Tuesday, August 16, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 37


It's been an interesting day today. I didn't get to walk this morning due to a lot of stuff I needed to do. However, today all day God has been speaking to me about Friendship. I thought why would you be speaking to me about Friendship today? I thought, well I think I'm a good friend or at least I hope so!

After all of my wifely duties, house cleaning, sending emails and errand running I got setteled down enough to read a devotion. Guess what the title was about? Yep...Friendship! Well now I know why! You see I"m a person that when I make a new friend or acquaintance I'm either all in or very hesitant. Currently, I have a new acquaintance but I think I came on a little strong. I didn't mean to, but I have decided to back off for a bit. I'll be nice and cordial but I need to make sure that I don't turn the person off. See, one of the characteristics God gave me was love. When I love, I love hard and deep and I pour myself into relationships. I love making new friends.

Also, I remember being hurt by friends before too. In my young life and in my adult life. However, forgiveness is divine and God can turn any friendship around! Trust me, He turned around a friendship that I thought was completely over. So, tonight God wanted to remind me that He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother! When I feel let down by a friend, or am having trouble with building relationships with new friends/acquaintances that He will be my guide! During these 90 Days He's the kind of friend to have!

So, tonight I would like to ask you the following question:

1. Do you make friends easily or are you hesitant because of past hurts?!!


  1. depends on the person. but I am glad you are my friend. thanks.

  2. You're an angel of a person Sharon....GOd has blessed me with an amazing Best Friend! You are such a blessing in my world!

    Love ya!
