Warnings! They normally come with the sound of an alarm or a loud noise! They alert us to situations of harm or danger and allow us time to prepare for what is to come.
Yesterday morning the Lord prompted me to go have my bible reading and time alone with Him at New Quarter Park right down the street from me. I was all game! I was going to do this...THEN I began to think of the things I had to do. My spirit became disturbed. The Holy Spirit kept prompting....Go to New Quarter Park. Well, I was reminded about a show that I'd missed on Monday night so my thoughts turned toward catching up on the episode I missed. Well, I decided. to watch the latest episode of the tv show I'd missed.
The fact that my spirit was disturbed should've been a warning sign. Well, it didn't stop there. I finished watching the tv show, got dressed, made lunch and headed out the door. By the way I prayed a pathetic emergency prayer on the way out the door.
I drove to work listening to my new favorite song and for the first time it didn't excite me. What was the matter? It was still the same awesome song. I arrived at work and the first hour was MISERABLE. The people, co-workers, everybody was in shambles it seemed. We had one cashier and several people in line. I walked up front to gather paperwork for the day. A lady said, "Is this the only person open?" I said, "Yes ma'am, she's it." I wasn't on the clock yet so I couldn't help her. People began to get frustrated. Then I became frustrated. My buddy I work with who is also a Christian said, "It's gonna be one of those days."
When I did get on the clock my monitor wouldn't work and the keypad froze. Our financial services app wouldn't run, and I had to restart the computer I went to also. All these little warning signs and I didn't heed any of them. It's kind of like the hurricane that's coming. They've been warning people to get ready for about a week now and yet people are choosing to wait to the last minute. Some folks I understand might've had other things going on in their world but for those who didn't and haven't heeded the warning signs until now....Oh my.
The day continued and lunch time came. I had forgotten my lunch on my island at the house. I had to run out to subway to get something to eat real quick. By the time I'd gotten done I had like 8 minutes to throw down a sub. Then I heard God say, "Alicia, you should've heeded my warning early this morning when I told you to go to the park to have your quiet time with me.
I immediately headed for the bathroom. I prayed and asked God to forgive me and the day started anew. The day began to be brighter, people got nicer, and the technology began to work! Amazing huh!
All those warning signs and I didn't heed them. What did God have for me yesterday? I am not sure because I chose to be disobedient and not listen to that still small voice.
In the old testament there is a scripture reference on God giving people warnings. These people were watchmen and it was their job to look out for harm. Take some time to read it today! Ezekiel 3:17-27.
So here's a question for you today:
1. Is God giving you warning signs about your spiritual condition?
2. Are you listening?!!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and me! God bless you!
Haven't you learned by now that you cannot ignore God when He speaks?