Sleep, it's precious to me! I need at least 8 hours to be functional. Last night I woke to the smell of smoke. I woke Sean and said, "DO you smell that?" He said, "yeah." We both got up then I remembered the nightly news about the NC fires. I said, "Wait, the fires in NC, I bet that's the wind blowin' them." He said, "Yep." Back to bed we both went. Notice I didn't say SLEEP.
It wasn't long and Sean was out like a light. Then after much tossing and turning I began to talk to God. God are you trying to tell me something?! Are you keeping me awake for some reason? The answer that I heard wasn't what I expected, but I listened because the strength of that still small voice is unexplainable. He started to speak to me about Social Media. I thought why do you want to talk to me about Social Media? He reminded me of a time last year when there was this application (app for short) that you could click on to see how many hours you spent on FB. My number was humbling. I thought, that's a lot of hours wasted. Then He began to talk to me about twitter. What HE said was very interesting! THEN...GOD BEGAN TO SPEAK....
"People all over spend more time on Social Media than they do in my Word or with Me. They are more interested in somebody's status updates than knowing what I have to say to them on a daily basis." WHOA.....How's that for hearing from God at 3:02 a.m.? It hit me like a ton of bricks. Everyone of us are guilty of spending hours upon hours on FB or twitter or whatever other social media tools there are out there to distract us from spending time with God. Then God Spoke again. "About that status update on FB here's what mine would say if I had a facebook: "Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men." (Mark 1:17). Instead of spending untold hours on facebook wasting precious time, why don't you get outside your door and go tell somebody about me and the fact that I died for them and wan't to save them from Hell. Why don't you spend the time being a blessing to a friend or neighbor?" "At the end of time, your status on Facebook won't matter to me. All that will matter is if you had a personal relationship with me." HOW POWERFUL IS THAT?!!
So, I encourage you to spend more time with Jesus than on the internet, Social Media, or playing games! The time will be so precious too and more productive!
Today's Question:
1. Do I spend more time on the internet, Social Media than I do with Jesus?
God Bless you,
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