It's Day 39. Recently I've been told more people haven't heard my personal testimony. Even my best friend informed me via pool side at a friend's home she wasn't fully aware of my entire story. So today...On this 39th day I'd like to share with you my journey...I will try to not make it very long, but the goal is to give God glory because He has done so many things in my life! So...here goes.
I was born to two alcoholic parents on March 10, 1976. My mother drank the entire pregnancy. The result of her alocoholism was a 3 lb baby girl who was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Effects (FAE). Normally a person with FAE can experience the following symptoms: Death, severe mental retardation, disfigured facial features, shot central nervous system. On that day the only symptom God chose to leave me with is: A shot central nervous system.
At 6 months old my parents decided they didn't want the responsibility of another baby and I was abandoned in the vicinity of a trashcan. Social services found me and along with my sister we saw our very first foster home. From 6 months old to 4 years old I saw 4 different foster homes. The first 3 I experienced child abuse like you would not believe. Why? Because I wouldn't potty train fast enough. I was turned upside down on my feet and my head banged on concrete, whipped with an inch long piece of kenneling after being stripped naked, I experienced being on my knees all night long because I couldn't finish a meal....
THEN finally, on December 27, 1980 I saw my last foster home. This is where I experienced true love. The home just before this one is where I got my first taste of church. I was being beat Monday through Saturday and taken to church on Sunday. Well...My new home was one block away from our church! Love...What was that? I didn't know...However, at this home I felt something different. The beatings stopped, I began to feel safe for the first time at a mere 5 years old.
Years passed by and I reached the age of 9. I attended Vacation Bible School. Then on a beautiful Sunday morning right after Bible School I gave my heart to Jesus and I've not been the same since!
Life hasn't always been easy, but with God at my side it's been a lot more bearable! In my young life I attended 2 very hard funerals. One was my foster dad. He was my true dad..I leaned over a casket at 8 years old and said goodbye to the only real father figure I knew. At 15 I stood over the casket of my biological mother, just 15 days after my 15th birthday. Five short months before my wedding my biological father passed away of a massive heart attack. I didn't attend that funeral...I had closed that door a few weeks after my biological mom died and I didn't feel the need to open up any old wounds.
After high school I went to a community college in my hometown of Oakdale, LA and got a 2 year business degree. Afterwards I joined the United States Navy where I was an Administrative Assistant to the Commanding and Executive Officers. Also, I did security work! Yep! A pistol packin, handcuff carryin' woman!
Fastforward to the year 1997. I met Sean Kevin Roark at church. He was a civilian! Now...buckle your seatbelts for this. I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE ASKED ANY GUY OUT. I was taught the guy asked the girl out...Ya know the right way to do things...I"m a Southern Girl ya know...Well, GOD had other plans....God told me I was to ask Sean out or I wouldn't sleep. After a week of no sleep I called and asked him out...The date Friday, February 13, 1998. He accepted my date request after explaining how GOD won that fight! We dated for one year and we were married on August 28, 1999. We are still happily married!
Today we make our home in Williamsburg, VA. We have no children. I am an American Sign Language Interpreter part time and I work at Best Buy Newport News full time until this economy picks up. I"m in the midst of writing two books. One called The Dixie Street Miracle and the second one From Depression to Dancing....Living your life to the full in Christ!
I pray that God has blessed you through my testimony! To HIm be all the Glory, Honor, and Praise!
God is so good.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting, Wow the hand of God has been on your life. You are still in his hands