On this day I am reminded by God to be patient. I am by my nature not a very patient person. I want it yesterday. If somebody tells me I need to talk to you at work, I hate that. I want them to talk to me right now. I want to know what they have to say to me. Then there's the ever famous saying, "We'll wait and see." Oh how my flesh hates to wait!
There's a couple of scenarios I've been waiting on God for to give me an answer as to what He wants me to do. He's being very quiet about it. He's given me small hints but there are no Big flags or flashing lights to tell me where He is leading me. I want to know. Why? Because I want to be in the center of His will and nowhere else. This is of the utmost importance to me. Before I wanted that but my actions didn't speak that way. His will is far better than my own flesh and my desire.
Over in the book of Psalm it says, "Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes." (New American Standard Bible). So, here I am trying to be patient. He has a plan and an answer to the prayers I've prayed. He's heard all along but He wants me to wait for HIS timing not mine.
Today I want to ask you:
1. Are you a patient person?
2. Are you resting in the Lord waiting patiently for HIm to speak to your heart?!!!
God bless you! Thanks for journeying along with Jesus and me!
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