This morning my best friend Sharon and I went walking in beautiful Colonial Williamsburg (CW). It's a place full of history. People are dressed in Historical regalia and merchants line the streets with souvenirs. It's a reminder of our Nation's History and our founding fore fathers. Truly beautiful!
At first when I agreed we'd go walking I thought, but this isn't my normal routine for walking. There willl be no power walking, and we're bringing along Zoe (Sharon's precious dog!). In the midst of the bustle of the business of CW would I be able to hear Him speak? I didn't know but what I do know now is How powerfully God did speak during our walk.
Here is just how powerfully He spoke. "This place is full of History; a reminder of the forefathers of this great land. I am the creator of it all, the Alpha and Omega the first and the last. I am the ultimate History maker. People need to have an eternal history with me or the result will not be great. As the people stand in charachter in Historical garb, what is your character? Is what people see on the outside the real you? Can they see me through you? You need to tell them that I can change their eternal History." Now...How's that for hearing from God?!!
Sometimes God needs to give us a change of scenery to talk to us! I'm so glad He changed the scenery for me today! I"m glad He allowed me to spend time with my best friend and her dog! We agreed to walk again in CW on another day!
Here's a couple of questions for you to answer today:
1. When is the last time you told somebody that Jesus could change their eternal History?
2. Can others see the Character of Jesus in you?
May God bless you today and always.
In His love,
May God bless you today and always.
In His love,
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