This day has been good but very interesting! Interesting in a good way! Again this morning there was no walk because I thought I had a 9 a.m. conference call. I didn't get the memo that said we weren't having one so I showed up and learned that way...Oh well! These things happen.
So, after I'd discovered there was no conference call I immediately began doing things on my job to improve my work knowledge. So exciting I know! However, if you're not growing you're lying stagnant. Ok...So my work day started and the requirement everyday is to get 1 credit card application per shift. Normally by my first hour I've gotten at least 2. Today, that was not the case. It was like a drought. Everybody said, NO NO NO NO NO!!! I began to get discouraged. I was like, what is the matter? So, at about 2:00 I went to lunch. It HIT ME...I hadn't prayed nor read my bible. THAT's the problem. I didn't tap into the power source. I didn't go to the true source I go to every day for those numbers I get for credit card apps. Well, after lunch I bowed my head to pray and asked God to give me the numbers I needed and asked Him to forgive me for not asking earlier. Well, what do ya know right after lunch it was like a gushing well of credit card apps....I got 7 apps this afternoon where as this morning I got none.
Our Christian life is just like that. Sometimes we reach places of famine or dry land. We try to do things on our own and when they don't work we get discouraged and give up. We wonder what is wrong and why are we in a dry place. If we would tap into the ultimate Power Source called Jesus our dry places in life wouldn't be so dry! He would show us things untold that we didn't know before. His word says so..."Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Remember the boy with the fish and bread? The disciples were like it's only a little food and then they tapped into the power source and it fed a multitude! Oh what a Savior!
Maybe tonight you find yourself in a dry place in your Christian life or in your personal life. Oh my friend I want to encourage you to tap into the ultimate power source called Jesus. Pray to Him, Call on HIm and let Him do a mighty work in you! You might be amazed!
A question for this night:
1. Are you in a time of drought or famine spiritually?
2. Do you tap into the power source the way you should
Have a blessed night! THanks for journeying along with me. God bless you my friends!
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