Sunday, October 9, 2011
90 Days with Jesus- DAY 90!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Saturday's blog)
It's day 90! I'm dancing for Joy! I"m celebrating the goodness of God! I"m celebrating my relationship with Him and every mile of this incredible journey! I'm far better off today than when Jesus and I began this journey! He's so precious to me!
Now, you might be wondering where do I go from here?!!! Well, the journey continues, just under a different name and it will be done only once a week! It won't be a daily blog like this has been. It will be called Beyond Sunday Morning: Does your Walk match your Talk?! It will be scripturally based and sound. It will challenge us all to dig deep and have a look at our Christian Character! We might all get convicted, OK we will get convicted because that's how the Holy Spirit works, but it's not so bad to be pruned by God! Trust me!
I want to take the time to sincerely say thank you to all of you who have followed this blog and taken the time to read about what God is doing in my life! I appreciate you, but most importantly TO GOD BE THE GLORY! I love you all so much! If you were in this room with me I'd give you all a big hug!
Thank you King Jesus for this amazing journey! Your promises never fail, your mercies are new each morning! You've turned my mourning into dancing, and have given me a brand new song to sing! Thank you for your unfailing love! I am truly grateful to be called your child. Tonight I humbly bow at your throne and say I LOVE YOU.
Last but not least, THERE IS STILL ONE FINAL RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS THAT WILL PLAY ITSELF OUT THIS WEEK AND NEXT PROBABLY! So to all of you who are participating in that effort THANK YOU and for those of you who've prayed! Thank you!
May God bless you richly. May He give you grace for every moment, peace for every trial, and most importantly may you experience HIS UNFAILING LOVE!
A very humbled,
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-DAY 89 (Friday's blog)
I"m so excited!!!! This day has gone AMAZING! My best friend Sharon and I are in beautiful Lynchburg for a Christian Women's retreat! The weather is perfect, the sun is shining and I've been with THOUSANDS of my sister girls praising Jesus tonight!!!! The conference is put on by Extraordinary Women! You can visit their site at
The view all the way up was beautiful! It was like God had painted that picture just for us! It was wonderful watching God show off with His paintbrush! So the place where we are staying is called The Master's Inn. Sharon's son James hooked us up!!! The view from outside our cabin is breath taking! It's a beautiful lake! Again, just another reminder of God's splendor!
Tonight at the conference we heard Franchesca Battesteli...She's good, and Jeremy Camp.. We didn't stay for Jeremy Camp because we were too tuckered out....The worship leader Michael O'Brien is AWESOME!!!!! Man can he sing!!! He's cute too!
On this 89th night I just want to thank God for the opportunity to spend the final 2 days of this journey worshiping Him! I couldn't ask for more!
God bless you!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 88 (Thursday)
This day can be best described as crazy, busy, and very circus-like! No, I am not the star of this circus either!!! You see today I had a plan. I had it all planned out to go to work and then come home and pack. I was going to be home at 6:30ish. During my work shift I was going to do some coaching and training, sign folks up for credit cards, call the American Red Cross to inquire about the flyers, and then come home. Did the day happen like that?!! NO...A resounding no. It went all backwards because there was a donation I'd forgotten we'd agreed to give. It took 1.5 hours of my day due to snags along the way. Then when I was done with that, hunger over took me so I took 15 minutes to throw down something then back on the floor. I thought, ok...I can accomplish something today. Well, the day ended up with me working til 7 due to no flyers and me having to make some and our technology just didn't want to cooperate. I became bummed and frustrated, then God reminded me I'll be leaving for a 3 day weekend Women's Retreat!
You see our best laid out plans can sometimes get interrupted. But on this night I"m so glad that there is a higher plan that God has for me and His plan is to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future! Now that kind of plan I can live with!!!!! (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
So, when is the last time you had your best laid out plans go haywire on you and get interrupted?!!!
So thankful tomorrow is on it's way...I gotta roll...Time to pack..
In His Grip,
You see our best laid out plans can sometimes get interrupted. But on this night I"m so glad that there is a higher plan that God has for me and His plan is to prosper me and to give me a hope and a future! Now that kind of plan I can live with!!!!! (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
So, when is the last time you had your best laid out plans go haywire on you and get interrupted?!!!
So thankful tomorrow is on it's way...I gotta roll...Time to pack..
In His Grip,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 87 (Wednesday)
I can't believe there are just 3 more days to this amazing journey! Time has flown by quite quickly I must say!
Tonight I would like to take a moment to challenge you all to set apart some time of your day for Jesus. Just you and Him! It could be a room in your house or you could go to a nice quiet place where you can just focus on Him. The important part is getting alone with God to study His Word and to hear from Him and to talk to Him! There's no other real way to start your day. I've gone days without spending time with Him and the result has been horrible. I can't do anything without Christ and I'd much rather start my day with Him than without Him.
A couple of other things I would like to share with you are some things/events that will be occurring in the future as a result of this 90 Day journey! The first being that I will be leading my very first online Bible Study in the Spring of 2012. Secondly, I'll be in the process of writing my first Bible Study called 90 Days with Jesus! Last but not least, my next blog will be called: Beyond Sunday Morning, Does your Walk Match your Talk?!!! Stay tuned!
May God bless you all richly! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog. Only a few days left! Trust me you don't wanna miss the last 3 days of this journey with Jesus and me!
Tonight I would like to take a moment to challenge you all to set apart some time of your day for Jesus. Just you and Him! It could be a room in your house or you could go to a nice quiet place where you can just focus on Him. The important part is getting alone with God to study His Word and to hear from Him and to talk to Him! There's no other real way to start your day. I've gone days without spending time with Him and the result has been horrible. I can't do anything without Christ and I'd much rather start my day with Him than without Him.
A couple of other things I would like to share with you are some things/events that will be occurring in the future as a result of this 90 Day journey! The first being that I will be leading my very first online Bible Study in the Spring of 2012. Secondly, I'll be in the process of writing my first Bible Study called 90 Days with Jesus! Last but not least, my next blog will be called: Beyond Sunday Morning, Does your Walk Match your Talk?!!! Stay tuned!
May God bless you all richly! Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog. Only a few days left! Trust me you don't wanna miss the last 3 days of this journey with Jesus and me!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 86 (Tuesday's blog)
It's day 86....Previously I stated that I didn't know how I was going to finish this journey! I didn't know if I was going to spend it alone or invite a few friends out to go eat. Well, I have the answer!!!
I will be out of town at a Christian Women's conference! I started this with just me and Jesus and it will end with Jesus, me, my best friend Sharon and several hundred women praising God!!! I can't think of a better way to end a spiritual journey! I"m excited!
I am closer to Jesus than I have been in a long time! It's like I can feel him holding my hand as we journey through the day. He speaks in His still small voice, and I am all to aware of it now. I listen intently to see what He has to say each and every day! He fills me to overflowing!
This journey reminds me of a song I used to sing in my home church back in Louisiana called Hand in Hand with Jesus...The chorus goes like this:
Hand in Hand we walk each day
Hand in hand along the way
Walking thus I cannot stray
Hand in Hand with Jesus
Oh He is ever so precious to! I simply love walking Hand in Hand with Jesus! What about you?!!!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 85 (Monday's blog)
It's Monday. Most people dread Monday because it's the beginning of the week. The good news is that I don't have to dread Monday's because I have Jesus with me everywhere I go! He's not only there on Monday but also every other day.
On this 85th day of the journey I can rest in peace knowing that Jesus goes with me wherever I go. If I start my day off with Him and give it to Him, it really doesn't matter what day of the week it is or what the ol' stinking devil throws at me. You see, God's Word says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil and he will flee." James 4:7. Isn't that such a wonderful promise?!!! All we have to do is to submit.
Starting the day off with Jesus makes everything go smoother! He's the one I can depend on without any doubt! He's my friend who sticks closer than a brother and whether it's Sunday, Monday or the weekend rest assured I know He will be there!
My question for you today is:
1. Does the day of the week affect your attitude?!!
2. Did you start your Monday off with Jesus?!!
5 days left to the journey! Oh what a Savior!
Monday, October 3, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 84 (Sunday's Blog)
It's day 84 and I am all to aware that my Christian walk is constantly under a microscope by those who don't believe, and even by those who do believe in Christ! The other day I was talking to somebody about something and I said, "You need to stop doing thus and so..." The next words out of that person's mouth made me SHUDDER. He said in a slow tone "Hypo-crite."
You see it's not just on Sunday morning that people watch you..It's during the week and they are ready to point the finger at you just when you least expect it. It brings back the question: Does your walk match your talk?!!!! In my own life, I knew the same thing I got onto this guy for was the very thing to this day I struggle with. It was God's reminder to me that He's still working on me and that I need to be slow to correct others when I myself am still struggling. It's the thorn in my flesh that seems to just not want to go away. I'm reminded it of it every single time it rears it's ugly head. Satan himself knows what this thorn is and he loves to do everything he can to make sure it stays around.
However, there are two verses that I am using to help me combat this thorn in my flesh. The verse I will choose to share is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13. Please be aware though that this thorn is not illegal/immoral in it's nature. It's just a plain old sin that needs to GO AWAY.
Pruning by God isn't always comfortable. However, HE is teaching me to be more like Him and to live my life so that others can see Jesus in me, NOT JUST ON SUNDAY MORNING!
So, today I challenge you:
1. Be mindful of your actions and words because the world is watching and Satan knows what the thorn in your flesh is.
You see it's not just on Sunday morning that people watch you..It's during the week and they are ready to point the finger at you just when you least expect it. It brings back the question: Does your walk match your talk?!!!! In my own life, I knew the same thing I got onto this guy for was the very thing to this day I struggle with. It was God's reminder to me that He's still working on me and that I need to be slow to correct others when I myself am still struggling. It's the thorn in my flesh that seems to just not want to go away. I'm reminded it of it every single time it rears it's ugly head. Satan himself knows what this thorn is and he loves to do everything he can to make sure it stays around.
However, there are two verses that I am using to help me combat this thorn in my flesh. The verse I will choose to share is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13. Please be aware though that this thorn is not illegal/immoral in it's nature. It's just a plain old sin that needs to GO AWAY.
Pruning by God isn't always comfortable. However, HE is teaching me to be more like Him and to live my life so that others can see Jesus in me, NOT JUST ON SUNDAY MORNING!
So, today I challenge you:
1. Be mindful of your actions and words because the world is watching and Satan knows what the thorn in your flesh is.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 83 (Saturday's blog)
There's just one more week to this journey! I have all kinds of mixed feelings about it! I'm glad it's going to be over because then a new chapter will begin. Every day of this journey has been so precious to me. My spiritual walk with Christ is just AMAZING! Perfect? NO, but the closeness I have with King Jesus right now is something I never ever want to loose.
He's still working on me though. There are still many more conversations Jesus and I need to have over specific areas of my Christian life. However, it will be one day at a time! I"m excited just knowing that I have a solid relationship with Him! He's my Savior, source, and my strength. I can't find any other relationship like the one I have with King Jesus! It's eternal!
