This morning I woke and took another 2.2 mile walk. To some this might appear as the same old routine for 90 days. However, I can guarantee you that it is anything but routine. God shows me different things every time we talk. He shows me that He is in control and that He wants to have a deeper, and closer relationship with me.
The music began to play and I began to walk. It's me and God and nothing else matters during this time. I long to be in His presence and worship him in all of His glory! This time with Him is more precious that time with my family, friends, coworkers, or church family. That still small voice is so powerful that I am in complete awe of what the Holy Spirit has to say to me.
I reached the first 1.1 and stretched out my legs. I said a prayer and then God said, Keep your earbuds on. I thought, but this is listening time, I need to take them off. God said, "Keep them on today." I didn't know why he had me keep them on. I turned around and headed for home. I was almost home. The music was lovely.
Just about 3/4 of the way home I saw a sign that said 401. God said, "Read Isaiah 40:1." I thought, why Isaiah 40:1? It didn't matter because God told me to do it, so I did. So, what does Isaiah 40:1 say? "Comfort, comfort my people says your God." (New International Version).
Then I knew exactly why God brought that verse to mind. You see I have several Christian friends who are going through some tough stuff. One friend is going through depression, another friend's mother is not long for this world, another friend just needs a gentle touch from Heaven. He is the God of all comfort. He can mend broken hearts, ease anxious minds, and give peace that passes understanding. God used that street sign today to tell me He wants me to share His love and comfort with them this week. That's exactly what I'll be doing!
Today I would like for you to think about this question:
1. How can I comfort somebody along my path today?
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