On this 29th day of the 90 day journey I have been with Jesus all day long. A few weeks ago God led me to do a 24 hour fast. I said, "but God, I've never done a fast ever." His response: "just do it."
I have experienced Christ in all of His fullness today. A friend of mine fasted with me and together we had an encounter like none other we've had before. The day started with the usual morning walk but a bit shorter. The time was about 8 a.m. We walked for a mile...WHAM...It happened! As the music in my ears began to play I completely found myself lost in worship during my walk. I didn't care what people thought either. Tears began to stream, my hands lifted high in praise to Him. I began to worship God in all of His glory. It had not happened like that before today ever. I could feel His Holy Spirit in the gentle breeze of the morning. Something caught my eye, my friend was caught up in worship too. God showed up on our morning walk in a powerful way.
The original plan was to start at our church sanctuary after the walk. God had different plans. God told me that we were to go to York River State Park. I said, Ok. I didn't even argue. This day was about total obedience to Him. We got in the car and headed to the park. When we arrived it was early and hardly nobody was around. Then God spoke again, "Go sit in the gazebo." So, guess what?!! We went and sat in that gazebo and began to pray. Then we began to each read our own devotions. Little did either of us know that we were both reading the same passage. Some time had passed and I heard Rebecca sniffeling. I looked over and she was in tears. She said, "God just spoke to me so powerfully through His word. " I said, "Me too." I said, "God told me to read Romans chapter 6." She began to bawl. "I just finished reading that due to our Pastor's sermon yesterday." God had something to say to us this morning. He made it abundantly clear! There in that gazebo we laughed, cried, talked about God in our lives, our struggles and agreed to be accountability partners. We took in some liquid sustenance and agreed to take a walk down the trail. Before we took off though, we got to talking about how people from the old testament built things to remind themselves of different encounters with God they'd had. No, not idols...Symbols that showed that they had been with God. I said, "Maybe we can find something on the trail."
Off to the walking trail we went, ipods in tow and all the while kind of searching for what we could bring to leave as a symbol of our time with God. Nothing popped out at us. At first we saw a stick we thought we could make a crown with..Not possible. Onward we marched and reached a point where we agreed to turn around. Again, full worship began....the trail's end was nearing and we'd still had nothing from God to leave as a symbol of our experience. THEN..THERE IT WAS...Two fir branches (they look alot like palm branches, but orange and rougher). I picked them up and we headed back. We arrived at the gazebo and laid the fir branches in the shape of a cross as a symbol of our experience with God at York River State park. We listened to a song and then we squatted down with our heads bowed low for one last prayer to thank God for His presence there. We departed.
Destination 2: Mackamie Woods Labryinth. It was here that we learned how God wants us to love others the way He loves us. It was humbling as God showed us of some modern day examples of friends that He wants us to demonstrate His love towards. We studied a devotion by Angela Thomas called, "Brave Honest Questions Women ask." Our question out near the Labryinth was Do you Know I'm Worn Out? There it was right between our eyes! We both discovered we were physically, emotionally, and at some points in our lives spiritually worn out. God showed us out there in that Labyrinth that we didn't need to be superwomen and that when we are weary HE is all we need. Oh that encounter with Jesus was wonderful. We bowed our heads to pray. I happened to look behind me at a branch that had been blowing behind me. It was a green, leafy flexible branch. I tore a part of it off and it bent perfectly into a crown. That is where we were supposed to put crowns! We both made a small crown and laid them at the feet of the cross in front of the labyrinth. Another encounter with Jesus! We left there and headed for the public library.
Our ideal area was the quiet room, but it was occupied. So, we sat in front of the windows and prayed and read our bibles silently. Then it happened. We started to both yawn. Exhaustion sat in. Our bellies started to rumble.....We prayed and read a couple of small devotion books and departed. Our time there was about one hour. It was there that God showed us that He is our strength when we are physically weak. We called our friend Sharon Gauthier to see if we could end our day at her house! She said, "Come on."
We departed the library and stopped one last time for some liquid nourishment. Off to Sharon's we went. She greeted us at the door with her bright smile! Our day was complete! She is the epitome of what a Christian should be like. She inspires us all to be like Jesus every day. We visited a bit and then we all held hands and prayed! A group hug and Rebecca headed home and so did I. Jesus had friends that He loved dearly and so we felt it was the best way to end our day...with a friend!
It has been 11 hours since this day with Jesus began. My body and mind are tired, but my spirit is filled with joy untold! I have been with Jesus and I heard Him speak loud and clear today. I've been given direction, clarity, and most of all grace and mercy from Him that completely blows me away.
I highly recommend you do a fast at least once in your life. You won't be sorry. Will it be tough? Yes, but worth every single minute of it!
Please keep Rebecca and I in your prayers the rest of this night.....
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
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