Hurricane Irene. Two words that I totally wished weren't part of my vocabulary. All over the news this week we heard about how this storm was going to impact Hampton Roads VA.
In the midst of all of the chaos God began to speak to me about spiritual houses. In the New Testament (Matthew 7:24-27), Jesus talks about people who build their houses on the rock or on sand. Sure, there's a hurricane and there will be damage, but if their spiritual houses aren't in order then they are in for real trouble.
I started thinking about the house built on sand. What does it look like:
Foundation: Sand (Satan, the World)
Walls/inside: Sin, lust of the flesh, false hope, worldly pleasures, trying to get by everyday on emotions (which are also fleeting) and much more that Satan has to offer.
Result of spiritual storms: Doom, sadness, not knowing where to turn, and that kind of spiritual house will sink. No doubt about it.
Now, let's quickly look at the house built on the Rock:
Foundation: Rock (Jesus)
Walls/inside: Hope of eternal Salvation, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and a peace that surpasses all understanding no matter what storm may come.
Result of spiritual storms: Faith that can move mountains, peace, grace, love and God's Promises that never fail and most importantly, AT THE NAME OF JESUS, SATAN MUST FLEE FROM THE ROCK!!!! Surely the way to build a spiritual house!
So today, I would like to ask you the following question:
1. What kind of house is your spiritual life built upon?
God bless you!
In God's Love,
Alicia Roark
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 47 (Friday)
Sometimes God puts you into situations to see if you stand firm in your faith! Yesterday was one of those days. Here in VA and all over the East Coast we've been preparing for Hurricane Irene. Yesterday people either stayed home or came out to buy last minute items such as "C" and "D" cell batteries, flashlights, battery-powered radios, and portable tv's.
The morning started off rough. People were in a rush, and their attitudes weren't very nice. I thought why are these people in such a hurry when they've had an entire week and to prepare? THEN GOD SPOKE...."It's not any different from their spiritual lives, but you must show them my love today." Well, I didn't feel like showing people God's love yesterday. It didn't matter though. Jesus didn't feel like going on the cross to die for us but He did it. I got in contact with a few friends and asked them to pray because I was having a hard time yesterday morning.
The afternoon came and do you know that people's attitudes were much different? They were nicer, not as many people were snapping at the employees, and the flow of the afternoon seemed to be much smoother! I liked that!
Just before my day was over, God spoke again one more time. "They've waited to the last minute for a hurricane, and people can hear about my Word, be shown my love, but they will wait to the last hour to believe in me. You must show them my love on good and bad days and point them to me." Enough said.
Here's a question for you:
1. When situations like natural disasters happen, do you take the time to show people God's love in the midst of chaos?!!
2. When's the last time you genuinely showed people God's love?!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and I!
The morning started off rough. People were in a rush, and their attitudes weren't very nice. I thought why are these people in such a hurry when they've had an entire week and to prepare? THEN GOD SPOKE...."It's not any different from their spiritual lives, but you must show them my love today." Well, I didn't feel like showing people God's love yesterday. It didn't matter though. Jesus didn't feel like going on the cross to die for us but He did it. I got in contact with a few friends and asked them to pray because I was having a hard time yesterday morning.
The afternoon came and do you know that people's attitudes were much different? They were nicer, not as many people were snapping at the employees, and the flow of the afternoon seemed to be much smoother! I liked that!
Just before my day was over, God spoke again one more time. "They've waited to the last minute for a hurricane, and people can hear about my Word, be shown my love, but they will wait to the last hour to believe in me. You must show them my love on good and bad days and point them to me." Enough said.
Here's a question for you:
1. When situations like natural disasters happen, do you take the time to show people God's love in the midst of chaos?!!
2. When's the last time you genuinely showed people God's love?!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and I!
Friday, August 26, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 46-(Thursday)

Warnings! They normally come with the sound of an alarm or a loud noise! They alert us to situations of harm or danger and allow us time to prepare for what is to come.
Yesterday morning the Lord prompted me to go have my bible reading and time alone with Him at New Quarter Park right down the street from me. I was all game! I was going to do this...THEN I began to think of the things I had to do. My spirit became disturbed. The Holy Spirit kept prompting....Go to New Quarter Park. Well, I was reminded about a show that I'd missed on Monday night so my thoughts turned toward catching up on the episode I missed. Well, I decided. to watch the latest episode of the tv show I'd missed.
The fact that my spirit was disturbed should've been a warning sign. Well, it didn't stop there. I finished watching the tv show, got dressed, made lunch and headed out the door. By the way I prayed a pathetic emergency prayer on the way out the door.
I drove to work listening to my new favorite song and for the first time it didn't excite me. What was the matter? It was still the same awesome song. I arrived at work and the first hour was MISERABLE. The people, co-workers, everybody was in shambles it seemed. We had one cashier and several people in line. I walked up front to gather paperwork for the day. A lady said, "Is this the only person open?" I said, "Yes ma'am, she's it." I wasn't on the clock yet so I couldn't help her. People began to get frustrated. Then I became frustrated. My buddy I work with who is also a Christian said, "It's gonna be one of those days."
When I did get on the clock my monitor wouldn't work and the keypad froze. Our financial services app wouldn't run, and I had to restart the computer I went to also. All these little warning signs and I didn't heed any of them. It's kind of like the hurricane that's coming. They've been warning people to get ready for about a week now and yet people are choosing to wait to the last minute. Some folks I understand might've had other things going on in their world but for those who didn't and haven't heeded the warning signs until now....Oh my.
The day continued and lunch time came. I had forgotten my lunch on my island at the house. I had to run out to subway to get something to eat real quick. By the time I'd gotten done I had like 8 minutes to throw down a sub. Then I heard God say, "Alicia, you should've heeded my warning early this morning when I told you to go to the park to have your quiet time with me.
I immediately headed for the bathroom. I prayed and asked God to forgive me and the day started anew. The day began to be brighter, people got nicer, and the technology began to work! Amazing huh!
All those warning signs and I didn't heed them. What did God have for me yesterday? I am not sure because I chose to be disobedient and not listen to that still small voice.
In the old testament there is a scripture reference on God giving people warnings. These people were watchmen and it was their job to look out for harm. Take some time to read it today! Ezekiel 3:17-27.
So here's a question for you today:
1. Is God giving you warning signs about your spiritual condition?
2. Are you listening?!!
Thanks for taking this journey with Jesus and me! God bless you!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 45
We are at the 1/2 way point on this 90 day journey! I can't believe how quickly the time is flying. I want to savor every moment! I want to soak up all that the Savior is saying to me! I love hearing His still small voice! I am loving reading the Word more than ever!
This morning I was mopping the kitchen floor and I threw in an old Steven Curtis Chapman Cd. A song that started to play was "For the Sake of the Call." Some of the words are: "we will abandon it all for the sake of the call, no other reason at all but the sake of the call. Holy devoted to live and to die for the sake of the call." I got to thinking about this 90 day journey. It's all about following Jesus and becoming closer to Him and more like him.
When Jesus asked the disciples to follow him they did so with complete abandon. They simply threw down what they were doing and followed Jesus. There were no questions asked they just obeyed him.
How often has God spoken to us and asked us to follow Him? How often do we listen without reservation? Something to think about huh?! I know that He's asked me to follow Him and I"ve asked a gazillion questions before giving in. I think we're all guilty of that.
Tonight's question is:
1. What would you be willing to give up to simply follow Jesus and spend more time with Him?
Please enjoy the video! God bless you all!
This morning I was mopping the kitchen floor and I threw in an old Steven Curtis Chapman Cd. A song that started to play was "For the Sake of the Call." Some of the words are: "we will abandon it all for the sake of the call, no other reason at all but the sake of the call. Holy devoted to live and to die for the sake of the call." I got to thinking about this 90 day journey. It's all about following Jesus and becoming closer to Him and more like him.
When Jesus asked the disciples to follow him they did so with complete abandon. They simply threw down what they were doing and followed Jesus. There were no questions asked they just obeyed him.
How often has God spoken to us and asked us to follow Him? How often do we listen without reservation? Something to think about huh?! I know that He's asked me to follow Him and I"ve asked a gazillion questions before giving in. I think we're all guilty of that.
Tonight's question is:
1. What would you be willing to give up to simply follow Jesus and spend more time with Him?
Please enjoy the video! God bless you all!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 44 (Wednesday's blog)
Yesterday was election day (this blog won't be about politics!). One word began to keep popping up in my mind yesterday. TRUTH. People want to know the truth and don't like to be lied to. Yesterday was no different. As the went into the poles to vote I heard one person say, "Who knows the truth anymore?"
So, God began to impress upon my heart about how His Word is truth and How it gives promises that never fail. Here's one verse that people use often. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32. I'm so glad that God's Word is true from cover to cover and that reading it, memorizing it, and meditating on it can bring us so much closer to Him! In His Word He reveals who He is to us and how He desires to have a closer relationship with us! The most important thing is that Jesus is dependable, He never leaves us or forsakes us, and He loves us unconditionally! Now that piece of truth just blows me away!
Today I would like to challenge you to spend time in the Word of God and find one verse that you can memorize, and meditate on. Let the powerful Word of God speak truth into your life today!
P.S. Please take time to enjoy the video...
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
So, God began to impress upon my heart about how His Word is truth and How it gives promises that never fail. Here's one verse that people use often. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32. I'm so glad that God's Word is true from cover to cover and that reading it, memorizing it, and meditating on it can bring us so much closer to Him! In His Word He reveals who He is to us and how He desires to have a closer relationship with us! The most important thing is that Jesus is dependable, He never leaves us or forsakes us, and He loves us unconditionally! Now that piece of truth just blows me away!
Today I would like to challenge you to spend time in the Word of God and find one verse that you can memorize, and meditate on. Let the powerful Word of God speak truth into your life today!
P.S. Please take time to enjoy the video...
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Monday, August 22, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 43

