Yesterday I learned one pretty good lesson. Satan is going to work even harder when you make him angry. It's not that I didn't know this before. Trust me, I knew, it's just that yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess that's what happens when you spend all day with Jesus for 24 hours and you don't give into temptation.
Satan knew yesterday all day long that I would be back in my normal element. He knew I'd be back to cooking, cleaning, my job, being a wife. OH the fun he had with me yesterday. Let's see. How shall I begin?! I didn't go walking in the morning because I had an 8 a.m. conference call. So, I jolted into the shower, grabbed a quick bite to eat, kissed my husband goodbye and out the door I went. Here's another clincher....On the way to work....I even listened to Christian music. HAHAHAh.....That didn't keep him away. It made him ANGRIER.......
I got on the call. It didn't last long, but I could feel in my spirit that I was a little stirred up/anxious. What for though?!! I just had been listening to my Christian music. My regular day began! I seemed to be ok I thought but I couldn't shake this feeling inside. What in this world was the matter? Then a circumstance or two (OK A LOT OF CIRCUMSTANCES ALL DAY LONG) reminded me that satan was present and he was armed and ready for battle. WHAM....that's where I'd gone wrong. I wasn't ready for battle yesterday. The only thing I'd managed to do was pray a quick prayer for a little help with the work day. Trust me it was a quick one too. Ashamed? Yep...Totally because the ol' devil had more fun with me yesterday than he should've had.
Ok....My work day ends and I head for home. Phewww...a sigh of relief...It's going to be ok I told myself. You'll get to see Sean and everything will be ok. WRONGGGGGG! For a couple of days I'd been trying to get a few songs to transfer to my ipod. I'd realized I could only do this from my husband's office computer. So, he took me over there and it took FOREVER to get it done. IN the midst of it all I'd erased all the original songs from my Ipod. However, I'd gotten the new ones on there. I looked at the time. In frustration I said, I don't have time to get home and clean up to make it to church. That sly little devil......So guess what I did?!!! I thought, ok since I can't make it to church I'll go walking. Well, I got on my exercise gear and put on my ipod which now has all of 9 songs on it and headed out the door. I glanced at the sky and dark clouds were forming. It looked like it was going to rain. I pressed on. I made it just beyond the half a mile point when I started to feel raindrops. In frustration I turned around. COuld it get any worse?!!! I got home ate dinner and settled down to blog. Guess what?!!! You guessed it! I couldn't blog. They were doing maintenance on the blog site...UGHHHHHHHH....I thought I'd had all I could take...Oh but not yet...Satan was hardly through with me. A few minutes later my dog Callie decided she wanted to be held. She has this thing where she lets you know when it's time to be put down. But yesterday she decided to jump on my keyboard and break the shelf where my keyboard rests. THAT WAS IT! I was DONE! I found a screw put the shelf back together and then I got off the computer and just went to bed.
Who ever said this 90 Days with Jesus would be a breeze?!!! Trust me, Satan is right there every step of the way trying to trip me up. However, if I'd started my day with Prayer and Bible study like I do every morning...Guess what? Yesterday might've turned out a whole lot differently. If I'd put on the whole armour of God I would've been able to fight off the devil. I didn't go into battle prepared yesterday and all day long the devils darts kept flying and hitting me. Unprotected.....there I sat late at night wounded from the battle. I was tired, distraught, frustrated, and down right unhappy. When I finally got still last night I heard God say, "You should've been prepared."
I highly recommend you go into battle daily with your entire Armour of God on. TRUST ME...DON"T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT OR JESUS!
Be blessed,
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