We are at the 1/2 way point on this 90 day journey! I can't believe how quickly the time is flying. I want to savor every moment! I want to soak up all that the Savior is saying to me! I love hearing His still small voice! I am loving reading the Word more than ever!
This morning I was mopping the kitchen floor and I threw in an old Steven Curtis Chapman Cd. A song that started to play was "For the Sake of the Call." Some of the words are: "we will abandon it all for the sake of the call, no other reason at all but the sake of the call. Holy devoted to live and to die for the sake of the call." I got to thinking about this 90 day journey. It's all about following Jesus and becoming closer to Him and more like him.
When Jesus asked the disciples to follow him they did so with complete abandon. They simply threw down what they were doing and followed Jesus. There were no questions asked they just obeyed him.
How often has God spoken to us and asked us to follow Him? How often do we listen without reservation? Something to think about huh?! I know that He's asked me to follow Him and I"ve asked a gazillion questions before giving in. I think we're all guilty of that.
Tonight's question is:
1. What would you be willing to give up to simply follow Jesus and spend more time with Him?
Please enjoy the video! God bless you all!
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