It's Day 43 and it just so happens to be Monday. It's the beginning of the week which means the first day of the work week, a new to do list for the week, and a plethora of other tasks that must be completed! This week for me is going to be really busy. However, I must keep in mind that when I get tired or worn out from the busyness of the week, that I am a Christian and others are watching me.
This morning's devotion was on our words. We use words verbally, and on our cell phones, we update our statuses on Social Media with words. Once words leave our mouths we can never take them back. Also this morning Jesus reminded me about our Christian lives and how we live them. Our Christian lives are like a book. People are reading it and what do they see/read? There's an old familiar hymn called "Let Others See Jesus in you." One of the verses says: "Your life's a book before their eyes, there reading it through and through. Say does it point them to the skies? Let others see Jesus in you." It was a HUGE reminder that no matter where I find myself I need to live my life in such a way that others can see Jesus in me. Trust me, people are watching you and are waiting to see just what a true Christian is like!
So today I would like to challenge you to be an example to others out there as you go through your week!
Here's a question or two to ponder:
1. Do I choose my words carefully no matter where I find myself using them (i.e. verbally, on a social media website, work. church, etc)?
2. Does the way I live my life point others directly to Jesus?
Thank you all for joining me on this journey! I love you all so much!
Alicia Roark
Sunday, August 21, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 42

Today is Sunday! It's my day of worship and rest. It's exactly what God has allowed me to do! Sunday School was AWESOME! We're in the last couple of chapters in Revelation! Oh what a powerful book! It's a very clear picture of what it is like when you're a child of God and what it will look like when somebody rejects Jesus. We just finished up the part on Hell. Next week will be about HEAVEN! I can hardly wait to see what God will teach me!
God's Holy Word is more precious to me these days than I can even begin to tell you. He speaks so powerfully and I am so grateful. I"m learning to pray the Word, take Christ as His Word, Memorize His Word, and use the Word daily to apply to my daily life. Recently I was asked about why I was so happy, and so I took the time to tell a few people why I was so happy. They let me know that they weren't ready for Jesus quite yet, but thanked me for being such a positive light in their world. It's ALL about Him! It's Him in Me!
I firmly believe God was preparing me for this process over a year ago when I attended my very first Vacation Bible School for Women at the Ferguson Center in Newport News, VA. I honestly had no plans that day, but God put that in my path on the internet that day. I told my friend, "there's this VBS for women at the Ferguson Center we should go. It doesn't look like it costs anything." So, off we went...Well, let's just say God brought me there because He was beginning to work on me for this very 90 day journey. The theme was "Crossing Over from Mediocrity to More in Christ." That was me...I was living a very mediocre life. I was doing things my way and my walk had begun to stray. Bible reading? What was that...My bible was something I dusted off on Sunday mornings to look good. Sharon Thomas, the speaker/Bible Teacher/ Founder of Established Footsteps began to teach the Word that night. All I can remember is that God convicted me that I needed to cross over and get back on the right track with Him....
I just finished my second VBS for Women! The theme "Isn't She Lovely." It talks about how Christ sees us as lovely and some pretty heavy scriptural stuff based out of the scripture 2 Corinthians 3:18. Oh how GOd showed me on that weekend that this was just a continuation of the journey from one year ago. It's still part of the crossing over but how He is transforming my Christian walk on a daily basis! You see how God can take something like a VBS for Women and do a mighty work in the life of somebody?!
Christ is still helping me to Cross over to more in Him, He's still transforming me! He's removed the veil and now these days I"m beholding His glory and learning to become more like Him!
So, on this night I would like to introduce you to my brand new friend and Bible teacher Sharon Thomas, founder of Established Footsteps. God brought that young lady into my life to speak to me. Let me tell you, this young lady is an anointed woman of God and I'm so blessed to call her my friend. Her website has many bible studies that she's taught before and shirts and stuff. Please give her website a visit!
Here's a question for you to think about:
1. In what ways is God helping you to Cross Over?
2. Has there been a Christian event that changed your life and your walk with Christ?!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 41
Music! People say it soothes the soul! I'm here to tell you that it immensely blesses my soul! I listen to music on my morning walks, when I'm driving to work, and when I'm cleaning house! There are lots of songs that make me feel like I'm sitting at the feet of Jesus. A few of them are:
1. Awesome in this place-Kathy Triccoli
2. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place
3. Your Grace Still Amazes me
4. As the Deer
The songs above are so worshipful and I love each and every one of them. Now there are other songs that are my "Get up and Go, hand clappin' foot stompin' songs. Those songs are:
1. It was a great thing-Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
2. Good Morning-Mandisa
3. Leaning on the everlasting arms -Thomas Road Baptist Church Worship Cd
I believe God wants to hear us sing praises to Him! The angels in Heaven are continually singing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty.
Over the past two weeks on this journey God has been speaking to me LOTS through music. So, I want to encourage you to find you some good Christian worship music and praise God because He is worthy!
Have a blessed night.
1. Awesome in this place-Kathy Triccoli
2. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this place
3. Your Grace Still Amazes me
4. As the Deer
The songs above are so worshipful and I love each and every one of them. Now there are other songs that are my "Get up and Go, hand clappin' foot stompin' songs. Those songs are:
1. It was a great thing-Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
2. Good Morning-Mandisa
3. Leaning on the everlasting arms -Thomas Road Baptist Church Worship Cd
I believe God wants to hear us sing praises to Him! The angels in Heaven are continually singing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty.
Over the past two weeks on this journey God has been speaking to me LOTS through music. So, I want to encourage you to find you some good Christian worship music and praise God because He is worthy!
Have a blessed night.
Friday, August 19, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 40
Well, it's been 40 days since I began this journey! There have been good days, bad days, crazy days, but all the while God has been right there holding my hand the entire way.
On this evening I find myself exhausted. Today I worked very hard! I like my job and have a good time at work most days. Today was no different! Every day God expects my very best! He expects me to give 100% of who I am and whatever it is I find myself doing, I must do it to the glory of God!
I got to thinking about that towards the later part of my shift today. My ankles and feet tired from standing 8 hours, my mind weary, exhaustion setting in, I heard God say you must finish well. I know you're tired, I know your feet and ankles hurt, but the rugged cross I died on hurt much worse. So, I'm asking you to finish well. Humbling huh?!!
So, tonight I want to challenge you that when you get all tired and worn out to go to Jesus who will give you the strength to finish well!
Have a blessed night...Thanks so much for coming on this journey with me.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 39 (My Personal Testimony)

