It's Day 43 and it just so happens to be Monday. It's the beginning of the week which means the first day of the work week, a new to do list for the week, and a plethora of other tasks that must be completed! This week for me is going to be really busy. However, I must keep in mind that when I get tired or worn out from the busyness of the week, that I am a Christian and others are watching me.
This morning's devotion was on our words. We use words verbally, and on our cell phones, we update our statuses on Social Media with words. Once words leave our mouths we can never take them back. Also this morning Jesus reminded me about our Christian lives and how we live them. Our Christian lives are like a book. People are reading it and what do they see/read? There's an old familiar hymn called "Let Others See Jesus in you." One of the verses says: "Your life's a book before their eyes, there reading it through and through. Say does it point them to the skies? Let others see Jesus in you." It was a HUGE reminder that no matter where I find myself I need to live my life in such a way that others can see Jesus in me. Trust me, people are watching you and are waiting to see just what a true Christian is like!
So today I would like to challenge you to be an example to others out there as you go through your week!
Here's a question or two to ponder:
1. Do I choose my words carefully no matter where I find myself using them (i.e. verbally, on a social media website, work. church, etc)?
2. Does the way I live my life point others directly to Jesus?
Thank you all for joining me on this journey! I love you all so much!
Alicia Roark
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