It's day 35! That mean's there are 55 days left on this journey! I'm excited about what God will be showing me and you over the next 55 days. Today happens to be Sunday! It's a day of rest after worshiping God!
I didn't know how or when God would speak to me today. I knew He might speak to me at church but I thought it would be in the worship service. However, He chose to speak to me very clearly during Sunday School. Matter of fact He spoke in a way that made me tear up. Our Sunday school class is studying the book of Revelation! It is a very deep book and it takes a long time to go through it. We are in Chapter 20. Well we got to going and talking about the lesson then our teacher started talking about Salvation and how it's our eternal freedom in Christ. Well...that's just the start.
Please allow me to teach you a new word that you've probably never heard before. It's called tetelestai. During Jesus' Day when you were arrested on the door post of your jail cell was a list of the crime(s) you committed and the penalty you had to pay for the crime you'd committed. After you'd finished your sentence the jailer would come to your cell and write across the paper of charges Tetelestai. The jail cell door would be opened and you were a free person.
When Jesus died on the cross just before he died he said...Tetelestai. So, what does Tetelestai mean? It is finished. Jesus Christ paid the debt for our sin and the cross was the door to our eternal freedom from sin! If that doesn't get you going I don't know what else will. Tears welled up in my eyes at that parallell in Sunday School.
See our Salvation came with a price that Jesus himself paid so heavily. I know sometimes we pray and thank God for our Salvation. Today the mere fact that Jesus has saved me from Hell and He used a parallell in a Sunday School room today to show me just how precious that gift is and was moves me to tears.
Today I'd like to ask you:
1. Do you know Jesus as your Savior?
2. If you know Jesus as your Savior, when is the last time you sincerely thanked Him for your Salvation?!!!
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