It's Day 39. Recently I've been told more people haven't heard my personal testimony. Even my best friend informed me via pool side at a friend's home she wasn't fully aware of my entire story. So today...On this 39th day I'd like to share with you my journey...I will try to not make it very long, but the goal is to give God glory because He has done so many things in my life! goes.
I was born to two alcoholic parents on March 10, 1976. My mother drank the entire pregnancy. The result of her alocoholism was a 3 lb baby girl who was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Effects (FAE). Normally a person with FAE can experience the following symptoms: Death, severe mental retardation, disfigured facial features, shot central nervous system. On that day the only symptom God chose to leave me with is: A shot central nervous system.
At 6 months old my parents decided they didn't want the responsibility of another baby and I was abandoned in the vicinity of a trashcan. Social services found me and along with my sister we saw our very first foster home. From 6 months old to 4 years old I saw 4 different foster homes. The first 3 I experienced child abuse like you would not believe. Why? Because I wouldn't potty train fast enough. I was turned upside down on my feet and my head banged on concrete, whipped with an inch long piece of kenneling after being stripped naked, I experienced being on my knees all night long because I couldn't finish a meal....
THEN finally, on December 27, 1980 I saw my last foster home. This is where I experienced true love. The home just before this one is where I got my first taste of church. I was being beat Monday through Saturday and taken to church on Sunday. Well...My new home was one block away from our church! Love...What was that? I didn't know...However, at this home I felt something different. The beatings stopped, I began to feel safe for the first time at a mere 5 years old.
Years passed by and I reached the age of 9. I attended Vacation Bible School. Then on a beautiful Sunday morning right after Bible School I gave my heart to Jesus and I've not been the same since!
Life hasn't always been easy, but with God at my side it's been a lot more bearable! In my young life I attended 2 very hard funerals. One was my foster dad. He was my true dad..I leaned over a casket at 8 years old and said goodbye to the only real father figure I knew. At 15 I stood over the casket of my biological mother, just 15 days after my 15th birthday. Five short months before my wedding my biological father passed away of a massive heart attack. I didn't attend that funeral...I had closed that door a few weeks after my biological mom died and I didn't feel the need to open up any old wounds.
After high school I went to a community college in my hometown of Oakdale, LA and got a 2 year business degree. Afterwards I joined the United States Navy where I was an Administrative Assistant to the Commanding and Executive Officers. Also, I did security work! Yep! A pistol packin, handcuff carryin' woman!
Fastforward to the year 1997. I met Sean Kevin Roark at church. He was a civilian! Now...buckle your seatbelts for this. I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE ASKED ANY GUY OUT. I was taught the guy asked the girl out...Ya know the right way to do things...I"m a Southern Girl ya know...Well, GOD had other plans....God told me I was to ask Sean out or I wouldn't sleep. After a week of no sleep I called and asked him out...The date Friday, February 13, 1998. He accepted my date request after explaining how GOD won that fight! We dated for one year and we were married on August 28, 1999. We are still happily married!
Today we make our home in Williamsburg, VA. We have no children. I am an American Sign Language Interpreter part time and I work at Best Buy Newport News full time until this economy picks up. I"m in the midst of writing two books. One called The Dixie Street Miracle and the second one From Depression to Dancing....Living your life to the full in Christ!
I pray that God has blessed you through my testimony! To HIm be all the Glory, Honor, and Praise!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 38

