Tuesday, August 9, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 30

I am 1/3 of the way finished with this journey! It's just been a month and when I tell you that I've experienced Christ in all of His fullness I tell you the truth! He walks with me and talks with me. It's a closeness that I don't ever want to loose. He's my Savior and I simply love Him!

You see His mercy's are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). I don't know about you my friend but that blows me away. He keeps loving, and forgiving and wooing me closer and closer to Him. Oh what a Savior He is! Yesterday I fasted and prayed all day with my friend Rebecca. At first I have to admit the first thing I thought of was, "Oh no, what am I going to do when I get hungry." I was more worried about my physical body's reaction to a lack of food than I was about the spiritual experience. Oh how that changed though. I kept waiting for hunger to hit me. I waited, and waited....It came only at about 9 p.m. last night. I heard God whisper, "I AM the one who fills you up."

The 9 o'clock hour came and temptation began to set in. I texted my friend Rebecca and she said she wasn't hungry. Guess what else she said to me, "Don't let the enemy win." AH HA...THERE HE WAS THE DEVIL TRYING TO TEMPT ME IN MY WEAKEST HOUR. God quietly reminded me right then about Satan trying to tempt Him with the stones and asking Him to turn them into bread. The devil is sly and he doesn't mind tempting you. He knows what your hot buttons are and he will push them until you give in. However, I prayed and went to bed and read some and fell asleep. HA! The devil looses again! I sent that ol' devil packin' in Jesus' Name and he fled and his stupid little demons too! YOu see that whole Armour of God does work! Try it on! Satan was FURIOUS with me last night! HAHAHAAHAHAHAh

This morning I woke and expected to be bent over in hunger. Guess what?!! I wasn't even hungry. I ate 3 bites and couldn't take in any more. That my friend is a God thing! He's my sustainer and guide and my strength in the midst of every storm!

So on this 30th day of the 90 day journey I want you to ponder the following question:

1. What do I do when Satan tempts me? Do I give in or do I go to the Savior who is the ultimate source to send the Devil packin?

It is my sincerest prayer on this day that God will bless the path(s) you trod and that He will keep you in perfect peace this day! Please know that you are loved!


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