This day is young! I rose at 5:30 due to my cough and my dogs barking. Honestly, I'd not planned on rising that early, but God had different plans! You see each new day God gives us is precious! The big question I'd like to ask you is, What will you do with Jesus today? Will you make a difference in the lives of others?!!!
God will present all of us with opportunities to share Him and His love with others. How will He choose to do that?!!! Maybe somebody needs a hug or a listening shoulder, a homeless person needs foods, a friend needs a ride somewhere. The bigger question is: How will we respond to those opportunities? I know in my own life sometimes God can throw opportunity right in my lap at the most inconvenient time for me. God never promised me that ministry would be easy or convenient. He puts us all in places of discomfort so that He can get the glory. Remember the night when Jesus and His disciples were on the water and the huge storm came?!!! Pretty uncomfortable with all that wind and a boat rocking! The most important thing about that night was when they went to the source who could calm the storm things became calm again!
So, today I would like to challenge you to:
1. Use every opportunity that God presents you with to point them to the ONE who can speak peace in the midst of their storm!
God bless you!
Alicia Roark
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