This day has been good but very interesting! Interesting in a good way! Again this morning there was no walk because I thought I had a 9 a.m. conference call. I didn't get the memo that said we weren't having one so I showed up and learned that way...Oh well! These things happen.
So, after I'd discovered there was no conference call I immediately began doing things on my job to improve my work knowledge. So exciting I know! However, if you're not growing you're lying stagnant. Ok...So my work day started and the requirement everyday is to get 1 credit card application per shift. Normally by my first hour I've gotten at least 2. Today, that was not the case. It was like a drought. Everybody said, NO NO NO NO NO!!! I began to get discouraged. I was like, what is the matter? So, at about 2:00 I went to lunch. It HIT ME...I hadn't prayed nor read my bible. THAT's the problem. I didn't tap into the power source. I didn't go to the true source I go to every day for those numbers I get for credit card apps. Well, after lunch I bowed my head to pray and asked God to give me the numbers I needed and asked Him to forgive me for not asking earlier. Well, what do ya know right after lunch it was like a gushing well of credit card apps....I got 7 apps this afternoon where as this morning I got none.
Our Christian life is just like that. Sometimes we reach places of famine or dry land. We try to do things on our own and when they don't work we get discouraged and give up. We wonder what is wrong and why are we in a dry place. If we would tap into the ultimate Power Source called Jesus our dry places in life wouldn't be so dry! He would show us things untold that we didn't know before. His word says so..."Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Remember the boy with the fish and bread? The disciples were like it's only a little food and then they tapped into the power source and it fed a multitude! Oh what a Savior!
Maybe tonight you find yourself in a dry place in your Christian life or in your personal life. Oh my friend I want to encourage you to tap into the ultimate power source called Jesus. Pray to Him, Call on HIm and let Him do a mighty work in you! You might be amazed!
A question for this night:
1. Are you in a time of drought or famine spiritually?
2. Do you tap into the power source the way you should
Have a blessed night! THanks for journeying along with me. God bless you my friends!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 37
It's been an interesting day today. I didn't get to walk this morning due to a lot of stuff I needed to do. However, today all day God has been speaking to me about Friendship. I thought why would you be speaking to me about Friendship today? I thought, well I think I'm a good friend or at least I hope so!
After all of my wifely duties, house cleaning, sending emails and errand running I got setteled down enough to read a devotion. Guess what the title was about? Yep...Friendship! Well now I know why! You see I"m a person that when I make a new friend or acquaintance I'm either all in or very hesitant. Currently, I have a new acquaintance but I think I came on a little strong. I didn't mean to, but I have decided to back off for a bit. I'll be nice and cordial but I need to make sure that I don't turn the person off. See, one of the characteristics God gave me was love. When I love, I love hard and deep and I pour myself into relationships. I love making new friends.
Also, I remember being hurt by friends before too. In my young life and in my adult life. However, forgiveness is divine and God can turn any friendship around! Trust me, He turned around a friendship that I thought was completely over. So, tonight God wanted to remind me that He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother! When I feel let down by a friend, or am having trouble with building relationships with new friends/acquaintances that He will be my guide! During these 90 Days He's the kind of friend to have!
So, tonight I would like to ask you the following question:
1. Do you make friends easily or are you hesitant because of past hurts?!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 36
It's day 36! I cannot tell you how great the anticipation is for what God has to say to me every day. What is He going to say? How am I going to respond? Questions fill my mind and I am always grateful for the time Jesus and I spend together!
This morning I got a later start than usual. Instead of walking first I did my devotion first. Today's devotion was about prayer and how we use little "holy catch phrases" in our prayers. We've all been guilty of doing that. Why? We mimick/copy what we hear others pray. I don't know about you but I used to think/feel if I didn't pray those prayers like that, that God didn't hear my prayer as well. Well, let me help you with that...THAT's a LIE straight from the pits of Hell. God just wants to hear from you! He wants you to talk with him just like you would your best friend. He's not so concerned with our little catch phrases. He's interested in the content of our hearts when we pray to Him!
During this morning's walk back home I began to pray and talk to God. I said to God, it's amazing that you don't get tired of hearing from me. Everyday I ask you for a couple of things specifically without fail. His response, "I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5). He's right! Without Him I can't do anything. He's my source!
Today I'm attaching a video from Tim Hawkins that will give you a great laugh on our little catch phrases of prayer! Enjoy!
So, today I would like to leave you with one question:
1. When is the last time you talked to Jesus just like a friend in the same room with you?
This morning I got a later start than usual. Instead of walking first I did my devotion first. Today's devotion was about prayer and how we use little "holy catch phrases" in our prayers. We've all been guilty of doing that. Why? We mimick/copy what we hear others pray. I don't know about you but I used to think/feel if I didn't pray those prayers like that, that God didn't hear my prayer as well. Well, let me help you with that...THAT's a LIE straight from the pits of Hell. God just wants to hear from you! He wants you to talk with him just like you would your best friend. He's not so concerned with our little catch phrases. He's interested in the content of our hearts when we pray to Him!
During this morning's walk back home I began to pray and talk to God. I said to God, it's amazing that you don't get tired of hearing from me. Everyday I ask you for a couple of things specifically without fail. His response, "I am the vine, you are the branches. Apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5). He's right! Without Him I can't do anything. He's my source!
Today I'm attaching a video from Tim Hawkins that will give you a great laugh on our little catch phrases of prayer! Enjoy!
So, today I would like to leave you with one question:
1. When is the last time you talked to Jesus just like a friend in the same room with you?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 35

It's day 35! That mean's there are 55 days left on this journey! I'm excited about what God will be showing me and you over the next 55 days. Today happens to be Sunday! It's a day of rest after worshiping God!
I didn't know how or when God would speak to me today. I knew He might speak to me at church but I thought it would be in the worship service. However, He chose to speak to me very clearly during Sunday School. Matter of fact He spoke in a way that made me tear up. Our Sunday school class is studying the book of Revelation! It is a very deep book and it takes a long time to go through it. We are in Chapter 20. Well we got to going and talking about the lesson then our teacher started talking about Salvation and how it's our eternal freedom in Christ. Well...that's just the start.
Please allow me to teach you a new word that you've probably never heard before. It's called tetelestai. During Jesus' Day when you were arrested on the door post of your jail cell was a list of the crime(s) you committed and the penalty you had to pay for the crime you'd committed. After you'd finished your sentence the jailer would come to your cell and write across the paper of charges Tetelestai. The jail cell door would be opened and you were a free person.
When Jesus died on the cross just before he died he said...Tetelestai. So, what does Tetelestai mean? It is finished. Jesus Christ paid the debt for our sin and the cross was the door to our eternal freedom from sin! If that doesn't get you going I don't know what else will. Tears welled up in my eyes at that parallell in Sunday School.
See our Salvation came with a price that Jesus himself paid so heavily. I know sometimes we pray and thank God for our Salvation. Today the mere fact that Jesus has saved me from Hell and He used a parallell in a Sunday School room today to show me just how precious that gift is and was moves me to tears.
Today I'd like to ask you:
1. Do you know Jesus as your Savior?
2. If you know Jesus as your Savior, when is the last time you sincerely thanked Him for your Salvation?!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 34

Sleep, it's precious to me! I need at least 8 hours to be functional. Last night I woke to the smell of smoke. I woke Sean and said, "DO you smell that?" He said, "yeah." We both got up then I remembered the nightly news about the NC fires. I said, "Wait, the fires in NC, I bet that's the wind blowin' them." He said, "Yep." Back to bed we both went. Notice I didn't say SLEEP.
It wasn't long and Sean was out like a light. Then after much tossing and turning I began to talk to God. God are you trying to tell me something?! Are you keeping me awake for some reason? The answer that I heard wasn't what I expected, but I listened because the strength of that still small voice is unexplainable. He started to speak to me about Social Media. I thought why do you want to talk to me about Social Media? He reminded me of a time last year when there was this application (app for short) that you could click on to see how many hours you spent on FB. My number was humbling. I thought, that's a lot of hours wasted. Then He began to talk to me about twitter. What HE said was very interesting! THEN...GOD BEGAN TO SPEAK....
"People all over spend more time on Social Media than they do in my Word or with Me. They are more interested in somebody's status updates than knowing what I have to say to them on a daily basis." WHOA.....How's that for hearing from God at 3:02 a.m.? It hit me like a ton of bricks. Everyone of us are guilty of spending hours upon hours on FB or twitter or whatever other social media tools there are out there to distract us from spending time with God. Then God Spoke again. "About that status update on FB here's what mine would say if I had a facebook: "Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men." (Mark 1:17). Instead of spending untold hours on facebook wasting precious time, why don't you get outside your door and go tell somebody about me and the fact that I died for them and wan't to save them from Hell. Why don't you spend the time being a blessing to a friend or neighbor?" "At the end of time, your status on Facebook won't matter to me. All that will matter is if you had a personal relationship with me." HOW POWERFUL IS THAT?!!
So, I encourage you to spend more time with Jesus than on the internet, Social Media, or playing games! The time will be so precious too and more productive!
Today's Question:
1. Do I spend more time on the internet, Social Media than I do with Jesus?
God Bless you,
Friday, August 12, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 33