I'm learning to dig deeper into His word and not just read scripture from the surface! Oh there's so much more to the Bible when we dig deeper into what He has to say to us! That book is so powerful it's just simply unexplainable!
Tonight I'd like to challenge you to find a passage of scripture you are familiar with and dig deeper! Ask the HOly Spirit to show you something new!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
He's still working on me though. There are still many more conversations Jesus and I need to have over specific areas of my Christian life. However, it will be one day at a time! I"m excited just knowing that I have a solid relationship with Him! He's my Savior, source, and my strength. I can't find any other relationship like the one I have with King Jesus! It's eternal!
I'm learning to dig deeper into His word and not just read scripture from the surface! Oh there's so much more to the Bible when we dig deeper into what He has to say to us! That book is so powerful it's just simply unexplainable!
Tonight I'd like to challenge you to find a passage of scripture you are familiar with and dig deeper! Ask the HOly Spirit to show you something new!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Saturday, October 1, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 82 (Friday's blog)
Stepping out in faith has always been a challenge! I'm reminded on this day of the journey of Jesus asking Peter, "Peter, do you love me?" Peter responded 3 times "Lord, you know I love you." Jesus says back to him, "Feed my sheep." (John 21;15-19). Multiple times in the new testament and old testament people were asked to act simply on faith alone. Some obeyed while others simply questioned God and His motives, then they stepped out in faith.
God has been dealing with me LOTS during these 90 days about teaching a Bible Study, getting back out there and sharing my personal testimony at different places where He opens doors, and doing some Home Mission work in my own modern day Jerusalem...Williamsburg/Newport News, VA. Scared, uncertain about what's ahead, there's one thing I must do. I must obey Him! It's the 2nd part of God's call on my life. It's been 1 year ago since I graduated college and I've not done ANYTHING about this part of the call. God's been nudging hard on me.
What does all of this mean?!!! Well, the only true answer I have heard is for me to teach at least one online Bible Study. This won't occur until Spring of next year because I work retail and I must get through the next 120 something odd days alive!!!!! It's called Holiday Season...Black out where you aren't allowed any time off and you are 1000% devoted to your job...
So, I'm in the process of putting my other foot out of the boat and stepping out on complete faith that "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phillippians 1:6 NIV
Last but not least there are 8 beautiful days left in this journey! I've been blessed, amazed, wowed by God and the amazing people who have encouraged me through these 90 days. I can't say thank you enough for allowing Jesus and me to share this journey with you! It's not over yet, keep your seatbelt buckled! These last 8 days are going to be a thrill ride I"m sure!
Much love and blessings,
Alicia Roark
God has been dealing with me LOTS during these 90 days about teaching a Bible Study, getting back out there and sharing my personal testimony at different places where He opens doors, and doing some Home Mission work in my own modern day Jerusalem...Williamsburg/Newport News, VA. Scared, uncertain about what's ahead, there's one thing I must do. I must obey Him! It's the 2nd part of God's call on my life. It's been 1 year ago since I graduated college and I've not done ANYTHING about this part of the call. God's been nudging hard on me.
What does all of this mean?!!! Well, the only true answer I have heard is for me to teach at least one online Bible Study. This won't occur until Spring of next year because I work retail and I must get through the next 120 something odd days alive!!!!! It's called Holiday Season...Black out where you aren't allowed any time off and you are 1000% devoted to your job...
So, I'm in the process of putting my other foot out of the boat and stepping out on complete faith that "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phillippians 1:6 NIV
Last but not least there are 8 beautiful days left in this journey! I've been blessed, amazed, wowed by God and the amazing people who have encouraged me through these 90 days. I can't say thank you enough for allowing Jesus and me to share this journey with you! It's not over yet, keep your seatbelt buckled! These last 8 days are going to be a thrill ride I"m sure!
Much love and blessings,
Alicia Roark
Thursday, September 29, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 81 (Thursday's blog)
On this morning of the 81st day I have tears running down my cheeks as I have taken a glance back at what God has done on this journey. I've seen where He's carried me and spoken to me. This journey has been worth it's weight in gold! It's had an eternal impact on me!!!
When this journey first began I was a Prodigal Christian walking in a dry dessert land. There was no life to my Christian walk. There was no true joy in going to church or reading my Bible (when it did get read). It's 81 days later and my Christian walk is like a well springing up with new life in it ready to spread the news about Jesus to everybody I encounter!
The most powerful moments thus far have been sitting in silence listening to His still small voice speak to me. I've come to know that there is no other place I'd rather be than in His presence. It's there that my soul finds rest, my heart is comforted, and my mind is put at ease. I bow at His throne of Grace and He meets me there. Together we commune and talk about this relationship and how it's blossoming! It's at His feet I cast my burdens. None of them are too heavy. He takes my burdens and offers me His grace and mercy that are new with each morning!
During this journey He's asked me to step out of my boat of comfort and join Him on the water. It's on the water where my faith becomes active! Let me paint you a quick picture of what the water looks like and what I've seen there so far: Prison inmates who feel they've no hope, People seeking an answer for their life's problems, Lost souls, Physically hungry people, Rich people who think they've got it all, A woman who just needed to talk. See when you step out on the water you say, "Jesus, I trust you and whatever circumstance I find out here while on the water with you, I'll trust that you have a purpose and plan." Here's a verse that says it all too well: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight
You see, it's in His presence that EVERYTHING changes. There's truly no place I'd rather be!
Overcome with Thankfulness,
-Alicia Roark
When this journey first began I was a Prodigal Christian walking in a dry dessert land. There was no life to my Christian walk. There was no true joy in going to church or reading my Bible (when it did get read). It's 81 days later and my Christian walk is like a well springing up with new life in it ready to spread the news about Jesus to everybody I encounter!
The most powerful moments thus far have been sitting in silence listening to His still small voice speak to me. I've come to know that there is no other place I'd rather be than in His presence. It's there that my soul finds rest, my heart is comforted, and my mind is put at ease. I bow at His throne of Grace and He meets me there. Together we commune and talk about this relationship and how it's blossoming! It's at His feet I cast my burdens. None of them are too heavy. He takes my burdens and offers me His grace and mercy that are new with each morning!
During this journey He's asked me to step out of my boat of comfort and join Him on the water. It's on the water where my faith becomes active! Let me paint you a quick picture of what the water looks like and what I've seen there so far: Prison inmates who feel they've no hope, People seeking an answer for their life's problems, Lost souls, Physically hungry people, Rich people who think they've got it all, A woman who just needed to talk. See when you step out on the water you say, "Jesus, I trust you and whatever circumstance I find out here while on the water with you, I'll trust that you have a purpose and plan." Here's a verse that says it all too well: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight
You see, it's in His presence that EVERYTHING changes. There's truly no place I'd rather be!
Overcome with Thankfulness,
-Alicia Roark
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 80 (Wednesday's blog)
This day is young! I rose at 5:30 due to my cough and my dogs barking. Honestly, I'd not planned on rising that early, but God had different plans! You see each new day God gives us is precious! The big question I'd like to ask you is, What will you do with Jesus today? Will you make a difference in the lives of others?!!!
God will present all of us with opportunities to share Him and His love with others. How will He choose to do that?!!! Maybe somebody needs a hug or a listening shoulder, a homeless person needs foods, a friend needs a ride somewhere. The bigger question is: How will we respond to those opportunities? I know in my own life sometimes God can throw opportunity right in my lap at the most inconvenient time for me. God never promised me that ministry would be easy or convenient. He puts us all in places of discomfort so that He can get the glory. Remember the night when Jesus and His disciples were on the water and the huge storm came?!!! Pretty uncomfortable with all that wind and a boat rocking! The most important thing about that night was when they went to the source who could calm the storm things became calm again!
So, today I would like to challenge you to:
1. Use every opportunity that God presents you with to point them to the ONE who can speak peace in the midst of their storm!
God bless you!
Alicia Roark
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 79 (Tuesday's blog)
Today God chose to speak to me while digging sweet potatoes. I didn't expect Him to speak to me in quite the way He did! So, today God spoke to me about Sin.
I was digging in the dirt and God said, "Just like you're filthy and dirty so is sin. The more you dig into sin the dirtier you'll get." I looked at the ground mounding up and some potatoes had surfaced above ground. God said, 'Sin might have deep roots and you think you can hide it, but eventually it will surface itself in due time." I thought, you're right Lord. Sin, it's filthy and it can take you into some pretty deep dark places and root itself deep into your heart.
Well the mosquitoes began to bite and the ants had gotten on me. Soon I had huge welts on my hand. I said to myself, I don't want to be out here any longer than I have to these bugs are eating me alive. God spoke, "Sin will take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay."
I finished in the garden and immediately hit the shower. The dirt just poured off of me. I had to get a scrub brush under my nails. God spoke, "Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. – Isaiah 1:18
I finished my shower and then put medicine on all of my bug bites. It sure felt good to be clean! Today I am thankful for the Blood of Jesus that washed away my sins!
Got sweet potatoes?!!!
Question for today:
1. Do you have sin in your life that you need to confess so Jesus can wash you white as snow?!!!
Monday, September 26, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 78 (Monday)
For a few weeks I've been bantering and undecided about how to finish the 90 day journey. I've been waiting on God to give me an answer. I've not heard from God yet on how to finish it.
The one thing I have heard God say is to do a Random Act of Kindness I hadn't planned on. He spoke to me this morning about it. I am TRULY EXCITED about this random act of kindness. It will require a LARGE amount of FAITH. It will require Faith in God, Faith in people and Faith that the person receiving this act of kindness will receive it as a blessing from God!
I will be emailing individual people I am closest to, to help me pull of my final random act of Kindness. I am asking ALL of my followers to pray for me as I obey God and do this to HONOR HIM!
If you are interested in the possibility of helping me pull off my final Random Act of kindness please email me at: and in the subject line put: Final Random Act of Kindness! This is a GOD SIZED task!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
The one thing I have heard God say is to do a Random Act of Kindness I hadn't planned on. He spoke to me this morning about it. I am TRULY EXCITED about this random act of kindness. It will require a LARGE amount of FAITH. It will require Faith in God, Faith in people and Faith that the person receiving this act of kindness will receive it as a blessing from God!
I will be emailing individual people I am closest to, to help me pull of my final random act of Kindness. I am asking ALL of my followers to pray for me as I obey God and do this to HONOR HIM!
If you are interested in the possibility of helping me pull off my final Random Act of kindness please email me at: and in the subject line put: Final Random Act of Kindness! This is a GOD SIZED task!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-Day 77 (Sunday's blog)
Busy! That's what this day has amounted to. I started my day at 5:30 because I had to be at a meeting at 7. Afterward I went straight to church to prepare for our Women's Ministry fund raiser! It didn't stop there. I went BACK TO WORK at 2 and my night ended at 8 p.m.
