As I read my devotion this morning God brought me back to a familiar scripture that reminded me of a place I was about 2 years. You see I was in this deep dark pit called depression. There were no comforting words to get me out of that place and it seemed so dark and dreary.
I can remember one day opening up my Bible and reading Psalm 40:1-3. I read it and thought what a nice verse but I"m in the midst of depression what can that verse do for me? Little did I know that would become the verse that God would use to show me where He brought me from.
One thing I can remember ever so vividly during that time is that satan the accuser was there to visit me everyday and remind me of my past sin, how I wasn't good enough, and that nobody would ever love me. He would whisper in my ear day after day....BUT THEN......
One Summer day I was visiting my friend Marge. I said to her, "Hey Marge, there's this VBS for women at the Ferguson Center. There's this chick that's gonna preach and I think there might be music. You wanna go? She said, "Well, I don't have any plans and I feel great today...Sure, let's go." So, we headed down that way and got to the Ferguson Center. We walked in and I saw all kind of women and they were happy and smiling! Time came for us to enter into the Ferguson Center seating area. We sat towards the back. The music began and it was nice and the songs were great. Then time for the sermon. The theme for the 3 days was "Crossing Over from mediocrity to more in Christ." I can remember just sitting listening. I was familiar with the passage of scriptures used but had never heard it presented quite like that. OH BUT THEN.....There was this skit called "Room At your Table." It talks about room at Jesus' table and how it doesn't matter what kind of excuses you bring Him, there's always room for one more." The tears began to flow...I couldn't stop crying. That skit was for ME. God gently whispered, "It's time to cross over Alicia. It's time to come back and sit at my table. It doesn't matter what the devil has said to you, you are precious, it doesn't matter how much straying you've done, and it doesn't matter what others have said to you....YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT MY TABLE. It's time to cross over from Depression to Dancing." I felt God lift the weight of depression off of me that night and I've never been the same.
So on this 61st day of the journey I'm so glad that God has planted my feet on solid ground, and established my goings! He is my Rock! He is my firm foundation and it's in Him I am still crossing over, being transformed and becoming more like Him! Thank you Lord!
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