This entire journey is all about a closer walk with God! When I tell you that I"m closer to God than I've been in a while, I say that with 100% assurance. I can't wait to be with Him everyday and to talk with Him. He may not always tell me what I want to hear, but just to hear His still small voice is enough for me!
I love reading my bible more than ever now. It's no longer a chore but a choice. It's a joy because it's God speaking directly to me. It' s His way of showing me how to continue to build my relationship with Him! The Bible is a great book and I recommend you read it daily! If you invite God into the place where you are, He will come and He will speak. Oh my friend, be ready for what He has to say because it's powerful, true, and humbling.
Speaking of the Bible, another good book that I recently started reading and want to recommend to you is: "Walking with God" by John Eldredge. It's all about hearing God's voice and building a relationship with Him. If you've strayed in your relationship with God let me tell you, you can come back home! He's waiting with open arms to welcome you back! Honestly, go check out that book or buy it on amazon. It's a great read!
Last but not least, on this 33rd day of the journey I woke up with a headache followed by my to-do list going through my mind. Today my to-do list is vast. One of the big things on it is to start trying to finish my first book which I'd hoped to have out by Nov. However, God quickly reminded me....Your to-do list needs to begin with ME and I will take care of all the other things on that list for you!
Today's Question:
1. Does your daily To-Do list have "Spending Time with Jesus" at the top?
God bless you,
Thursday, August 11, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 32 (Thursday)
Oh how precious is the Word of God. The Bible is such a treasure and these days I'm learning more and more about King Jesus! He speaks to me so clearly these days. I've come to know that this is exactly what happens when you spend time with Him. I know I've said it a million times, but it bears saying again, "I wished I would've done this sooner."
This morning I woke and got out to take my walk! Yep all 2.2 miles of it! My ever faithful Ipod now with 9 little songs on it in tow. I began my walk with the music going and the trip up today seemed to fly. However, this was not the usual morning walk. At one point I said to God, I want to experience you on this morning walk even with the music blaring in my ears in praise to you. So, I got 98% of the way to the 1.1 mile distance and then.....there arose the sweetest smell I'd ever smelt come into my nostrils. It was just amazing. I'd never smelt something that sweet or nice smelling EVER...I thought...There must've been a woman pass with nice smelling perfume on. I looked behind me...Nodda, then I looked ahead, nothing. Then I heard God whisper, I AM here. "I am the Rose of Sharon, a lilly of the valleys." Song of Solomon 2:1. WOW....I reached the turn around point and took of my earbuds to stretch and pray for safety on the way home.
I headed back toward home. The smell that I'd just smelled...It was no longer there. I just smiled! I was listening to music on the way home when I heard a song called "Do Everything." by Steven Curtis Chapman. A clear reminder that in everything I do, do it all to His Glory. It's not just today, but everyday I should be doing that! I firmly believe that was God's reminder to me today to learn from yesterday's experience.
Onward I continued. THEN...THERE WAS THIS AWFUL STENCH...There were no trash cans around though. Not a single solitary one. There were no recycle bins or anything. Then God spoke again. "Your sin smells just like that stench to me. It's unpleasant and I don't like it. It makes me sick. If you start your day with me I will be your guide, without me you can do nothing." There was no where to hide either. He was speaking to me and chastising me for yesterday on my walk back home. I humbly walked in the door and knew exactly what I needed to do for today!
God bless you,
This morning I woke and got out to take my walk! Yep all 2.2 miles of it! My ever faithful Ipod now with 9 little songs on it in tow. I began my walk with the music going and the trip up today seemed to fly. However, this was not the usual morning walk. At one point I said to God, I want to experience you on this morning walk even with the music blaring in my ears in praise to you. So, I got 98% of the way to the 1.1 mile distance and then.....there arose the sweetest smell I'd ever smelt come into my nostrils. It was just amazing. I'd never smelt something that sweet or nice smelling EVER...I thought...There must've been a woman pass with nice smelling perfume on. I looked behind me...Nodda, then I looked ahead, nothing. Then I heard God whisper, I AM here. "I am the Rose of Sharon, a lilly of the valleys." Song of Solomon 2:1. WOW....I reached the turn around point and took of my earbuds to stretch and pray for safety on the way home.
I headed back toward home. The smell that I'd just smelled...It was no longer there. I just smiled! I was listening to music on the way home when I heard a song called "Do Everything." by Steven Curtis Chapman. A clear reminder that in everything I do, do it all to His Glory. It's not just today, but everyday I should be doing that! I firmly believe that was God's reminder to me today to learn from yesterday's experience.
Onward I continued. THEN...THERE WAS THIS AWFUL STENCH...There were no trash cans around though. Not a single solitary one. There were no recycle bins or anything. Then God spoke again. "Your sin smells just like that stench to me. It's unpleasant and I don't like it. It makes me sick. If you start your day with me I will be your guide, without me you can do nothing." There was no where to hide either. He was speaking to me and chastising me for yesterday on my walk back home. I humbly walked in the door and knew exactly what I needed to do for today!
God bless you,
90 Days with Jesus-Day 31 (Wednesday's Blog)