Tonight I'm weary. Wore out exhausted, but God has allowed me today to understand on the busiest of days He is my strength! Everything that He allows me to accomplish is done 100% through Him and in Him.
So, on this 77th day of the journey I would like to give God glory for a successful fund raiser and for being my strength on a REALLY LONG DAY!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Tonight I'm weary. Wore out exhausted, but God has allowed me today to understand on the busiest of days He is my strength! Everything that He allows me to accomplish is done 100% through Him and in Him.
So, on this 77th day of the journey I would like to give God glory for a successful fund raiser and for being my strength on a REALLY LONG DAY!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-Day 76 (Saturday's blog)
Tonight I am reminded about the importance of The Great Commission. Now, for those of you who don't know what the great commission is, allow me to explain. It's God's Way of sending us out to spread the gospel. Here's the Great Commission verse: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all of the command I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (New Living Translation).
I'm sure you've heard it time and again, but it does bear repeating. In that set of verses there are no qualifiers. It doesn't say pray about it, think about it, or talk to somebody else and get their opinion about it. Jesus gives us a direct command to go share the good news of Salvation everywhere we go. I'm finding the best way to tell others about Him is through my personal testimony. It's real because it's an experience I've had with Christ! Sharing our faith everyday with somebody is important because I firmly believe time here on earth is short and there's a hell to loose and a Heaven to gain.
What about you?!!!! Are you sharing the Great Commission?!!!!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
I'm sure you've heard it time and again, but it does bear repeating. In that set of verses there are no qualifiers. It doesn't say pray about it, think about it, or talk to somebody else and get their opinion about it. Jesus gives us a direct command to go share the good news of Salvation everywhere we go. I'm finding the best way to tell others about Him is through my personal testimony. It's real because it's an experience I've had with Christ! Sharing our faith everyday with somebody is important because I firmly believe time here on earth is short and there's a hell to loose and a Heaven to gain.
What about you?!!!! Are you sharing the Great Commission?!!!!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Sunday, September 25, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 75 (Friday's Blog)
On this night there are only 15 days left to this journey! On this night I wish to share with you about the transforming power of a message! I started out on this journey for spiritual renewal and that mission has been accomplished on a grand new scale!
Over the course of this journey I've attended First Baptist Church Newport News several times because I had work meetings and that church was closer than driving all the way back into Williamsburg/Croaker when I had to work the same afternoon at 2. Anways, on a Sunday morning at FBC Newp0rt News I sat in the third row and the service began. We sang songs of praise to God and the fellowship was ever so sweet! Then it was time for the sermon! On this day his sermon was on Salvation! It was a powerful sermon, but this story was the most powerful part of that sermon. Please sit back, relax and read this story and may it touch your heart.
A man and his son were very close. The father was a renowned artist and painted frequently. He repainted many different works of art to include The Mona Lisa and multiple others. The son soon took after His father and together they would paint. Friends and loved ones began to tell them they should open a gallery to display their paintings. Eventually, they did build a gallery in the back of their yard. The son grew up and looked at his dad one day and told him he'd decided to join the military. This broke the father's heart but he understood. One day a tap came at the door of the father. An officer dressed in his military blues had come to tell the father his son was killed in battle. The father was heart broken. Memories adorned the walls of his home and in the gallery of the many paintings they did together. After the funeral the father painted some but not as often. One day while painting a knock came at the door. He wasn't expecting anybody to come visit. He opened the door and a young soldier stood at the door. The father said, "Can I help you?" He said, "Hi, my name is Sgt. Smith and your son and I served together during the war. He was a brave person and he took the bullet that should've killed me. He jumped in front of it." In the soldiers hands was a box. He said, "He gave this to me but it really belongs to you." The father opened up the box and it was some of the belongings of his son and a picture. He took out the picture and hung it in the middle of the wall amidst all of the finest paintings they'd ever painted together. It was the focal point of the gallery; the first picture you saw.
The father grew ill and eventually died. In his will he'd left word to sell/auction off the entire painting gallery. The paintings were worth millions of dollars. There was no expense spared to advertise for this auction. Auction day came and thousands of people showed up to bid on the paintings. The attorney stood up and said my client said in his last will and testament that everything must go, but nobody can bid on anything until they bid on the picture of his son.
The people started to grumble. I didn't know his son, I don't want a picture of the son. Then finally in the very back of the room a man raised his hand and said, "I"ll buy the picture of the son for $50. He was a good kid." The auctioneer said, "SOLD for $50 the picture of the son and then glanced over at the attorney. The auctioneer then said, "Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming today the auction is now over." The people didn't understand. They were angry and livid. They'd traveled from all over and bought bunches of money with them to buy and bid on these works of art. The attorney stood up and he said, I'd like to read the rest of my client's will.
-Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-Day 74 (Thursday's blog)
Sometimes God takes me by surprise! I love surprises (the good kind of course!). On this 74th day of the journey God is doing a new thing in my spiritual life! He's preparing me for ministry! YEP, you heard right He is preparing me for ministry AGAIN!
God has spoken the following verse to me LOTS over the course of this journey: "Behold I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19. A few days ago I posted that I've taken LOTS of spiritual gifts tests and they all come back with EVANGELISM/Preaching and Encouragement. Well, God has moved upon my heart this past week, especially due to CHAPTER 1 in this Bible study called "A Confident Heart" that I'm participating in online, to stand up on my feet, and get out there and tell others what Jesus has done in my life. He is doing a new thing in my life spiritually.
When God calls you to something you might not feel that you're very equipped. Oh my friend, I am here to tell you God doesn't call the equipped HE EQUIPS THE CALLED! He's equipping me to get back out there! I"ll be finding out how to become a better Christian speaker. It's HIM I want to radiate, It's HIM I want to get the Glory, and it's HIM I want others to have an encounter with or meet for the very first time so they can spend eternity with Him!
Never did I expect the journey to take a turn like this. However, my response is simply this: Here am I Lord, send me. Open doors where souls need to be saved and hearts ministered to. Close doors that aren't meant to be traveled through, but most importantly through the process...TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE!
So on this night I"d like to ask you:
1. Are you listening to that still small voice?!!
2. Is He doing a new thing in your life?!!!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 73 (Wednesday's blog)
Have you ever had God move you to do something at such an appropriate time?!!! Well, on this 73rd day of the journey God has impressed on me to participate in my very first ever online Bible Study!
Now, trust me when I tell you I"m not the kind of woman who jumps on the bandwagon of every single Bible Study out there because it's popular, or the latest and greatest. I simply don't live my Christian life like that. God has to definitely lead me to do a Bible Study in a group. It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit on Tuesday that lead me to do this. I read Girlfriends in God devotion and it had an excerpt about an online Bible study called "A Confident Heart" by Renee Swope. The young lady leading the study is Melissa Taylor. You can find her blog at .
I started that Bible Study today and by page 2 I was ready to shout! This is the Bible Study I needed 2 years ago at the start of depression. However, God's timing is everything! I firmly believe EVERY WOMAN needs to read this book. It's simply amazing and I"m only on the first week! GOd has been dealing with me very specifically on a certain issue in my life. He's using this book to speak to me! OH WHAT A SAVIOR!
Well, I need to keep this short too since I should be resting but it's near bed time anyways! Please if the Lord leads you to participate in this study go buy that book and participate. NOT BECAUSE I SAID SO, but BECAUSE GOD LEAD YOU TO DO IT!
In God's Love,
Now, trust me when I tell you I"m not the kind of woman who jumps on the bandwagon of every single Bible Study out there because it's popular, or the latest and greatest. I simply don't live my Christian life like that. God has to definitely lead me to do a Bible Study in a group. It was the prompting of the Holy Spirit on Tuesday that lead me to do this. I read Girlfriends in God devotion and it had an excerpt about an online Bible study called "A Confident Heart" by Renee Swope. The young lady leading the study is Melissa Taylor. You can find her blog at .
I started that Bible Study today and by page 2 I was ready to shout! This is the Bible Study I needed 2 years ago at the start of depression. However, God's timing is everything! I firmly believe EVERY WOMAN needs to read this book. It's simply amazing and I"m only on the first week! GOd has been dealing with me very specifically on a certain issue in my life. He's using this book to speak to me! OH WHAT A SAVIOR!
Well, I need to keep this short too since I should be resting but it's near bed time anyways! Please if the Lord leads you to participate in this study go buy that book and participate. NOT BECAUSE I SAID SO, but BECAUSE GOD LEAD YOU TO DO IT!
In God's Love,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 72 (Tuesday's Blog)
I can't believe how quickly time is passing on this amazing journey with Jesus. If I have anything to do with it, it won't ever end. Spending time with Him is priceless!!!
Many of you have heard me talk about memorizing scripture lately. It is something that God has lead me to do on this journey. You want to talk about sending satan packing with his head tucked between his tail, Memorize God's Word and use it on the ol' devil and HE WILL FLEE! The awesome thing about memorizing God's Word is that He will bring the appropriate scripture to memory for whatever situation you face. Try it, you'll see!!!!
Tonight I am still ill, so this is going to be brief. I would like to challenge you over the next month to at least memorize 3 to 5 scripture verses that you can use to defeat the devil! Let's all send him packing in Jesus' Name shall we?!!!!
God bless you,
Many of you have heard me talk about memorizing scripture lately. It is something that God has lead me to do on this journey. You want to talk about sending satan packing with his head tucked between his tail, Memorize God's Word and use it on the ol' devil and HE WILL FLEE! The awesome thing about memorizing God's Word is that He will bring the appropriate scripture to memory for whatever situation you face. Try it, you'll see!!!!
Tonight I am still ill, so this is going to be brief. I would like to challenge you over the next month to at least memorize 3 to 5 scripture verses that you can use to defeat the devil! Let's all send him packing in Jesus' Name shall we?!!!!
God bless you,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 71 (Monday's Blog)
On this 71st day of the journey, guess what?!!! I ended up in urgent care and now have a diagnosis of Bronchitus, a possible slight touch of pneumonia, and a sinus infection! JUST WHEN I THOUGHT I WAS GETTING BETTER.
I learned something very interesting yesterday while reading a devotion that I subscribe to. Did you know that there is nowhere in the Bible where Jesus is actually referred to as the Great Physician?!!!! It's a name we've placed on Him and rightfully so I think! There are many names of Jesus but on this day I'm more thankful than a little bit that I can simply call on His precious Name!
Speaking of calling on the name of Jesus, today I would like to share with you just how precious His Name is. You know the Ten Commandments right?! Well it happens to be commandment #2. Do we always reverence His name the way we should?!! All of the time I hear people call out His name unnecessarily, and use swear words after His name. It makes me shudder to know that there are some deep ramifications for misuse of His name.
Tonight He's my Great Physician. In time He will heal me, until then He allowed me to see an earthly physician who gladly gave me 4 prescriptions and left me with the following words: GET SOME REST.
So on this night I would like to simply challenge you to reverence the Name of Jesus..The Name above all Names!
