Monday, October 3, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 84 (Sunday's Blog)

It's day 84 and I am all to aware that my Christian walk is constantly under a microscope by those who don't believe, and even by those who do believe in Christ! The other day I was talking to somebody about something and I said, "You need to stop doing thus and so..." The next words out of that person's mouth made me SHUDDER. He said in a slow tone "Hypo-crite."

You see it's not just on Sunday morning that people watch you..It's during the week and they are ready to point the finger at you just when you least expect it. It brings back the question: Does your walk match your talk?!!!! In my own life, I knew the same thing I got onto this guy for was the very thing to this day I struggle with. It was God's reminder to me that He's still working on me and that I need to be slow to correct others when I myself am still struggling. It's the thorn in my flesh that seems to just not want to go away. I'm reminded it of it every single time it rears it's ugly head. Satan himself knows what this thorn is and he loves to do everything he can to make sure it stays around.

However, there are two verses that I am using to help me combat this thorn in my flesh. The verse I will choose to share is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13. Please be aware though that this thorn is not illegal/immoral in it's nature. It's just a plain old sin that needs to GO AWAY.

Pruning by God isn't always comfortable. However, HE is teaching me to be more like Him and to live my life so that others can see Jesus in me, NOT JUST ON SUNDAY MORNING!

So, today I challenge you:

1. Be mindful of your actions and words because the world is watching and Satan knows what the thorn in your flesh is.


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