Yesterday I learned one pretty good lesson. Satan is going to work even harder when you make him angry. It's not that I didn't know this before. Trust me, I knew, it's just that yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess that's what happens when you spend all day with Jesus for 24 hours and you don't give into temptation.
Satan knew yesterday all day long that I would be back in my normal element. He knew I'd be back to cooking, cleaning, my job, being a wife. OH the fun he had with me yesterday. Let's see. How shall I begin?! I didn't go walking in the morning because I had an 8 a.m. conference call. So, I jolted into the shower, grabbed a quick bite to eat, kissed my husband goodbye and out the door I went. Here's another clincher....On the way to work....I even listened to Christian music. HAHAHAh.....That didn't keep him away. It made him ANGRIER.......
I got on the call. It didn't last long, but I could feel in my spirit that I was a little stirred up/anxious. What for though?!! I just had been listening to my Christian music. My regular day began! I seemed to be ok I thought but I couldn't shake this feeling inside. What in this world was the matter? Then a circumstance or two (OK A LOT OF CIRCUMSTANCES ALL DAY LONG) reminded me that satan was present and he was armed and ready for battle. WHAM....that's where I'd gone wrong. I wasn't ready for battle yesterday. The only thing I'd managed to do was pray a quick prayer for a little help with the work day. Trust me it was a quick one too. Ashamed? Yep...Totally because the ol' devil had more fun with me yesterday than he should've had.
Ok....My work day ends and I head for home. Phewww...a sigh of relief...It's going to be ok I told myself. You'll get to see Sean and everything will be ok. WRONGGGGGG! For a couple of days I'd been trying to get a few songs to transfer to my ipod. I'd realized I could only do this from my husband's office computer. So, he took me over there and it took FOREVER to get it done. IN the midst of it all I'd erased all the original songs from my Ipod. However, I'd gotten the new ones on there. I looked at the time. In frustration I said, I don't have time to get home and clean up to make it to church. That sly little devil......So guess what I did?!!! I thought, ok since I can't make it to church I'll go walking. Well, I got on my exercise gear and put on my ipod which now has all of 9 songs on it and headed out the door. I glanced at the sky and dark clouds were forming. It looked like it was going to rain. I pressed on. I made it just beyond the half a mile point when I started to feel raindrops. In frustration I turned around. COuld it get any worse?!!! I got home ate dinner and settled down to blog. Guess what?!!! You guessed it! I couldn't blog. They were doing maintenance on the blog site...UGHHHHHHHH....I thought I'd had all I could take...Oh but not yet...Satan was hardly through with me. A few minutes later my dog Callie decided she wanted to be held. She has this thing where she lets you know when it's time to be put down. But yesterday she decided to jump on my keyboard and break the shelf where my keyboard rests. THAT WAS IT! I was DONE! I found a screw put the shelf back together and then I got off the computer and just went to bed.
Who ever said this 90 Days with Jesus would be a breeze?!!! Trust me, Satan is right there every step of the way trying to trip me up. However, if I'd started my day with Prayer and Bible study like I do every morning...Guess what? Yesterday might've turned out a whole lot differently. If I'd put on the whole armour of God I would've been able to fight off the devil. I didn't go into battle prepared yesterday and all day long the devils darts kept flying and hitting me. Unprotected.....there I sat late at night wounded from the battle. I was tired, distraught, frustrated, and down right unhappy. When I finally got still last night I heard God say, "You should've been prepared."
I highly recommend you go into battle daily with your entire Armour of God on. TRUST ME...DON"T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT OR JESUS!
Be blessed,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 30
I am 1/3 of the way finished with this journey! It's just been a month and when I tell you that I've experienced Christ in all of His fullness I tell you the truth! He walks with me and talks with me. It's a closeness that I don't ever want to loose. He's my Savior and I simply love Him!
You see His mercy's are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). I don't know about you my friend but that blows me away. He keeps loving, and forgiving and wooing me closer and closer to Him. Oh what a Savior He is! Yesterday I fasted and prayed all day with my friend Rebecca. At first I have to admit the first thing I thought of was, "Oh no, what am I going to do when I get hungry." I was more worried about my physical body's reaction to a lack of food than I was about the spiritual experience. Oh how that changed though. I kept waiting for hunger to hit me. I waited, and waited....It came only at about 9 p.m. last night. I heard God whisper, "I AM the one who fills you up."
The 9 o'clock hour came and temptation began to set in. I texted my friend Rebecca and she said she wasn't hungry. Guess what else she said to me, "Don't let the enemy win." AH HA...THERE HE WAS THE DEVIL TRYING TO TEMPT ME IN MY WEAKEST HOUR. God quietly reminded me right then about Satan trying to tempt Him with the stones and asking Him to turn them into bread. The devil is sly and he doesn't mind tempting you. He knows what your hot buttons are and he will push them until you give in. However, I prayed and went to bed and read some and fell asleep. HA! The devil looses again! I sent that ol' devil packin' in Jesus' Name and he fled and his stupid little demons too! YOu see that whole Armour of God does work! Try it on! Satan was FURIOUS with me last night! HAHAHAAHAHAHAh
This morning I woke and expected to be bent over in hunger. Guess what?!! I wasn't even hungry. I ate 3 bites and couldn't take in any more. That my friend is a God thing! He's my sustainer and guide and my strength in the midst of every storm!
So on this 30th day of the 90 day journey I want you to ponder the following question:
1. What do I do when Satan tempts me? Do I give in or do I go to the Savior who is the ultimate source to send the Devil packin?
It is my sincerest prayer on this day that God will bless the path(s) you trod and that He will keep you in perfect peace this day! Please know that you are loved!
You see His mercy's are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). I don't know about you my friend but that blows me away. He keeps loving, and forgiving and wooing me closer and closer to Him. Oh what a Savior He is! Yesterday I fasted and prayed all day with my friend Rebecca. At first I have to admit the first thing I thought of was, "Oh no, what am I going to do when I get hungry." I was more worried about my physical body's reaction to a lack of food than I was about the spiritual experience. Oh how that changed though. I kept waiting for hunger to hit me. I waited, and waited....It came only at about 9 p.m. last night. I heard God whisper, "I AM the one who fills you up."
The 9 o'clock hour came and temptation began to set in. I texted my friend Rebecca and she said she wasn't hungry. Guess what else she said to me, "Don't let the enemy win." AH HA...THERE HE WAS THE DEVIL TRYING TO TEMPT ME IN MY WEAKEST HOUR. God quietly reminded me right then about Satan trying to tempt Him with the stones and asking Him to turn them into bread. The devil is sly and he doesn't mind tempting you. He knows what your hot buttons are and he will push them until you give in. However, I prayed and went to bed and read some and fell asleep. HA! The devil looses again! I sent that ol' devil packin' in Jesus' Name and he fled and his stupid little demons too! YOu see that whole Armour of God does work! Try it on! Satan was FURIOUS with me last night! HAHAHAAHAHAHAh
This morning I woke and expected to be bent over in hunger. Guess what?!! I wasn't even hungry. I ate 3 bites and couldn't take in any more. That my friend is a God thing! He's my sustainer and guide and my strength in the midst of every storm!
So on this 30th day of the 90 day journey I want you to ponder the following question:
1. What do I do when Satan tempts me? Do I give in or do I go to the Savior who is the ultimate source to send the Devil packin?
It is my sincerest prayer on this day that God will bless the path(s) you trod and that He will keep you in perfect peace this day! Please know that you are loved!
Monday, August 8, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 29-A day of fasting

