On this 65th day of the journey I wish to share with you how God's Holy Word can work in the life of a Christian who earnestly seeks after Him! When I began this journey I was a Christian living in a dry and desert land. There was no Bible reading, going to church was a chore, and praying was something I did in the morning and most of the time it was haphazardly done. Sounds dull and boring huh?!!!
Well, on this 65th day my relationship with Jesus is like a well spring overflowing with love for God and His Word and His people! It's amazing what God is doing in my life. He's showing me that the more time I spend with Him the more He'll tell me and show me. It just makes sense! This journey hasn't been done alone! I've taken God with me and it seems I've got at least 8 followers that have signed up to read this blog daily. There are some who read it who didn't sign up. To all of you, I am truly grateful for your words of encouragement, love, and support!
Speaking of God's Word, I am in the midst of learning to memorize God's Word! It's not an easy task, but I"m excited about it. Think about on the days you have a horrible situation occur, what if you were able to recount a verse that you'd memorized to send the ol' devil packing?!!! Here, let me show ya! Right now I"m in Psalms 56:11-12. It says, "I trust in God, why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? V.12. I will fullfill my vows to you oh God and offer up a sacrifice of praise for your help." Yes, I typed it without looking! How am I going about this?
I"m glad you asked! My brand new friend and Bible Teacher Sharon Thomas of Established Footsteps encouraged me to start memorizing it at stop lights. Well, that would mean not taking the interstate everyday to work. So, I gave it a try yesterday! It worked like a charm! I found myself getting frustrated at green lights because I wanted to memorize both verses! Well, I had to go to work and then on my way home I decided I was gonna learn BOTH verses come what may. Guess what?!!! God allowed me to memorize those verses! I even looked ahead to verse 13! I felt sorry for verse 13. It's the last verse in that chapter and besides, it's like the 3rd verse of the Baptist Hymnal it' gets left out sometimes. I could hear it screaming from the page, OH OH OH MEMORIZE ME TOO...So, I started on it. I don't have it down pat yet but trust me by tomorrow night I will!
So, on this 65th night I'd like to challenge you to PUT YOUR BIBLE IN YOUR CAR and start memorizing God's Word with me! Anybody with me?!!!!
Love in Christ,
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