Comfort! We all like comfort! We don't want to be taken out of our comfort zones! God has chosen to take me outside of my comfort zone more times than not on this journey. Why? I believe to teach me to trust Him implicitly. He's moved me to talk to people I would've never probably spoken to on a normal day just because I passed them by. He's teaching me to follow His lead no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
Speaking of uncomfortable.....Sean and I are staying at the in-laws' house until our power comes back on. It's strange but my in-laws and I get along famously 98% of the time! You may be asking yourself...where is the discomfort? When Sean and I were married our first bed was a queen size canopy bed (no not the girly kind!) We kept it for all of a year and then we gave it to His parents for their extra bedroom. We got a KING size sleigh bed for our bedroom! Guess who is sleeping in that Queen Size bed? Yep. You got it. It is highly uncomfortable! Saturday night we ended up sleeping over there due to no power. Let me tell you, there was not much sleep that night because of the winds from Hurricane Irene, plus every time one of us moved the bed made a squeaky sound....HIGHLY uncomfortable. I thought...How did we EVER manage to sleep in this thing when we first got married?! Guess what?! I get to sleep in that same LOVELy bed again tonight....
Today I challenge you to not doubt God when He takes you out of your comfort zone. Trust me, I'm sure you're as uncomfortable as me due to no power, closeness of people, maybe being in a strange house etc, but when it comes to God HE knows what He's doing! Be safe and I pray that you and your family are safe throughout this storm. Hang in there!
Love in Christ,
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