On this 29th day of the 90 day journey I have been with Jesus all day long. A few weeks ago God led me to do a 24 hour fast. I said, "but God, I've never done a fast ever." His response: "just do it."
I have experienced Christ in all of His fullness today. A friend of mine fasted with me and together we had an encounter like none other we've had before. The day started with the usual morning walk but a bit shorter. The time was about 8 a.m. We walked for a mile...WHAM...It happened! As the music in my ears began to play I completely found myself lost in worship during my walk. I didn't care what people thought either. Tears began to stream, my hands lifted high in praise to Him. I began to worship God in all of His glory. It had not happened like that before today ever. I could feel His Holy Spirit in the gentle breeze of the morning. Something caught my eye, my friend was caught up in worship too. God showed up on our morning walk in a powerful way.
The original plan was to start at our church sanctuary after the walk. God had different plans. God told me that we were to go to York River State Park. I said, Ok. I didn't even argue. This day was about total obedience to Him. We got in the car and headed to the park. When we arrived it was early and hardly nobody was around. Then God spoke again, "Go sit in the gazebo." So, guess what?!! We went and sat in that gazebo and began to pray. Then we began to each read our own devotions. Little did either of us know that we were both reading the same passage. Some time had passed and I heard Rebecca sniffeling. I looked over and she was in tears. She said, "God just spoke to me so powerfully through His word. " I said, "Me too." I said, "God told me to read Romans chapter 6." She began to bawl. "I just finished reading that due to our Pastor's sermon yesterday." God had something to say to us this morning. He made it abundantly clear! There in that gazebo we laughed, cried, talked about God in our lives, our struggles and agreed to be accountability partners. We took in some liquid sustenance and agreed to take a walk down the trail. Before we took off though, we got to talking about how people from the old testament built things to remind themselves of different encounters with God they'd had. No, not idols...Symbols that showed that they had been with God. I said, "Maybe we can find something on the trail."
Off to the walking trail we went, ipods in tow and all the while kind of searching for what we could bring to leave as a symbol of our time with God. Nothing popped out at us. At first we saw a stick we thought we could make a crown with..Not possible. Onward we marched and reached a point where we agreed to turn around. Again, full worship began....the trail's end was nearing and we'd still had nothing from God to leave as a symbol of our experience. THEN..THERE IT WAS...Two fir branches (they look alot like palm branches, but orange and rougher). I picked them up and we headed back. We arrived at the gazebo and laid the fir branches in the shape of a cross as a symbol of our experience with God at York River State park. We listened to a song and then we squatted down with our heads bowed low for one last prayer to thank God for His presence there. We departed.
Destination 2: Mackamie Woods Labryinth. It was here that we learned how God wants us to love others the way He loves us. It was humbling as God showed us of some modern day examples of friends that He wants us to demonstrate His love towards. We studied a devotion by Angela Thomas called, "Brave Honest Questions Women ask." Our question out near the Labryinth was Do you Know I'm Worn Out? There it was right between our eyes! We both discovered we were physically, emotionally, and at some points in our lives spiritually worn out. God showed us out there in that Labyrinth that we didn't need to be superwomen and that when we are weary HE is all we need. Oh that encounter with Jesus was wonderful. We bowed our heads to pray. I happened to look behind me at a branch that had been blowing behind me. It was a green, leafy flexible branch. I tore a part of it off and it bent perfectly into a crown. That is where we were supposed to put crowns! We both made a small crown and laid them at the feet of the cross in front of the labyrinth. Another encounter with Jesus! We left there and headed for the public library.
Our ideal area was the quiet room, but it was occupied. So, we sat in front of the windows and prayed and read our bibles silently. Then it happened. We started to both yawn. Exhaustion sat in. Our bellies started to rumble.....We prayed and read a couple of small devotion books and departed. Our time there was about one hour. It was there that God showed us that He is our strength when we are physically weak. We called our friend Sharon Gauthier to see if we could end our day at her house! She said, "Come on."
We departed the library and stopped one last time for some liquid nourishment. Off to Sharon's we went. She greeted us at the door with her bright smile! Our day was complete! She is the epitome of what a Christian should be like. She inspires us all to be like Jesus every day. We visited a bit and then we all held hands and prayed! A group hug and Rebecca headed home and so did I. Jesus had friends that He loved dearly and so we felt it was the best way to end our day...with a friend!
It has been 11 hours since this day with Jesus began. My body and mind are tired, but my spirit is filled with joy untold! I have been with Jesus and I heard Him speak loud and clear today. I've been given direction, clarity, and most of all grace and mercy from Him that completely blows me away.
I highly recommend you do a fast at least once in your life. You won't be sorry. Will it be tough? Yes, but worth every single minute of it!
Please keep Rebecca and I in your prayers the rest of this night.....
God bless you,
Alicia Roark
Sunday, August 7, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 28 (Sunday)
Sometimes God just WOWS me! Today was one of those days! I didn't feel like going to church but I was determined I was going. Satan definitely is MAD at me today and well he should be! He didn't win!
I didn't make it to Sunday School as I had an early morning work meeting. After the meeting I got in my car and got on the interstate and headed home to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to church. I was wondering, I wonder what the Pastor is gonna preach on today. Little did I know that sermon was totally for me! I arrived at church and spoke with a few people. The music began and we began to sing and Praise God! Then we had the Lord's Supper and then it was sermon time. The title of the message today was "How Dead is the Old self?" I thought what an interesting sermon title. He began to preach and conviction hit me like a ton of bricks! I began to realize that God still has some work to do on me. This journey is all part of that! It was absolutely AWESOME! You could feel the spirit of Jesus in church today!
It's amazing how God works! I entered with a not so good attitude and left with joy in my heart! Thank you Lord!
Today's question:
1. When is the last time you honestly felt the spirit of Jesus in your church?!!! Is it time for you and God to have a sit down?!!!
GOd bless you!
I didn't make it to Sunday School as I had an early morning work meeting. After the meeting I got in my car and got on the interstate and headed home to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to church. I was wondering, I wonder what the Pastor is gonna preach on today. Little did I know that sermon was totally for me! I arrived at church and spoke with a few people. The music began and we began to sing and Praise God! Then we had the Lord's Supper and then it was sermon time. The title of the message today was "How Dead is the Old self?" I thought what an interesting sermon title. He began to preach and conviction hit me like a ton of bricks! I began to realize that God still has some work to do on me. This journey is all part of that! It was absolutely AWESOME! You could feel the spirit of Jesus in church today!
It's amazing how God works! I entered with a not so good attitude and left with joy in my heart! Thank you Lord!
Today's question:
1. When is the last time you honestly felt the spirit of Jesus in your church?!!! Is it time for you and God to have a sit down?!!!
GOd bless you!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 27 (Saturday)
Yesterday was a very busy day. I didn't get to walk due to the fact that it was going to be busy. However, the one thing I try to never do is neglect reading the Holy Word of GOd and praying.
I did accomplish that! You see when I'm in the presence of Jesus and spending time with Him nothing else matters. His still small voice that speaks to me so powerfully, convicts me of sin, and woos me closer and closer to Him is more real to me than ever before. It's like I can feel the breath of the Holy Spirit right there with me as I go throughout my day.
You see this 90 Day journey has opened my heart, mind, and soul to so much more than I ever realized God had for me. Yesterday's verse definitely describes this journey best: "O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1
These days aren't the same if I don't spend time with Him. Matter of fact, if I don't spend time in prayer and in the Bible my day is a COMPLETE MESS and a NIGHTMARE. Satan has a hay day with me if I skip a day. Oh my friend, how I wished I would've done this a long time ago. However, here I am on this journey spending time with Jesus falling more and more with Him every single day!
Part of this journey is being Obedient to what God says to me. Well, at first I thought it was just a thought that popped in my head. "I should write a Bible Study on this 90 Days with Jesus." The next morning on my walk there it was again. During church today ...Yep you guessed it. So, in obedience to God I'll be writing a Bible Study about this journey. I'll keep you posted!
Last but not least I covet your prayers tomorrow! I will be participating in my very first fast ever. It's a 24 hour fast. Every time you think of me tomorrow, pray. Pray that God would speak to me very clearly and that when the day is over that my relationship will be even stronger.
It is my sincerest prayer that God is speaking to you through this journey. It's all about Him and Oh how precious He is to me!
In His Service,
I did accomplish that! You see when I'm in the presence of Jesus and spending time with Him nothing else matters. His still small voice that speaks to me so powerfully, convicts me of sin, and woos me closer and closer to Him is more real to me than ever before. It's like I can feel the breath of the Holy Spirit right there with me as I go throughout my day.
You see this 90 Day journey has opened my heart, mind, and soul to so much more than I ever realized God had for me. Yesterday's verse definitely describes this journey best: "O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1
These days aren't the same if I don't spend time with Him. Matter of fact, if I don't spend time in prayer and in the Bible my day is a COMPLETE MESS and a NIGHTMARE. Satan has a hay day with me if I skip a day. Oh my friend, how I wished I would've done this a long time ago. However, here I am on this journey spending time with Jesus falling more and more with Him every single day!
Part of this journey is being Obedient to what God says to me. Well, at first I thought it was just a thought that popped in my head. "I should write a Bible Study on this 90 Days with Jesus." The next morning on my walk there it was again. During church today ...Yep you guessed it. So, in obedience to God I'll be writing a Bible Study about this journey. I'll keep you posted!
Last but not least I covet your prayers tomorrow! I will be participating in my very first fast ever. It's a 24 hour fast. Every time you think of me tomorrow, pray. Pray that God would speak to me very clearly and that when the day is over that my relationship will be even stronger.
It is my sincerest prayer that God is speaking to you through this journey. It's all about Him and Oh how precious He is to me!
In His Service,
Friday, August 5, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 26 (Friday)