God bless you,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 70 (Today's Blog)
It's day 70! On this night I thought I would share with you where I am on the goals for this journey. Originally I stated I wanted to:
1. Walk 30 miles
2. Loose 30 lbs
3. Do 30 Random Acts of kindness.
4. Have a closer walk with Jesus
Well the 1st and the 3rd and 4th are done! The weight loss thing...We're still working on that with a lot more ferver! It will come. My mom celebreted her 90th birthday (thus where I got the 90 days from as well!) The most important of those is the closer walk with Jesus! When I look back at this journey to this point I am reminded that God has carried me! We've had good days, wild days, valley days, but most importantly every day has been Hand in Hand with Jesus!
Some of the most precious moments have been on morning walks where I start the walk praying and then listening to music, but on the way home it's all listening. Oh the things my Heavenly Father has had to say to me. Good and bad, it's been worth it's weight in gold and then some! I love hearing His still small voice speak to me. I love spending time with Him. It's to the point now where I just can't get enough of Jesus! I've fallen in love with Jesus all over again!
I'd like to share with you from God's Holy Word tonight about a familiar story where a son strayed from His father. You know it as the Prodigal Son. My Pastor preached on it this morning matter of fact. However, you could call it the Prodigal Christian, the Prodigal Daughter, or son depending on if you're male/female etc. I was the Prodigal Daughter at the beginning of this journey. I had strayed away from what I knew was right and wrong. I didn't spend any time with Jesus and I was trying to do it my own way. Well, let's just say that didn't work so well, so I decided to go back HOME to my HEavenly Father and get right with Him! Oh the fellowship is so sweet! He welcomed me back with open arms and now I am basking in His grace, love and mercy that sustain me every single day! Oh what a journey and Oh what a Savior!!!
So, tonight I'd like to ask you:
1. Are you a prodigal?!!!
Also, I'd like to tell you:
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-Day 69 (Saturday's Blog)
On this 69th day of the journey God has reminded me again about what is important! Sometimes the journey can get long and dreary and I get tired. Ministry is never part-time no matter how you slice that piece of cake. Jesus called you and me to serve others.
I was reading a devotion about Jesus and the disciples where He washed their feet. You want to talk about being a servant to somebody. Jesus was the prime example of what it was to be a servant. We as Christians are supposed to serve others.
Last year when I became the Women's Ministry Director and Sharon Gauthier became my co-director we became aware very quickly that our positions would require us to serve others. It would require our time, maybe some money, and lots of energy. We'd just taken on a role to serve other women and our first meeting as new Directors was up and coming.
In the weeks prior she and I met several times to figure out exactly what the first meeting would be like. We began to pray and God laid on our hearts that we had to be like servants. He gave us the story of Him washing the feet of the disciples. We weren't prepared for what was to come next. THEN GOD SPOKE..."I want you two ladies to wash the feet of all the women at the first meeting then you are to wash each others feet."
Questions began to roam in our minds. What if they say no? What if they make a big scene because it's nasty? God said to us, "Just do what I said." The first meeting came. Sharon and I had towels, a bucket of warm water with lots of washcloths and an empty bucket to put the dirty rag in after we finished each woman's feet. We played some light music and asked the ladies to remove their shoes. Sharon and I knelt down and one by one we began to wash the feet of the women we would serve over the year. What was their response?!!! There wasn't a dry eye in the building when we were done. It was the most humbling and moving experience ever. We all walked out of that building very different women than when we entered.
Everyday when you leave your house you hold a invisible bowl of water and a towel and washcloth. You too have been called to serve others and wash the feet of others. Do you even use the bowl and washcloth? Or do you ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit of God and carry out your day focused only on yourself and your circumstance?
Servanthood...It comes with a price.
Here are some questions for you tonight:
1. What lengths would you go to in order to become a servant?
2. Would it frustrate you if God called you to minister to somebody in the middle of your day when it was least convenient?!!!!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Friday, September 16, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 68 (Friday)
On this 68th day of the journey Satan has worked hard. It seems like he's tried every way possible to get me down. At one point he got me in tears, so I guess he thinks He won. Well, I've got news for satan tonight. HE DID NOT WIN.....
You see we can't all have good days and we can't all be on the mountain every single day of our Christian walk. If we were on the mountain all the time there'd be nothing to learn from. However, on this day God has shown me one important lesson.....LOVE PEOPLE ANYWAYS. Now do I feel like loving people unconditionally today? NO, not one iota. It's been a CRAZY evening but one thing that I am for sure of...GOD's LOVE NEVER FAILS. GOD is NEVER too busy to listen to our hurts, concerns, and failures. GOD loves us unconditionally and that to this day still blows my mind.
I"m learning that on this journey my attitude and the condition of my heart in each and every situation I encounter whether it be at home, work, church, out and about, is the most important. TODAY I failed the test. Today I took a couple of situations personally and satan had a hay day with me. Oh well..this too shall pass. You see, even though it's been a crazy day, God is still on His thone...Here's the best part.....Are you ready?!!!!!
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 2:22-23 (NIV)
Tomorrow is a new day and His mercies for tomorrow will be new. I may have had an experience in the valley but tomorrow is a new day to start anew with Jesus. He's my friend that sticks closer than a brother and to me on this night, that's simply enough!!
God bless you,
You see we can't all have good days and we can't all be on the mountain every single day of our Christian walk. If we were on the mountain all the time there'd be nothing to learn from. However, on this day God has shown me one important lesson.....LOVE PEOPLE ANYWAYS. Now do I feel like loving people unconditionally today? NO, not one iota. It's been a CRAZY evening but one thing that I am for sure of...GOD's LOVE NEVER FAILS. GOD is NEVER too busy to listen to our hurts, concerns, and failures. GOD loves us unconditionally and that to this day still blows my mind.
I"m learning that on this journey my attitude and the condition of my heart in each and every situation I encounter whether it be at home, work, church, out and about, is the most important. TODAY I failed the test. Today I took a couple of situations personally and satan had a hay day with me. Oh well..this too shall pass. You see, even though it's been a crazy day, God is still on His thone...Here's the best part.....Are you ready?!!!!!
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 2:22-23 (NIV)
Tomorrow is a new day and His mercies for tomorrow will be new. I may have had an experience in the valley but tomorrow is a new day to start anew with Jesus. He's my friend that sticks closer than a brother and to me on this night, that's simply enough!!
God bless you,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 67 (Thursday)
On this 67th night of the journey I've been in bed again. I made it through 2 hours of work then was sent home by my boss.
Recently I've been talking a lot about waiting and the fact that I hate to wait. Well, God impressed upon my heart about some people who had to wait on Jesus. They grew impatient with Him. Over in the book of John in Chapter 12 is the story of Lazarus. Mary and Martha send for Jesus in verse 2 but He doesn't show up for 2 WHOLE DAYS. Yep, that's right, Jesus made them wait for 2 days so that He could get the glory. What's even more interesting is that when Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been in the grave for 4 days. Talk about the stench of death!
The good news is that even in our own human flesh, when we grow impatient God already has an answer. He's never too early, never too late but always right on time. He knows our need and circumstance before we even speak to Him about it. The truth is that He wants us to talk to Him about it and in His own good time He will show up and give you an answer.
Please enjoy the video right after the question!
So tonight I'd like to ask you:
1. Is it finances, a specific circumstance, a relationship, a health issue, work that you're waiting on God to answer you about?
In God's Love,
Recently I've been talking a lot about waiting and the fact that I hate to wait. Well, God impressed upon my heart about some people who had to wait on Jesus. They grew impatient with Him. Over in the book of John in Chapter 12 is the story of Lazarus. Mary and Martha send for Jesus in verse 2 but He doesn't show up for 2 WHOLE DAYS. Yep, that's right, Jesus made them wait for 2 days so that He could get the glory. What's even more interesting is that when Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been in the grave for 4 days. Talk about the stench of death!
The good news is that even in our own human flesh, when we grow impatient God already has an answer. He's never too early, never too late but always right on time. He knows our need and circumstance before we even speak to Him about it. The truth is that He wants us to talk to Him about it and in His own good time He will show up and give you an answer.
Please enjoy the video right after the question!
So tonight I'd like to ask you:
1. Is it finances, a specific circumstance, a relationship, a health issue, work that you're waiting on God to answer you about?
In God's Love,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
90 Days with Jesus- Day 66 (Wednesday's Blog)
On this 66th day of the journey I am sick with a sinus/allergy infection. I have been in bed all day long practically. Where did this sickness originate from?! Well, I happen to know exactly where it came from. Two days ago I was cleaning up debris from Hurricane Irene and well all those allergens decided they wanted to be friends with me. So much so that it has ended me up pretty darn sick.
You see, in this 5 ft body of a woman stands some illogical sense that comes about every once in a while that I can be superwoman. On Monday I cleaned the debris out of the yard, mowed the front and side yard, vacuumed the carpet, stripped the beds, did laundry, cooked dinner, cleaned the bathroom, scrubbed the downstairs floor, and cooked dinner. All the while those little allergense were working their little dirty trick to get me sick. Now I'm flat on my back feeling like an eighteen wheeler hit me.
My best friend Sharon Gauthier is always telling me, "Alicia, you need to slow down some you're going to wear yourself out." Well, for the first time...She's right. Sharon you may now take a bow and say "I told you so." Go ahead get it out of your system! I truly love her though, she's an amazing best friend! God reminded me today where my strength lies and IT IS NOT IN MYSELF. 2 Corinthinans 12:10 says: "That is why, for Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am when, then I am strong."
He is my strength and it is He who will get me back on my feet to feeling better. Until such time, I shall stop trying to be superwoman and take it a little easier!
Tonight's question:
1. Do you try to play superwoman and get all worn out and sick?!!
God bless you,
You see, in this 5 ft body of a woman stands some illogical sense that comes about every once in a while that I can be superwoman. On Monday I cleaned the debris out of the yard, mowed the front and side yard, vacuumed the carpet, stripped the beds, did laundry, cooked dinner, cleaned the bathroom, scrubbed the downstairs floor, and cooked dinner. All the while those little allergense were working their little dirty trick to get me sick. Now I'm flat on my back feeling like an eighteen wheeler hit me.
My best friend Sharon Gauthier is always telling me, "Alicia, you need to slow down some you're going to wear yourself out." Well, for the first time...She's right. Sharon you may now take a bow and say "I told you so." Go ahead get it out of your system! I truly love her though, she's an amazing best friend! God reminded me today where my strength lies and IT IS NOT IN MYSELF. 2 Corinthinans 12:10 says: "That is why, for Christ's sake I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am when, then I am strong."
He is my strength and it is He who will get me back on my feet to feeling better. Until such time, I shall stop trying to be superwoman and take it a little easier!
Tonight's question:
1. Do you try to play superwoman and get all worn out and sick?!!
God bless you,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 65 (Tuesday's blog)
On this 65th day of the journey I wish to share with you how God's Holy Word can work in the life of a Christian who earnestly seeks after Him! When I began this journey I was a Christian living in a dry and desert land. There was no Bible reading, going to church was a chore, and praying was something I did in the morning and most of the time it was haphazardly done. Sounds dull and boring huh?!!!
