Thursday, July 14, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-End of Day 4

Tonight I ponder in my mind what is the cost of discipleship? Recently my pastor, Rev. Bill Cashman, preached on that very subject matter. The disciples dropped what they were doing to follow Jesus. They gave up their very livelihoods. Complete surrender.

For me to follow Jesus is to completely give Him my everything. It means for me to trust Him 100% of the time with my life, job, finances, well-being, and everything about this life He has allowed me to be a part of. Discipleship requires obedience. It means being obedient to that still small voice even when my human nature says, but God how is....going to happen? Or how are you going to do this, or make this circumstance occur and work out alright. He doesn't require me to ask any questions of Him, however He does require me to Follow Him.

It's been 4 short days and I've still got 86 more days on this journey. He simply bid me Follow Him, and the beckoning of His Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in the true ways of being a Christian. It's He who is my Savior and Sustainer. No human on earth here provides that for me. Sure, I've got a husband who works hard but still GOD is our provision. Period! He is my protector! Just the other day I got news there'd been a shooting on my street. He puts guardian angels round about me as I go for my 2.2 mile walk every day. I'm simply saying JESUS is my source. It costs me time, lack of sleep, dedication and a little weariness to follow him. That pales in comparison to a rugged cross, no sleep at all, and taking on the sin of this world so that people can live in Heaven with Him.

A second question I want you to ask yourself....Am I willing to pay the price?!!! The reward will be Heavenly! Easy? Maybe not but when we get to Heaven great will be our reward just to simply be there and worship at the feet of the One who gave us everything.

Here's a small recap of the day:

2.2 miles walked
Time spent with Jesus
Time spent with my best friend at the pool
Went to church and got convicted by the HOly Spirit of God there too
HOme for dinner, time with my husband, and then bed.

Thank you Lord for this day! Thank you for this journey. Thank you for your still small voice that beckons me to simply Follow You. IN Jesus' Name I pray-AMEN

In God's Love,


  1. Enjoy your blog and am joining you in your journey. I began walking and spending that time with my Father. Listened today to a bible readying and a sermon online while walking. Thanks and keep it up.

  2. Thanks so much Rebecca. To God be all the Glory!

    Isn't it wonderful spending time with our Heavenly Father?!!! Oh how precious these times are!

    Love in Christ,