This journey with Jesus is one I wouldn't trade for anything in this world. He's growing me up, teaching me to be more like Him and our relationship is blossoming into something so beautiful that it's completely indescribable.
Today I woke up and got dressed to go for my walk. I was prepared as always to walk 2.2 miles. I got to the 1/2 mile point (Sheppard Dr.) and God said, "Turn around." I was like but I have to finish the walk. God said, "Turn around." So, I did. I currently am still unaware as to why He wanted me to turn around other than to spend more time with Him during bible reading.
On Sheppard Drive is a home surrounded by a chain link fence. Yesterday I got to meet the lady who lives there. She's considered to be a neighbor. During our conversation yesterday God impressed on me to tell her where I go to church and to inform her that if she ever needed anything to call me. So, I did. Then, on the remainder of my walk home yesterday God reminded me that He called me to serve others. He had me stop there to meet my neighbor because one day she might have a need that I can meet or the church can. Servant-hood, it's what Jesus has called us all too. We are to be His hands and feet everywhere we go!
Here's a question for you:
1. When's the last time you were a servant to somebody else?
P.S. I challenge you go out and meet at least one neighbor you don't know and show Jesus to them or do something kind for them. YES...I DARE YOU! Get out of your comfort zone and be a blessing to somebody else!
Have a blessed day!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 25 (Thursday)

Life, it's fleeting! We are born as innocent little babies, then we grow to be toddlers, then children, get the picture. We finally reach adulthood and begin to reflect on the years past wishing we could reclaim some of the lost time.
Often we use the statement "If I could go back to when....I would do.....differently." Would we treat people differently? Would we be more disciplined in school or demonstrate more honor to our parents? However, reality is that we cannot go back..However, we can definitely change how we do things today. The bible paints a very clear picture as David talks about life and how short it is. Psalms 39:4-7.
When we die and they place a gravestone on our grave with our name and the dates of our lifespan. There's always a dash in the middle. Everybody will have a dash. It represents our time here on earth and the impact we made on others. For Christians, it's how we impacted the lives of others for eternity.
So I'd like to ask you today.....Are you making a difference with your "dash?"
Please take the time to read Psalm 39:4-7.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 24 (Wednesday)

The beautiful music rang in my ears, Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus! The morning air was fresh and crisp. The sky was a touch cloudy and there was a slight gentle breeze. Jesus and me walking along! You see honestly there's no other place I'd rather be than with Jesus! He is my Best Friend!
On my ipod is a song called "Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us" by Todd Billingsley. God spoke to my heart, if you let me lead you I'll never lead you astray. Recently at work my name is pretty common due to putting up some big numbers. Along with those big numbers come responsibility and a little more attention that I'm used to getting. Over the past couple of days I've been talking with a couple of friends about this. Most importantly I've talked to God and then my husband.
You see I"m not used to having this kind of attention. I told my husband, "I want to have a normal work life still. I don't mind answering people's emails and phone calls, but I'm not some great person I'm just doing my job. THEN came his response. "Maybe God is trying to prepare you like He did Esther..."For such a time as this." I had nothing more to say. God has placed me right where I am for a purpose. So, I'll walk in obedience and let Him lead me every step of the way!
I hope you have a blessed day today!
90 Days with Jesus-Day 23 (Tuesday)

I didn't get to blog yesterday so I'm doing that this morning! So that means you'll get to read 2 blogs today!
Yesterday was a very different day. I had about 4 different people speak to me about various trials and tribulations in their life. Nobody likes to go through trials and hard times. It stresses us out, brings us to our knees, and makes us completely and totally dependent on God. As I listened to each of my friends/acquaintances tell me of their current struggles, their seemed to be one recurring theme, "This just isn't fair." A couple of them asked me specifically to pray for them and I did. Matter of fact, I prayed for all of them. Prayer is a powerful thing! It works, and it changes things. Jesus changes things, situations, and hard times.
Did you know that Jesus said that we would have trouble here on earth? Yep! He did! "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world!" John 16:33.
Did you also know that God wants us to be joyful when tough times come? I know it isn't always easy. "Consider it pure joy my bretheren when you face troubles of various kinds." James 1:2
Let me paint you a picture of hard times. It was the year 2008 and my sister-n-law and her new husband were expecting a new baby. It was Christmas day. We were all excited about the news we'd just learned. Just 24 hours later Coleen found out she'd miscarried. Complete and total devastation. We all cried. We all felt the loss. She was only a few weeks, but there would be no baby. On Monday of the following week she returned to work. At the time she was a church secretary. In the middle of her sorrow God spoke to her and said, "I want you to praise me." Colleen asked God how can I praise you during this time? I am in sorrow. She was in a deep dark valley. However, exactly one year to the very hour she miscarried Zoe Kristine Heffner was born! She was born with Down's Syndrome. She's our little angel and we all adore her. This year she'll be 9 years old! Aunt ALicia spoils her rotten and every time I'm around her I'm reminded of a mountain top experience that began in the valley low for her mom and dad! See...God does know what He is doing!
Love and prayers,
Monday, August 1, 2011
90 Days with Jesus-Day 22

This morning I woke and took another 2.2 mile walk. To some this might appear as the same old routine for 90 days. However, I can guarantee you that it is anything but routine. God shows me different things every time we talk. He shows me that He is in control and that He wants to have a deeper, and closer relationship with me.
The music began to play and I began to walk. It's me and God and nothing else matters during this time. I long to be in His presence and worship him in all of His glory! This time with Him is more precious that time with my family, friends, coworkers, or church family. That still small voice is so powerful that I am in complete awe of what the Holy Spirit has to say to me.
I reached the first 1.1 and stretched out my legs. I said a prayer and then God said, Keep your earbuds on. I thought, but this is listening time, I need to take them off. God said, "Keep them on today." I didn't know why he had me keep them on. I turned around and headed for home. I was almost home. The music was lovely.
Just about 3/4 of the way home I saw a sign that said 401. God said, "Read Isaiah 40:1." I thought, why Isaiah 40:1? It didn't matter because God told me to do it, so I did. So, what does Isaiah 40:1 say? "Comfort, comfort my people says your God." (New International Version).
Then I knew exactly why God brought that verse to mind. You see I have several Christian friends who are going through some tough stuff. One friend is going through depression, another friend's mother is not long for this world, another friend just needs a gentle touch from Heaven. He is the God of all comfort. He can mend broken hearts, ease anxious minds, and give peace that passes understanding. God used that street sign today to tell me He wants me to share His love and comfort with them this week. That's exactly what I'll be doing!
Today I would like for you to think about this question:
1. How can I comfort somebody along my path today?
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