This journey with Jesus is one I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. He's growing me up, teaching me to be more like Him and our relationship is blossoming into something so beautiful that it's completely indescribable.
Today I woke up and got dressed to go for my walk. I was prepared as always to walk 2.2 miles. I got to the 1/2 mile point (Sheppard Dr.) and God said, "Turn around." I was like but I have to finish the walk. God said, "Turn around." So, I did. I currently am still unaware as to why He wanted me to turn around other than to spend more time with Him during bible reading.
On Sheppard Drive is a home surrounded by a chain link fence. Yesterday I got to meet the lady who lives there. She's considered to be a neighbor. During our conversation yesterday God impressed on me to tell her where I go to church and to inform her that if she ever needed anything to call me. So, I did. Then, on the remainder of my walk home yesterday God reminded me that He called me to serve others. He had me stop there to meet my neighbor because one day she might have a need that I can meet or the church can. Servant-hood, it's what Jesus has called us all too. We are to be His hands and feet everywhere we go!
Here's a question for you:
1. When's the last time you were a servant to somebody else?
P.S. I challenge you go out and meet at least one neighbor you don't know and show Jesus to them or do something kind for them. YES...I DARE YOU! Get out of your comfort zone and be a blessing to somebody else!
Have a blessed day!
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