Monday, August 15, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 36

It's day 36! I cannot tell you how great the anticipation is for what God has to say to me every day. What is He going to say? How am I going to respond? Questions fill my mind and I am always grateful for the time Jesus and I spend together!

This morning I got a later start than usual. Instead of walking first I did my devotion first. Today's devotion was about prayer and how we use little "holy catch phrases" in our prayers. We've all been guilty of doing that. Why? We mimick/copy what we hear others pray. I don't know about you but I used to think/feel if I didn't pray those prayers like that, that God didn't hear my prayer as well. Well, let me help you with that...THAT's a LIE straight from the pits of Hell. God just wants to hear from you! He wants you to talk with him just like you would your best friend. He's not so concerned with our little catch phrases. He's interested in the content of our hearts when we pray to Him!

During this morning's walk back home I began to pray and talk to God. I said to God, it's amazing that you don't get tired of hearing from me. Everyday I ask you for a couple of things specifically without fail. His response, "I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5). He's right! Without Him I can't do anything. He's my source!

Today I'm attaching a video from Tim Hawkins that will give you a great laugh on our little catch phrases of prayer! Enjoy!

So, today I would like to leave you with one question:

1. When is the last time you talked to Jesus just like a friend in the same room with you?

1 comment:

  1. Message is great. Tim's videos at the end were fantastic. Nothing like laughing at ourselves in truthful situations.
