I"m falling forward into the arms of Jesus. I"m getting to know who He is, worshiping Him in Spirit and truth and I cherish these days with him! He's so real to me! It's like He's holding my hand and saying, "Let's go for a walk and talk about our relationship together and how it can improve even more!" Oh what a Savior! He is so worthy of all the worship and Praise!

Today I would like to ask you the following question:

1. What habit in your life do you need to change? Is spending time with JEsus daily one of them?

GOd bless you as you serve Him today.

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