Thursday, July 21, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 11

I woke up this morning, thew on my exercise clothes grabbed my ipod and my new ear phones that are supposed to be sweat proof. I turned the switch on my ipod only to find the battery was dead. In frustration I plugged it in to the wall and then walked out the door. I like the music on the way up. It's my time of praising God and praying. However, I did it all without the music.

The walk up while hot and muggy didn't bother me. The only thing I seemed to notice was the sweat pouring off of my nose, and head...However, on the way home I started to notice that my calves were cramping. I said, Lord, please help these cramps stop I'm not even half way home. It wasn't long before the cramps stopped and I found myself quickly nearing the house. I had listened and really didn't hear anything. hen I came home to read my devotion for the morning. The scripture verse for the devotion is: "In Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17.

Through this morning's devotion God was showing me more about who He is and HIS power! Then here is what I heard Him say shortly afterwards: "You know your ipod that you couldn't listen to, well I provided you music by songs from birds. Those cramps you had, I hold you up with my right hand, and the heat and sweat you felt dripping down your face I shed tears, and blood for you. When you feel you can't take one more step on your morning walk, I'll carry you. When your ipod is out of power and you've no music, listen to my creation sing it will remind you that I am always there. I hold it all together! I am your God."

God is blowing me away on these morning walks! He's showing me to totally rely on Him for everything. When life gets complicated and I feel I am too tired and weary for a morning walk He will sustain me. When I walk through valleys He will carry me and when I stand back on the Mountain there He'll be showing me how he carried me the entire time. He holds my life together with His hand and your life too!

Today I challenge you to ask yourself the following question:

1. Do I always trust God with every circumstance in my life knowing He holds it all together?

Bask and reflect in the One who loves you the most today! Remember when you hit a rough spot He his holding you and your situation together by His almight powerful right hand and that you can be thankful for!

In God's Love,

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