On this 69th day of the journey God has reminded me again about what is important! Sometimes the journey can get long and dreary and I get tired. Ministry is never part-time no matter how you slice that piece of cake. Jesus called you and me to serve others.
I was reading a devotion about Jesus and the disciples where He washed their feet. You want to talk about being a servant to somebody. Jesus was the prime example of what it was to be a servant. We as Christians are supposed to serve others.
Last year when I became the Women's Ministry Director and Sharon Gauthier became my co-director we became aware very quickly that our positions would require us to serve others. It would require our time, maybe some money, and lots of energy. We'd just taken on a role to serve other women and our first meeting as new Directors was up and coming.
In the weeks prior she and I met several times to figure out exactly what the first meeting would be like. We began to pray and God laid on our hearts that we had to be like servants. He gave us the story of Him washing the feet of the disciples. We weren't prepared for what was to come next. THEN GOD SPOKE..."I want you two ladies to wash the feet of all the women at the first meeting then you are to wash each others feet."
Questions began to roam in our minds. What if they say no? What if they make a big scene because it's nasty? God said to us, "Just do what I said." The first meeting came. Sharon and I had towels, a bucket of warm water with lots of washcloths and an empty bucket to put the dirty rag in after we finished each woman's feet. We played some light music and asked the ladies to remove their shoes. Sharon and I knelt down and one by one we began to wash the feet of the women we would serve over the year. What was their response?!!! There wasn't a dry eye in the building when we were done. It was the most humbling and moving experience ever. We all walked out of that building very different women than when we entered.
Everyday when you leave your house you hold a invisible bowl of water and a towel and washcloth. You too have been called to serve others and wash the feet of others. Do you even use the bowl and washcloth? Or do you ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God and carry out your day focused only on yourself and your circumstance?
Servanthood...It comes with a price.
Here are some questions for you tonight:
1. What lengths would you go to in order to become a servant?
2. Would it frustrate you if God called you to minister to somebody in the middle of your day when it was least convenient?!!!!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
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