I didn't get to blog yesterday so I'm doing that this morning! So that means you'll get to read 2 blogs today!
Yesterday was a very different day. I had about 4 different people speak to me about various trials and tribulations in their life. Nobody likes to go through trials and hard times. It stresses us out, brings us to our knees, and makes us completely and totally dependent on God. As I listened to each of my friends/acquaintances tell me of their current struggles, their seemed to be one recurring theme, "This just isn't fair." A couple of them asked me specifically to pray for them and I did. Matter of fact, I prayed for all of them. Prayer is a powerful thing! It works, and it changes things. Jesus changes things, situations, and hard times.
Did you know that Jesus said that we would have trouble here on earth? Yep! He did! "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world!" John 16:33.
Did you also know that God wants us to be joyful when tough times come? I know it isn't always easy. "Consider it pure joy my bretheren when you face troubles of various kinds." James 1:2
Let me paint you a picture of hard times. It was the year 2008 and my sister-n-law and her new husband were expecting a new baby. It was Christmas day. We were all excited about the news we'd just learned. Just 24 hours later Coleen found out she'd miscarried. Complete and total devastation. We all cried. We all felt the loss. She was only a few weeks, but there would be no baby. On Monday of the following week she returned to work. At the time she was a church secretary. In the middle of her sorrow God spoke to her and said, "I want you to praise me." Colleen asked God how can I praise you during this time? I am in sorrow. She was in a deep dark valley. However, exactly one year to the very hour she miscarried Zoe Kristine Heffner was born! She was born with Down's Syndrome. She's our little angel and we all adore her. This year she'll be 9 years old! Aunt ALicia spoils her rotten and every time I'm around her I'm reminded of a mountain top experience that began in the valley low for her mom and dad! See...God does know what He is doing!
Love and prayers,
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