Well, on this 65th day my relationship with Jesus is like a well spring overflowing with love for God and His Word and His people! It's amazing what God is doing in my life. He's showing me that the more time I spend with Him the more He'll tell me and show me. It just makes sense! This journey hasn't been done alone! I've taken God with me and it seems I've got at least 8 followers that have signed up to read this blog daily. There are some who read it who didn't sign up. To all of you, I am truly grateful for your words of encouragement, love, and support!
Speaking of God's Word, I am in the midst of learning to memorize God's Word! It's not an easy task, but I"m excited about it. Think about on the days you have a horrible situation occur, what if you were able to recount a verse that you'd memorized to send the ol' devil packing?!!! Here, let me show ya! Right now I"m in Psalms 56:11-12. It says, "I trust in God, why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? V.12. I will fullfill my vows to you oh God and offer up a sacrifice of praise for your help." Yes, I typed it without looking! How am I going about this?
I"m glad you asked! My brand new friend and Bible Teacher Sharon Thomas of Established Footsteps encouraged me to start memorizing it at stop lights. Well, that would mean not taking the interstate everyday to work. So, I gave it a try yesterday! It worked like a charm! I found myself getting frustrated at green lights because I wanted to memorize both verses! Well, I had to go to work and then on my way home I decided I was gonna learn BOTH verses come what may. Guess what?!!! God allowed me to memorize those verses! I even looked ahead to verse 13! I felt sorry for verse 13. It's the last verse in that chapter and besides, it's like the 3rd verse of the Baptist Hymnal it' gets left out sometimes. I could hear it screaming from the page, OH OH OH MEMORIZE ME TOO...So, I started on it. I don't have it down pat yet but trust me by tomorrow night I will!
So, on this 65th night I'd like to challenge you to PUT YOUR BIBLE IN YOUR CAR and start memorizing God's Word with me! Anybody with me?!!!!
Love in Christ,
Monday, September 12, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 64
Today has been a very busy day for me. I woke early and had my morning cup of coffee and devotion. I got my husband off to work then got my grubby (cleaning) clothes on and headed outside to clean up the debris in the yard. I got started later than I wanted to because I couldn't find our rake and had to borrow my father-in-laws rake. I had to go to the store to buy some leaf bags to collect the debris in. I finally arrived home around 9:00 and was all to aware of how warm it was. Nonetheless my work began.
About an hour and a half into all of this debris cleaning, I noticed a long thorny limb in my way. I grabbed the cutters and cut it down. Well, I cut it off and began to try to get control of it. I got poked. OUCH, that hurt I said...Then God whispered "my son had big thorns on the day He was crucified and He bore an amazing amount of pain." I was reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus paid for my sin. He took on the most excruciating pain a person could take on just to make sure that my sin was forgiven and I had an eternity in Heaven with Him. OH WHAT A PRICE TO PAY.
God miraculously saved me from Hell at the age of 9. I"m all grown up now (well my best friend Sharon Gauthier might beg to differ with you) and it still gets me all choked up when I think about the ultimate price Jesus paid for my sin. He bore it all: a rugged cross, nails in His hands and feet, sides pierced. All of that for the sins of mankind. The great exchange took place on a beautiful Sunday morning for me and it still moves me to tears. God loved us so much that He gave HIS only son...It's just mind boggling. He took my sin and I took His grace, love, mercy, and forgiveness. OH WHAT A SAVIOR.
So, tonight I would like to ask you:
1. Does your salvation experience still move you to tears?
2. Have you had a salvation experience at all?!!!
In His Love,
About an hour and a half into all of this debris cleaning, I noticed a long thorny limb in my way. I grabbed the cutters and cut it down. Well, I cut it off and began to try to get control of it. I got poked. OUCH, that hurt I said...Then God whispered "my son had big thorns on the day He was crucified and He bore an amazing amount of pain." I was reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus paid for my sin. He took on the most excruciating pain a person could take on just to make sure that my sin was forgiven and I had an eternity in Heaven with Him. OH WHAT A PRICE TO PAY.
God miraculously saved me from Hell at the age of 9. I"m all grown up now (well my best friend Sharon Gauthier might beg to differ with you) and it still gets me all choked up when I think about the ultimate price Jesus paid for my sin. He bore it all: a rugged cross, nails in His hands and feet, sides pierced. All of that for the sins of mankind. The great exchange took place on a beautiful Sunday morning for me and it still moves me to tears. God loved us so much that He gave HIS only son...It's just mind boggling. He took my sin and I took His grace, love, mercy, and forgiveness. OH WHAT A SAVIOR.
So, tonight I would like to ask you:
1. Does your salvation experience still move you to tears?
2. Have you had a salvation experience at all?!!!
In His Love,
Sunday, September 11, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 63 (Sunday)
On this 63rd day of the journey I am just blown away by what God is doing in my relationship with Him! He beckons me to spend time with Him and He shows up ever so powerfully every single day without fail.
A couple of days ago I began reading a book I would like to recommend to all of you to read. It's called "Woman Thou Art Loosed" by T.D. Jakes. It talks about women and how we are in bondage from so many things. It also talks about self-esteem and so much more. It has lots of scriptures and it is blessing my socks off! I think it would bless you too! Please, go get that book and have a read!
This morning I attended Sunday School! I love studying God's Word! It is so special to me now! Before this journey picking it up was a chore! Now...not so much! It's easy to pick up the Word and learn more about my Savior!
You know we Christians who attend church regularly sometimes can get in a rut! We go to church on Sunday morning and then on Monday it's time to enter the mission field. Recently God has been dealing with me about what my Christian life looks like on Monday-Saturday. Really, do I always reflect His character? Do I witness the way I should? Do I listen always for His still small voice? Is my language uplifting? Those are the tough questions I had to answer recently and God is still dealing with little ol' me on some of those issues! I'm here to say that I am thankful that God is still working on this woman!
So on this night I'd like to ask you:
1. Do you reflect Christ's character beyond Sunday morning?
2. Do you read His Word daily to get to know Him better?
Thanks again for journeying along with Jesus and I! Again, go get that book: "Woman Thou Art Loosed." You'll be shouting glory by page 2!
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Saturday, September 10, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 62 (Saturday's blog)
This journey is oh so beautiful and sweet to me. God is bringing me full circle to where we first began. Lately He's been speaking lots to me about trusting others and my relationships with other people after my relationship with Him. It's an area of my life He's had to work hard on.
I'm not as trusting as I once used to be. After you get hurt, betrayed, walked on by others over and over again you begin to build a wall around you so it doesn't happen again. It's not been real long since God delivered me from depression. Actually I wrote about it in last night's blog of how God brought me to an event to tell me it was time to cross over from Depression into More in Christ. Since the night God delivered me from the deep dark place I promised Him I would be choosy in who I let "in" and who I would trust.
This morning as I was driving to work I was working on my scripture memorization. The scripture is Psalm 56:11: "In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?" THEN GOD SPOKE. "Alicia, it's time to tear down the rest of that wall and start letting people in again." I have to be totally honest with you. I"m scared to death to let people in again, but it's what HE wants and I must obey. His Word says I can put my trust in Him!
Where does that put me? Vulnerable. It puts me back in a place to show people who I really am. Well, who am I? I"m a young Christian woman who loves Jesus to pieces and loves to make new Christian friends. The truth is that I've taken 6 different spiritual gifts test and 100% of the time they come back with the following results: #1 Spiritual Gift: Evangelism #2 Spiritual Gift: Encouragement. It's who God made me to be. I am a person who dives deep into friendships and gives all of herself to them. I prefer to meet people face to face than over some social media place because I love building relationships with a human not a piece of equipment. I'm the weird girl who sends cards, letters, etc to friends just because. I don't do it to receive anything in return. It's just my way of showing them I care. Now is it nice if they write back?! Sure, but it's not required!
Last but not least...I am very tenderhearted! No, I'm not an emotional basket case. I'm female and it's how God made me. When I use the words I love you I truly mean that. Those are 3 words I hardly use so when I use them I truly mean it.
God is working on me little by little, day by day. The most important relationship of all is my relationship with Him! So on this night I would like to share with you a song that really touches my heart. It brings me to tears because it shows me just how Jesus sees me!
I'm not as trusting as I once used to be. After you get hurt, betrayed, walked on by others over and over again you begin to build a wall around you so it doesn't happen again. It's not been real long since God delivered me from depression. Actually I wrote about it in last night's blog of how God brought me to an event to tell me it was time to cross over from Depression into More in Christ. Since the night God delivered me from the deep dark place I promised Him I would be choosy in who I let "in" and who I would trust.
This morning as I was driving to work I was working on my scripture memorization. The scripture is Psalm 56:11: "In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?" THEN GOD SPOKE. "Alicia, it's time to tear down the rest of that wall and start letting people in again." I have to be totally honest with you. I"m scared to death to let people in again, but it's what HE wants and I must obey. His Word says I can put my trust in Him!
Where does that put me? Vulnerable. It puts me back in a place to show people who I really am. Well, who am I? I"m a young Christian woman who loves Jesus to pieces and loves to make new Christian friends. The truth is that I've taken 6 different spiritual gifts test and 100% of the time they come back with the following results: #1 Spiritual Gift: Evangelism #2 Spiritual Gift: Encouragement. It's who God made me to be. I am a person who dives deep into friendships and gives all of herself to them. I prefer to meet people face to face than over some social media place because I love building relationships with a human not a piece of equipment. I'm the weird girl who sends cards, letters, etc to friends just because. I don't do it to receive anything in return. It's just my way of showing them I care. Now is it nice if they write back?! Sure, but it's not required!
Last but not least...I am very tenderhearted! No, I'm not an emotional basket case. I'm female and it's how God made me. When I use the words I love you I truly mean that. Those are 3 words I hardly use so when I use them I truly mean it.
God is working on me little by little, day by day. The most important relationship of all is my relationship with Him! So on this night I would like to share with you a song that really touches my heart. It brings me to tears because it shows me just how Jesus sees me!
Friday, September 9, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 61 (Friday's blog)
As I read my devotion this morning God brought me back to a familiar scripture that reminded me of a place I was about 2 years. You see I was in this deep dark pit called depression. There were no comforting words to get me out of that place and it seemed so dark and dreary.
I can remember one day opening up my Bible and reading Psalm 40:1-3. I read it and thought what a nice verse but I"m in the midst of depression what can that verse do for me? Little did I know that would become the verse that God would use to show me where He brought me from.
One thing I can remember ever so vividly during that time is that satan the accuser was there to visit me everyday and remind me of my past sin, how I wasn't good enough, and that nobody would ever love me. He would whisper in my ear day after day....BUT THEN......
