As I woke up this morning I was excited about Sunday School because we're talking about Heaven in the book of Revelation. I arrived and all seemed well! Sunday School came and went! Yes!!! It was great speaking and learning of Heaven! Joy flooded my soul and I was reminded once more that one day when God calls me home to be with Him, it will be such a glorious day!
Then, into worship I went. The singing was nice and the fellowship was great. My Pastor began the sermon. WHAM...Right between the eyes. CONVICTION...RIGHT TO THE VERY CORE OF ME...I'd been seeking God on a few things in my life. In one particular circumstance I'd been praying about how to be able to give to a specific cause that I wanted to give to. He began to speak so loudly that I got bad uncomfortable. I said, "Lord, I wanted you to make it abundantly clear as to what your answer was." His response: "How much more clearer did I have to make it? I put the answer in front of you multiple times. I gave it to you on the internet, I gave it to you at work and HERE IT IS IN THIS SERMON. JUST obey me." So, there I sat in a hard wooden pew feeling VERY CONVICTED.
There was just one thing left to do. I had to be obedient. So, starting tomorrow I'll be becoming very obedient to the cause of Christ and giving to a specific cause after my husband and I tithe. Why did it take so long?!!! Because I was so hard headed and I didn't want to hear it!
So, the question for you today is:
1. When is the last time you felt convicted over something God said to you?
2. HOw big a picture does He have to paint before you respond in obedience?!!!
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