Life, it's fleeting! We are born as innocent little babies, then we grow to be toddlers, then children, adolescents...you get the picture. We finally reach adulthood and begin to reflect on the years past wishing we could reclaim some of the lost time.
Often we use the statement "If I could go back to when....I would do.....differently." Would we treat people differently? Would we be more disciplined in school or demonstrate more honor to our parents? However, reality is that we cannot go back..However, we can definitely change how we do things today. The bible paints a very clear picture as David talks about life and how short it is. Psalms 39:4-7.
When we die and they place a gravestone on our grave with our name and the dates of our lifespan. There's always a dash in the middle. Everybody will have a dash. It represents our time here on earth and the impact we made on others. For Christians, it's how we impacted the lives of others for eternity.
So I'd like to ask you today.....Are you making a difference with your "dash?"
Please take the time to read Psalm 39:4-7.
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