One Summer day I was visiting my friend Marge. I said to her, "Hey Marge, there's this VBS for women at the Ferguson Center. There's this chick that's gonna preach and I think there might be music. You wanna go? She said, "Well, I don't have any plans and I feel great today...Sure, let's go." So, we headed down that way and got to the Ferguson Center. We walked in and I saw all kind of women and they were happy and smiling! Time came for us to enter into the Ferguson Center seating area. We sat towards the back. The music began and it was nice and the songs were great. Then time for the sermon. The theme for the 3 days was "Crossing Over from mediocrity to more in Christ." I can remember just sitting listening. I was familiar with the passage of scriptures used but had never heard it presented quite like that. OH BUT THEN.....There was this skit called "Room At your Table." It talks about room at Jesus' table and how it doesn't matter what kind of excuses you bring Him, there's always room for one more." The tears began to flow...I couldn't stop crying. That skit was for ME. God gently whispered, "It's time to cross over Alicia. It's time to come back and sit at my table. It doesn't matter what the devil has said to you, you are precious, it doesn't matter how much straying you've done, and it doesn't matter what others have said to you....YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT MY TABLE. It's time to cross over from Depression to Dancing." I felt God lift the weight of depression off of me that night and I've never been the same.
So on this 61st day of the journey I'm so glad that God has planted my feet on solid ground, and established my goings! He is my Rock! He is my firm foundation and it's in Him I am still crossing over, being transformed and becoming more like Him! Thank you Lord!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
90 days with Jesus-Day 60 (Thursday's blog)
Tonight my cup runneth over! God has filled me to overflowing on this day! Why? Because every day I fall more and more in love with Jesus and my relationship with Him. Oh my friend this is such a beautiful place to be. Walking and talking with Jesus daily, digging deep into His Word and letting that still small voice speak so powerfully....Oh How I love being on the Mountain with Jesus!
Here's the most profound thing I've learned to date: If I'm going to spend time with Jesus, I must cut off the noise. What does it accomplish? It gets me to focus on Him and what He is saying to me. I can talk to him, cast my burdens upon Him, Praise Him, but most importantly listen to Him. He seems to always speak His Word to me. I've only heard Him speak otherwise one other time, but still it was based on scripture.
Today I spent time over coffee with a friend talking about Jesus and the power of His Word, I've seen somebody be Jesus to me today at work, and I've gotten to share Jesus with somebody today too. He's everything to me. He means more to me than my job, family, or friends. He's my Savior and I want to do all that I can to learn more of my amazing Savior whose grace amazes me every single day.
So here's a question for you:
1. Are you falling more in love with Jesus every single day?
Amazed by His Grace,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 59 (Wednesday's blog)
When I think about how far spiritually I've grown on this 90 Day Journey I get all choked up. Before this journey I was as dry as the desert spiritually. However, sometimes it takes something like this journey to get you back on track.
Tonight I'd like to talk to you about what a dried up Christian walk might look like. You see it's easy to attend church on Sunday morning and sing Oh How I love Jesus and never crack the Bible, and half the time mumble 9-11 prayers. You know about 9-1-1- prayers. It's those prayers that we talk to God about when we are desperate. Oh how He longs to hear from us BEFORE we get desperate. BEFORE we get into that dry place. It's easy to get to that place if we don't stay in God's Word, attend corporate worship weekly, and pray without ceasing.
You see I've learned to read God's Word at a whole new level! I've learned that He means what He says and that I must be obedient to what that Holy Bible says whether I feel like it or not. I must walk in total obedience to God. My friend how I wished I could wave a magic wand and let you experience Christ in all of His fullness as I have here recently. However, you have to make that choice. Trust me it is so worth it.
Tonight I have one question for you:
1. Do you find yourself in a desert Christian walk????
Alicia Roark
Tonight I'd like to talk to you about what a dried up Christian walk might look like. You see it's easy to attend church on Sunday morning and sing Oh How I love Jesus and never crack the Bible, and half the time mumble 9-11 prayers. You know about 9-1-1- prayers. It's those prayers that we talk to God about when we are desperate. Oh how He longs to hear from us BEFORE we get desperate. BEFORE we get into that dry place. It's easy to get to that place if we don't stay in God's Word, attend corporate worship weekly, and pray without ceasing.
You see I've learned to read God's Word at a whole new level! I've learned that He means what He says and that I must be obedient to what that Holy Bible says whether I feel like it or not. I must walk in total obedience to God. My friend how I wished I could wave a magic wand and let you experience Christ in all of His fullness as I have here recently. However, you have to make that choice. Trust me it is so worth it.
Tonight I have one question for you:
1. Do you find yourself in a desert Christian walk????
Alicia Roark
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 58-Tuesday's Blog
Heaven! It's where I'm going when I die! Not because I've been a nice person, or have done nice things for people. It's because I have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. On this 58th day of this journey I've been thinking LOTS about Heaven.
Just yesterday a precious lady from our church went home to be with Jesus. In Sunday school we've been studying a little in Revelation about Heaven. This week we'll dig in real deep. However, my mind still can't help but wonder, what's Heaven really like? Sure, I've read and heard about the streets of gold and gates of pearl and mansions, and angels. My mind can't comprehend what Heaven is like and neither can yours. I firmly believe that God has some pretty big secrets He's holding onto!
Here's one thing that I know for sure my friend from church is free from pain, she's with the ONE she loved the most and I'm almost sure when she saw Jesus it took her breath away. One day we will all pass away from these earthly bodies, but the peace that passes all understanding is knowing where you are going when you die.
So tonight in memory of my friend I wrote this poem:
Your smile brightened up the room
and your family loved you so,
But on yesterday afternoon it was your time to go
You saw the face of Jesus who died to take away your sin,
I'm sure as He stood at those pearly gates He said, Welcome Home, Come on in.
Eternity begins today your mansion is just inside,
Don't worry about your friends and loved ones I'll wipe away the tears from their eyes.
Here in Heaven you'll have lots and lots of fun,
But there's one thing I must say before we begin,
Welcome Home and Well done!
Written by:
Alicia Roark
Just yesterday a precious lady from our church went home to be with Jesus. In Sunday school we've been studying a little in Revelation about Heaven. This week we'll dig in real deep. However, my mind still can't help but wonder, what's Heaven really like? Sure, I've read and heard about the streets of gold and gates of pearl and mansions, and angels. My mind can't comprehend what Heaven is like and neither can yours. I firmly believe that God has some pretty big secrets He's holding onto!
Here's one thing that I know for sure my friend from church is free from pain, she's with the ONE she loved the most and I'm almost sure when she saw Jesus it took her breath away. One day we will all pass away from these earthly bodies, but the peace that passes all understanding is knowing where you are going when you die.
So tonight in memory of my friend I wrote this poem:
Your smile brightened up the room
and your family loved you so,
But on yesterday afternoon it was your time to go
You saw the face of Jesus who died to take away your sin,
I'm sure as He stood at those pearly gates He said, Welcome Home, Come on in.
Eternity begins today your mansion is just inside,
Don't worry about your friends and loved ones I'll wipe away the tears from their eyes.
Here in Heaven you'll have lots and lots of fun,
But there's one thing I must say before we begin,
Welcome Home and Well done!
Written by:
Alicia Roark
90 Days with Jesus-Day 57 (Monday's Blog)
On this day I have felt every emotion possible to man kind. I've felt sad, angry, frustrated...Jesus reached those limits too. He was fully God and fully man. Jesus was filled with emotion many times.
Once He was in the temple and became angry at some money changers. He got so upset he overthrew their tables and drove all people and animals out of there. Fully God, Fully man. He knows exactly how I feel. The question becomes what do I do with those emotions? I have one answer;pray.
Prayer can change many things. I've seen God change many a circumstance. Prayer is powerful and I use it often. Today will be no different.
Here's a question for you:
1. What do you do when you become hurt, angry, and sad?
2. Do you turn to Jesus or to another method?
In Him,
Once He was in the temple and became angry at some money changers. He got so upset he overthrew their tables and drove all people and animals out of there. Fully God, Fully man. He knows exactly how I feel. The question becomes what do I do with those emotions? I have one answer;pray.
Prayer can change many things. I've seen God change many a circumstance. Prayer is powerful and I use it often. Today will be no different.
Here's a question for you:
1. What do you do when you become hurt, angry, and sad?
2. Do you turn to Jesus or to another method?
In Him,
Monday, September 5, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 56 (Sunday's blog)
When you agree to go on a journey like this one, there's one thing you'll experience: CONVICTION. It's one a word we don't like and a place that most of us would rather not visit. On day one of this 90 day walk with Christ I gave God permission to talk to me, convict me of sin, and to speak to me however He chose. Guess where that put me?!!! the passenger seat. I was no longer in control. Actually, I was never in control, but I was definitely doing it my way.
As I woke up this morning I was excited about Sunday School because we're talking about Heaven in the book of Revelation. I arrived and all seemed well! Sunday School came and went! Yes!!! It was great speaking and learning of Heaven! Joy flooded my soul and I was reminded once more that one day when God calls me home to be with Him, it will be such a glorious day!
Then, into worship I went. The singing was nice and the fellowship was great. My Pastor began the sermon. WHAM...Right between the eyes. CONVICTION...RIGHT TO THE VERY CORE OF ME...I'd been seeking God on a few things in my life. In one particular circumstance I'd been praying about how to be able to give to a specific cause that I wanted to give to. He began to speak so loudly that I got bad uncomfortable. I said, "Lord, I wanted you to make it abundantly clear as to what your answer was." His response: "How much more clearer did I have to make it? I put the answer in front of you multiple times. I gave it to you on the internet, I gave it to you at work and HERE IT IS IN THIS SERMON. JUST obey me." So, there I sat in a hard wooden pew feeling VERY CONVICTED.
There was just one thing left to do. I had to be obedient. So, starting tomorrow I'll be becoming very obedient to the cause of Christ and giving to a specific cause after my husband and I tithe. Why did it take so long?!!! Because I was so hard headed and I didn't want to hear it!
So, the question for you today is:
1. When is the last time you felt convicted over something God said to you?
2. HOw big a picture does He have to paint before you respond in obedience?!!!
As I woke up this morning I was excited about Sunday School because we're talking about Heaven in the book of Revelation. I arrived and all seemed well! Sunday School came and went! Yes!!! It was great speaking and learning of Heaven! Joy flooded my soul and I was reminded once more that one day when God calls me home to be with Him, it will be such a glorious day!
Then, into worship I went. The singing was nice and the fellowship was great. My Pastor began the sermon. WHAM...Right between the eyes. CONVICTION...RIGHT TO THE VERY CORE OF ME...I'd been seeking God on a few things in my life. In one particular circumstance I'd been praying about how to be able to give to a specific cause that I wanted to give to. He began to speak so loudly that I got bad uncomfortable. I said, "Lord, I wanted you to make it abundantly clear as to what your answer was." His response: "How much more clearer did I have to make it? I put the answer in front of you multiple times. I gave it to you on the internet, I gave it to you at work and HERE IT IS IN THIS SERMON. JUST obey me." So, there I sat in a hard wooden pew feeling VERY CONVICTED.
