It's day 70! On this night I thought I would share with you where I am on the goals for this journey. Originally I stated I wanted to:
1. Walk 30 miles
2. Loose 30 lbs
3. Do 30 Random Acts of kindness.
4. Have a closer walk with Jesus
Well the 1st and the 3rd and 4th are done! The weight loss thing...We're still working on that with a lot more ferver! It will come. My mom celebreted her 90th birthday (thus where I got the 90 days from as well!) The most important of those is the closer walk with Jesus! When I look back at this journey to this point I am reminded that God has carried me! We've had good days, wild days, valley days, but most importantly every day has been Hand in Hand with Jesus!
Some of the most precious moments have been on morning walks where I start the walk praying and then listening to music, but on the way home it's all listening. Oh the things my Heavenly Father has had to say to me. Good and bad, it's been worth it's weight in gold and then some! I love hearing His still small voice speak to me. I love spending time with Him. It's to the point now where I just can't get enough of Jesus! I've fallen in love with Jesus all over again!
I'd like to share with you from God's Holy Word tonight about a familiar story where a son strayed from His father. You know it as the Prodigal Son. My Pastor preached on it this morning matter of fact. However, you could call it the Prodigal Christian, the Prodigal Daughter, or son depending on if you're male/female etc. I was the Prodigal Daughter at the beginning of this journey. I had strayed away from what I knew was right and wrong. I didn't spend any time with Jesus and I was trying to do it my own way. Well, let's just say that didn't work so well, so I decided to go back HOME to my HEavenly Father and get right with Him! Oh the fellowship is so sweet! He welcomed me back with open arms and now I am basking in His grace, love and mercy that sustain me every single day! Oh what a journey and Oh what a Savior!!!
So, tonight I'd like to ask you:
1. Are you a prodigal?!!!
Also, I'd like to tell you:
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
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