Tonight my cup runneth over! God has filled me to overflowing on this day! Why? Because every day I fall more and more in love with Jesus and my relationship with Him. Oh my friend this is such a beautiful place to be. Walking and talking with Jesus daily, digging deep into His Word and letting that still small voice speak so powerfully....Oh How I love being on the Mountain with Jesus!
Here's the most profound thing I've learned to date: If I'm going to spend time with Jesus, I must cut off the noise. What does it accomplish? It gets me to focus on Him and what He is saying to me. I can talk to him, cast my burdens upon Him, Praise Him, but most importantly listen to Him. He seems to always speak His Word to me. I've only heard Him speak otherwise one other time, but still it was based on scripture.
Today I spent time over coffee with a friend talking about Jesus and the power of His Word, I've seen somebody be Jesus to me today at work, and I've gotten to share Jesus with somebody today too. He's everything to me. He means more to me than my job, family, or friends. He's my Savior and I want to do all that I can to learn more of my amazing Savior whose grace amazes me every single day.
So here's a question for you:
1. Are you falling more in love with Jesus every single day?
Amazed by His Grace,
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