There was just one thing left to do. I had to be obedient. So, starting tomorrow I'll be becoming very obedient to the cause of Christ and giving to a specific cause after my husband and I tithe. Why did it take so long?!!! Because I was so hard headed and I didn't want to hear it!
So, the question for you today is:
1. When is the last time you felt convicted over something God said to you?
2. HOw big a picture does He have to paint before you respond in obedience?!!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 55 (Saturday's blog)
On this day I am reminded by God to be patient. I am by my nature not a very patient person. I want it yesterday. If somebody tells me I need to talk to you at work, I hate that. I want them to talk to me right now. I want to know what they have to say to me. Then there's the ever famous saying, "We'll wait and see." Oh how my flesh hates to wait!
There's a couple of scenarios I've been waiting on God for to give me an answer as to what He wants me to do. He's being very quiet about it. He's given me small hints but there are no Big flags or flashing lights to tell me where He is leading me. I want to know. Why? Because I want to be in the center of His will and nowhere else. This is of the utmost importance to me. Before I wanted that but my actions didn't speak that way. His will is far better than my own flesh and my desire.
Over in the book of Psalm it says, "Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes." (New American Standard Bible). So, here I am trying to be patient. He has a plan and an answer to the prayers I've prayed. He's heard all along but He wants me to wait for HIS timing not mine.
Today I want to ask you:
1. Are you a patient person?
2. Are you resting in the Lord waiting patiently for HIm to speak to your heart?!!!
God bless you! Thanks for journeying along with Jesus and me!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 54 (Friday's blog)
On this 54th day of the journey I noticed that I am only 36 days away from the 90th day. What a ride it has been so far! Jesus has been teaching me so much and I just don't want to ever loose this amazing relationship I have with Him. This closeness can't be bought at any store. OH How I LOVE this journey! I don't want it to ever end. If it's up to me, it won't!
As I think about the end of this 90 Day journey 2 things come to mind:
1. There's one more day of fasting and prayer left
2. How am I going to end this 90 day journey?
You see, there's much to be learned when you spend an entire day with Jesus. You learn to hear from Him ever so clearly. The biggest part is conviction of sin and cleansing of the soul. The other part is Bible reading, prayer, and seeking the face of our Heavenly Father. It's so worth it.
I've been pondering for a bit how to end this 90 Day journey with Jesus. I still have no real clear answer, but I'm sure He will tell me in His own special way. Will it be over a meal with a few select Christian friends? Will it be sharing the Lords supper with some friends? A day alone just Jesus and I? My mind wonders, but I know in His good time He will reveal it to me!
Today I would like to simply ask you:
1. When is the last time you went on a significant spiritual journey? Just you and Jesus?
God bless you,
As I think about the end of this 90 Day journey 2 things come to mind:
1. There's one more day of fasting and prayer left
2. How am I going to end this 90 day journey?
You see, there's much to be learned when you spend an entire day with Jesus. You learn to hear from Him ever so clearly. The biggest part is conviction of sin and cleansing of the soul. The other part is Bible reading, prayer, and seeking the face of our Heavenly Father. It's so worth it.
I've been pondering for a bit how to end this 90 Day journey with Jesus. I still have no real clear answer, but I'm sure He will tell me in His own special way. Will it be over a meal with a few select Christian friends? Will it be sharing the Lords supper with some friends? A day alone just Jesus and I? My mind wonders, but I know in His good time He will reveal it to me!
Today I would like to simply ask you:
1. When is the last time you went on a significant spiritual journey? Just you and Jesus?
God bless you,
Friday, September 2, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 53
This morning's devotional was quite an eye opener. It made me think about what it really is to be a true Christian and to reflect God's glory. We all are in a wide open mission field no matter where God chooses to bring us for the day. We have work, neighborhoods, grocery stores, retail stores, and yes even church to show others what being a Christian is all about. Well today God spoke to me in a very different way about our Christianity and what it looks like. He said, "Alicia, your life as a Christian is much like that of a salad bar you have choices to make. What you do with those choices impacts your walk and relationship with me. It also impacts the way others view Christianity."
I began to think about what God had said. He's right! Christianity is just like a big salad bar. So come along and see what choices are available on this salad bar every day.
As you begin at the very front of the salad bar you see a beautiful green bowl. It's filled to over flowing with the most beautiful lettuce ever. Nice, fresh, and crisp you serve yourself a small helping. You notice writing on the serving spoon and it reads, AGAPE: God's love that never fails.
Moving right along is a bowl of grape tomatoes. Oh they look so nice and enticing so you say to yourself, I'll have a few. You look on the serving spoon to only read: Gossip: a favorite tool of Satan.
As you continue to serve yourself you notice that the choices you've made weren't all good although to the human eye they were appealing. You take a seat and have a look at the plate that you've served up. It looks like this:
1. Agape Love-Lettuce
2. Gossip-tomatoes
3. Temptation-cheese
4. Lust of the flesh-eggs
5. Forgiveness-nuts
6. Mercy-raisins
7. Grace- broccoli
8. Salvation-sunflower seeds
9. Pride-croutons
10. The blood of Jesus-French dressing
You see, this salad bar is a direct reflection of the choices the enemy throws at us every day. However, did you notice at the end of the salad bar was the Blood of Jesus? It takes away all of our sin! All we need to do is ask!
So, today I challenge you as you travel through the salad bar of your Christian walk today. Be careful of the choices you make because Satan is always in the mix!
God bless you.
Alicia Roark
Thursday, September 1, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 52 (Wednesday's blog)
Have you ever been wore out exhausted?! Well, you are not alone. I am now working on 1 hour of sleep in two days. We finally made it back home last night to get the generator started that wouldn't start for 3 days. Our neighbor helped us get it going! Thank you Lord for our neighbors!
I thought, oh now I'll get plenty of rest. I"m back in my bed, generator going which meant cool air! All would be well...NOT SO FAST! ALL NIGHT LONG my precious two dogs decided to bark and the fire trucks in and out every 5 minutes, and VA POWER employees were talking SO LOUD outside my window. NO SLEEP. Sean and I were up and down all night seeing if the power was up. Zilch, Zero, Nadda.....OH how I want power back....THEN AT 7 AM I heard Sean shout from the other room, WE HAVE POWER!" WOOOOOOOOOO HOOO do a happy dance!!!!! Power, the sweetest words ever since Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m.
Off to work I went then God said, "Praise me anyways. Turn on your favorite song and SING." I thought, "Are you kidding me, I"m exhausted..Yes, I"m glad we have power, but I'm tired." Then God said, "SING Alicia and Praise me." Well, guess who won that battle?!!! You got it! He did! He always wins!! His ways are definitely higher! Off to work I went singing and praising, and praying. I got to work and got a coke and jump started the day. Then lunch came, I ate lunch and headed back out to the floor. Wait....Where did the tiredness go? I couldn't find it? It had vanishes just as quickly as it came. Then God spoke again, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. " Psalm 28:7 He restored my strength when I was tired and weary! He carried me through my shift. Thank you Lord!
Today I would like to challenge you to SING and Praise God when you're tired, moody, and weary! Go ahead, pop in that favorite song of yours and Sing for Joy to the King!
Love in Christ,
I thought, oh now I'll get plenty of rest. I"m back in my bed, generator going which meant cool air! All would be well...NOT SO FAST! ALL NIGHT LONG my precious two dogs decided to bark and the fire trucks in and out every 5 minutes, and VA POWER employees were talking SO LOUD outside my window. NO SLEEP. Sean and I were up and down all night seeing if the power was up. Zilch, Zero, Nadda.....OH how I want power back....THEN AT 7 AM I heard Sean shout from the other room, WE HAVE POWER!" WOOOOOOOOOO HOOO do a happy dance!!!!! Power, the sweetest words ever since Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m.
Off to work I went then God said, "Praise me anyways. Turn on your favorite song and SING." I thought, "Are you kidding me, I"m exhausted..Yes, I"m glad we have power, but I'm tired." Then God said, "SING Alicia and Praise me." Well, guess who won that battle?!!! You got it! He did! He always wins!! His ways are definitely higher! Off to work I went singing and praising, and praying. I got to work and got a coke and jump started the day. Then lunch came, I ate lunch and headed back out to the floor. Wait....Where did the tiredness go? I couldn't find it? It had vanishes just as quickly as it came. Then God spoke again, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. " Psalm 28:7 He restored my strength when I was tired and weary! He carried me through my shift. Thank you Lord!
Today I would like to challenge you to SING and Praise God when you're tired, moody, and weary! Go ahead, pop in that favorite song of yours and Sing for Joy to the King!
Love in Christ,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 51 (Tuesday's Blog)
I feel like today God's still small voice is screaming at me, "LOVE THEM ANYWAYS." Today I feel like throwing up my hands and saying, "BUT I DON"T WANT TO." I'm weary, tired, and just want to go to my house where I can sleep in my own bed, etc...YES....I"m having a pity party. However, I know that nobody shows up for pity parties and there are no gifts either. So, here I stand complaining about the circumstances after Irene and some of the craziest people that I've ever seen out in public. Trust me, nobody has knocked on my door to come to this pity party and there've been no gifts either...Sigh.
This IS NOT FUN. God never promised me this 90 days with Him would be a bed full of roses. He promised He'd be faithful and walk with me. Wait...God just reminded me that my house went unscathed from the path of Irene. We lost a branch from Irene. It leaned sideways and fell into the yard. Uhmm...There's no place to hide. OK! He got me! It's just not always easy when people CAN"T DRIVE when the power to the traffic lights has been taken away, then they come out and are rude and ugly. Anybody got any earplugs? Here's what else God has had to say to me: THIS IS A WIDE OPEN MISSION FIELD TO SHARE MY LOVE WITH THEM. THEY don't have any power either, THEY might have LOTS more damage than the little Crepe Myrtle branch that I leaned sideways into your yard, and THEY are in need of ME, the ultimate power giver.
Highly convicted, I pray a prayer of forgiveness. He's right. It's time for me to show those in the wake of this storm His love. He chose to keep our house and yard safe from harm...Oh what a humbling experience this day has been.
I feel no need to challenge you with anything other than to show God's love and pray hard through the circumstances we all are currently in.
Humbled by God,
This IS NOT FUN. God never promised me this 90 days with Him would be a bed full of roses. He promised He'd be faithful and walk with me. Wait...God just reminded me that my house went unscathed from the path of Irene. We lost a branch from Irene. It leaned sideways and fell into the yard. Uhmm...There's no place to hide. OK! He got me! It's just not always easy when people CAN"T DRIVE when the power to the traffic lights has been taken away, then they come out and are rude and ugly. Anybody got any earplugs? Here's what else God has had to say to me: THIS IS A WIDE OPEN MISSION FIELD TO SHARE MY LOVE WITH THEM. THEY don't have any power either, THEY might have LOTS more damage than the little Crepe Myrtle branch that I leaned sideways into your yard, and THEY are in need of ME, the ultimate power giver.
