Today is Sunday! It's my day of worship and rest. It's exactly what God has allowed me to do! Sunday School was AWESOME! We're in the last couple of chapters in Revelation! Oh what a powerful book! It's a very clear picture of what it is like when you're a child of God and what it will look like when somebody rejects Jesus. We just finished up the part on Hell. Next week will be about HEAVEN! I can hardly wait to see what God will teach me!
God's Holy Word is more precious to me these days than I can even begin to tell you. He speaks so powerfully and I am so grateful. I"m learning to pray the Word, take Christ as His Word, Memorize His Word, and use the Word daily to apply to my daily life. Recently I was asked about why I was so happy, and so I took the time to tell a few people why I was so happy. They let me know that they weren't ready for Jesus quite yet, but thanked me for being such a positive light in their world. It's ALL about Him! It's Him in Me!
I firmly believe God was preparing me for this process over a year ago when I attended my very first Vacation Bible School for Women at the Ferguson Center in Newport News, VA. I honestly had no plans that day, but God put that in my path on the internet that day. I told my friend, "there's this VBS for women at the Ferguson Center we should go. It doesn't look like it costs anything." So, off we went...Well, let's just say God brought me there because He was beginning to work on me for this very 90 day journey. The theme was "Crossing Over from Mediocrity to More in Christ." That was me...I was living a very mediocre life. I was doing things my way and my walk had begun to stray. Bible reading? What was that...My bible was something I dusted off on Sunday mornings to look good. Sharon Thomas, the speaker/Bible Teacher/ Founder of Established Footsteps began to teach the Word that night. All I can remember is that God convicted me that I needed to cross over and get back on the right track with Him....
I just finished my second VBS for Women! The theme "Isn't She Lovely." It talks about how Christ sees us as lovely and some pretty heavy scriptural stuff based out of the scripture 2 Corinthians 3:18. Oh how GOd showed me on that weekend that this was just a continuation of the journey from one year ago. It's still part of the crossing over but how He is transforming my Christian walk on a daily basis! You see how God can take something like a VBS for Women and do a mighty work in the life of somebody?!
Christ is still helping me to Cross over to more in Him, He's still transforming me! He's removed the veil and now these days I"m beholding His glory and learning to become more like Him!
So, on this night I would like to introduce you to my brand new friend and Bible teacher Sharon Thomas, founder of Established Footsteps. God brought that young lady into my life to speak to me. Let me tell you, this young lady is an anointed woman of God and I'm so blessed to call her my friend. Her website has many bible studies that she's taught before and shirts and stuff. Please give her website a visit! www.establishedfootsteps.com
Here's a question for you to think about:
1. In what ways is God helping you to Cross Over?
2. Has there been a Christian event that changed your life and your walk with Christ?!
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