This entire journey is all about a closer walk with God! When I tell you that I"m closer to God than I've been in a while, I say that with 100% assurance. I can't wait to be with Him everyday and to talk with Him. He may not always tell me what I want to hear, but just to hear His still small voice is enough for me!
I love reading my bible more than ever now. It's no longer a chore but a choice. It's a joy because it's God speaking directly to me. It' s His way of showing me how to continue to build my relationship with Him! The Bible is a great book and I recommend you read it daily! If you invite God into the place where you are, He will come and He will speak. Oh my friend, be ready for what He has to say because it's powerful, true, and humbling.
Speaking of the Bible, another good book that I recently started reading and want to recommend to you is: "Walking with God" by John Eldredge. It's all about hearing God's voice and building a relationship with Him. If you've strayed in your relationship with God let me tell you, you can come back home! He's waiting with open arms to welcome you back! Honestly, go check out that book or buy it on amazon. It's a great read!
Last but not least, on this 33rd day of the journey I woke up with a headache followed by my to-do list going through my mind. Today my to-do list is vast. One of the big things on it is to start trying to finish my first book which I'd hoped to have out by Nov. However, God quickly reminded me....Your to-do list needs to begin with ME and I will take care of all the other things on that list for you!
Today's Question:
1. Does your daily To-Do list have "Spending Time with Jesus" at the top?
God bless you,
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