Highly convicted, I pray a prayer of forgiveness. He's right. It's time for me to show those in the wake of this storm His love. He chose to keep our house and yard safe from harm...Oh what a humbling experience this day has been.
I feel no need to challenge you with anything other than to show God's love and pray hard through the circumstances we all are currently in.
Humbled by God,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 50
Comfort! We all like comfort! We don't want to be taken out of our comfort zones! God has chosen to take me outside of my comfort zone more times than not on this journey. Why? I believe to teach me to trust Him implicitly. He's moved me to talk to people I would've never probably spoken to on a normal day just because I passed them by. He's teaching me to follow His lead no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
Speaking of uncomfortable.....Sean and I are staying at the in-laws' house until our power comes back on. It's strange but my in-laws and I get along famously 98% of the time! You may be asking yourself...where is the discomfort? When Sean and I were married our first bed was a queen size canopy bed (no not the girly kind!) We kept it for all of a year and then we gave it to His parents for their extra bedroom. We got a KING size sleigh bed for our bedroom! Guess who is sleeping in that Queen Size bed? Yep. You got it. It is highly uncomfortable! Saturday night we ended up sleeping over there due to no power. Let me tell you, there was not much sleep that night because of the winds from Hurricane Irene, plus every time one of us moved the bed made a squeaky sound....HIGHLY uncomfortable. I thought...How did we EVER manage to sleep in this thing when we first got married?! Guess what?! I get to sleep in that same LOVELy bed again tonight....
Today I challenge you to not doubt God when He takes you out of your comfort zone. Trust me, I'm sure you're as uncomfortable as me due to no power, closeness of people, maybe being in a strange house etc, but when it comes to God HE knows what He's doing! Be safe and I pray that you and your family are safe throughout this storm. Hang in there!
Love in Christ,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 49 (Sunday's blog)
LOVE is in the air! It's my 12 year wedding anniversary! On this 90 day journey God has given me even a stronger love for Sean Roark. I didn't think that was possible, because I love my husband with every fiber in me. He's the spiritual leader of our home, and God's perfect choice for me for a soul mate!
I can remember when we started dating, when we were apart for my deployments or just on a normal day I missed him like crazy! I was truly in love with him and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with him outside of my Navy uniform. When I was with him nothing else seemed to matter. He was the apple of my eye and he had me so tight by the heart strings it wasn't even funny. This was no puppy love, it was true love! (Ok now you can take down your umbrella...Sorry for the sappiness!)
Well today God has spoken to me about His love that is much stronger than the love between a husband and a wife. I remember the day I was saved! There was untold Joy and I truly fell in love with King Jesus! I wanted to spend time in His Word, time in His house/Sanctuary, and time talking to Him. He was the love I had longed for that could fill up the emptiness I felt inside as a 9 year old kid! This kind of love is Agape. It's a spiritual love that can only come from Him!
During this journey I've fallen even more in love with King Jesus! I've spent more time with Him, talked more with Him, read more of His Word! OH the Joy it brings! Spending time at the feet of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords outweighs any other experience out there. Truly I have fallen in love with Jesus over again and it's ever so sweet!
What about you? Have you fallen in love with Jesus all over again? If not, I encourage you to start spending some time with Him and experience AGAPE love which is much better than any other!
God Bless you!
In God's Love,
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 48 (Saturday's blog)
Hurricane Irene. Two words that I totally wished weren't part of my vocabulary. All over the news this week we heard about how this storm was going to impact Hampton Roads VA.
In the midst of all of the chaos God began to speak to me about spiritual houses. In the New Testament (Matthew 7:24-27), Jesus talks about people who build their houses on the rock or on sand. Sure, there's a hurricane and there will be damage, but if their spiritual houses aren't in order then they are in for real trouble.
I started thinking about the house built on sand. What does it look like:
Foundation: Sand (Satan, the World)
Walls/inside: Sin, lust of the flesh, false hope, worldly pleasures, trying to get by everyday on emotions (which are also fleeting) and much more that Satan has to offer.
Result of spiritual storms: Doom, sadness, not knowing where to turn, and that kind of spiritual house will sink. No doubt about it.
Now, let's quickly look at the house built on the Rock:
Foundation: Rock (Jesus)
Walls/inside: Hope of eternal Salvation, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and a peace that surpasses all understanding no matter what storm may come.
Result of spiritual storms: Faith that can move mountains, peace, grace, love and God's Promises that never fail and most importantly, AT THE NAME OF JESUS, SATAN MUST FLEE FROM THE ROCK!!!! Surely the way to build a spiritual house!
So today, I would like to ask you the following question:
1. What kind of house is your spiritual life built upon?
God bless you!
In God's Love,
Alicia Roark
In the midst of all of the chaos God began to speak to me about spiritual houses. In the New Testament (Matthew 7:24-27), Jesus talks about people who build their houses on the rock or on sand. Sure, there's a hurricane and there will be damage, but if their spiritual houses aren't in order then they are in for real trouble.
I started thinking about the house built on sand. What does it look like:
Foundation: Sand (Satan, the World)
Walls/inside: Sin, lust of the flesh, false hope, worldly pleasures, trying to get by everyday on emotions (which are also fleeting) and much more that Satan has to offer.
Result of spiritual storms: Doom, sadness, not knowing where to turn, and that kind of spiritual house will sink. No doubt about it.
Now, let's quickly look at the house built on the Rock:
Foundation: Rock (Jesus)
Walls/inside: Hope of eternal Salvation, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and a peace that surpasses all understanding no matter what storm may come.
Result of spiritual storms: Faith that can move mountains, peace, grace, love and God's Promises that never fail and most importantly, AT THE NAME OF JESUS, SATAN MUST FLEE FROM THE ROCK!!!! Surely the way to build a spiritual house!
So today, I would like to ask you the following question:
1. What kind of house is your spiritual life built upon?
God bless you!
In God's Love,
Alicia Roark
Saturday, August 27, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 47 (Friday)
Sometimes God puts you into situations to see if you stand firm in your faith! Yesterday was one of those days. Here in VA and all over the East Coast we've been preparing for Hurricane Irene. Yesterday people either stayed home or came out to buy last minute items such as "C" and "D" cell batteries, flashlights, battery-powered radios, and portable tv's.
The morning started off rough. People were in a rush, and their attitudes weren't very nice. I thought why are these people in such a hurry when they've had an entire week and to prepare? THEN GOD SPOKE...."It's not any different from their spiritual lives, but you must show them my love today." Well, I didn't feel like showing people God's love yesterday. It didn't matter though. Jesus didn't feel like going on the cross to die for us but He did it. I got in contact with a few friends and asked them to pray because I was having a hard time yesterday morning.
The afternoon came and do you know that people's attitudes were much different? They were nicer, not as many people were snapping at the employees, and the flow of the afternoon seemed to be much smoother! I liked that!
Just before my day was over, God spoke again one more time. "They've waited to the last minute for a hurricane, and people can hear about my Word, be shown my love, but they will wait to the last hour to believe in me. You must show them my love on good and bad days and point them to me." Enough said.
Here's a question for you:
1. When situations like natural disasters happen, do you take the time to show people God's love in the midst of chaos?!!
2. When's the last time you genuinely showed people God's love?!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and I!
The morning started off rough. People were in a rush, and their attitudes weren't very nice. I thought why are these people in such a hurry when they've had an entire week and to prepare? THEN GOD SPOKE...."It's not any different from their spiritual lives, but you must show them my love today." Well, I didn't feel like showing people God's love yesterday. It didn't matter though. Jesus didn't feel like going on the cross to die for us but He did it. I got in contact with a few friends and asked them to pray because I was having a hard time yesterday morning.
The afternoon came and do you know that people's attitudes were much different? They were nicer, not as many people were snapping at the employees, and the flow of the afternoon seemed to be much smoother! I liked that!
Just before my day was over, God spoke again one more time. "They've waited to the last minute for a hurricane, and people can hear about my Word, be shown my love, but they will wait to the last hour to believe in me. You must show them my love on good and bad days and point them to me." Enough said.
Here's a question for you:
1. When situations like natural disasters happen, do you take the time to show people God's love in the midst of chaos?!!
2. When's the last time you genuinely showed people God's love?!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and I!
Friday, August 26, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 46-(Thursday)
Warnings! They normally come with the sound of an alarm or a loud noise! They alert us to situations of harm or danger and allow us time to prepare for what is to come.
Yesterday morning the Lord prompted me to go have my bible reading and time alone with Him at New Quarter Park right down the street from me. I was all game! I was going to do this...THEN I began to think of the things I had to do. My spirit became disturbed. The Holy Spirit kept prompting....Go to New Quarter Park. Well, I was reminded about a show that I'd missed on Monday night so my thoughts turned toward catching up on the episode I missed. Well, I decided. to watch the latest episode of the tv show I'd missed.
The fact that my spirit was disturbed should've been a warning sign. Well, it didn't stop there. I finished watching the tv show, got dressed, made lunch and headed out the door. By the way I prayed a pathetic emergency prayer on the way out the door.
I drove to work listening to my new favorite song and for the first time it didn't excite me. What was the matter? It was still the same awesome song. I arrived at work and the first hour was MISERABLE. The people, co-workers, everybody was in shambles it seemed. We had one cashier and several people in line. I walked up front to gather paperwork for the day. A lady said, "Is this the only person open?" I said, "Yes ma'am, she's it." I wasn't on the clock yet so I couldn't help her. People began to get frustrated. Then I became frustrated. My buddy I work with who is also a Christian said, "It's gonna be one of those days."
When I did get on the clock my monitor wouldn't work and the keypad froze. Our financial services app wouldn't run, and I had to restart the computer I went to also. All these little warning signs and I didn't heed any of them. It's kind of like the hurricane that's coming. They've been warning people to get ready for about a week now and yet people are choosing to wait to the last minute. Some folks I understand might've had other things going on in their world but for those who didn't and haven't heeded the warning signs until now....Oh my.
The day continued and lunch time came. I had forgotten my lunch on my island at the house. I had to run out to subway to get something to eat real quick. By the time I'd gotten done I had like 8 minutes to throw down a sub. Then I heard God say, "Alicia, you should've heeded my warning early this morning when I told you to go to the park to have your quiet time with me.
I immediately headed for the bathroom. I prayed and asked God to forgive me and the day started anew. The day began to be brighter, people got nicer, and the technology began to work! Amazing huh!
All those warning signs and I didn't heed them. What did God have for me yesterday? I am not sure because I chose to be disobedient and not listen to that still small voice.
In the old testament there is a scripture reference on God giving people warnings. These people were watchmen and it was their job to look out for harm. Take some time to read it today! Ezekiel 3:17-27.
So here's a question for you today:
1. Is God giving you warning signs about your spiritual condition?
2. Are you listening?!!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and me! God bless you!
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