Tuesday, July 26, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 16

On this journey I always find myself being surprised by what God shows me or tells me! Today was no different. I started off the day feeling ok, then I got nauseated and had to go lie down.

Earlier in the morning I read my devotion about appearances of people being deceiving. Just the other day while leaving work a young lady held up a sign that read "Homeless, lost house have 2 kids." I didn't stop I kept going. These days it's hard to know what to do but on yesterday the Holy Spirit didn't lead me to stop so I didn't. Was she trying to deceive people? I am not sure. As I began to think about the woman yesterday I was reminded of the great deceiver satan. He walks around this earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. He's deceptive! Satan loves to tell Christians and non-Christians, it's ok to act a certain way, or do something just once. It's just one sin. However, there's always a penalty for sin. It will sooner or later find us out and we will have to give an answer for it.

My thoughts then turned to Jesus sacrifice for my sin. He paid the ultimate price for me. It's the great exchange. He took on my sin via the cross and I got His love, and mercy. I then became overcome with thankfulness. This past weekend at Women's VBS I heard a song called "It was a great thing." It's a song about the great sacrifice of God and it will get you Praising God for all of His goodness! Oh what a Savior.

Tonight I wish to challenge you to ask yourself the following question:

1. Am I easily deceived by what I see out in the world? If so ask God to give you discernment.

Thank you again for coming on this journey with Jesus and me! It's certainly a joy to spend time with THe King!

Please listen to the video below....The song that blessed me so this past weekend! It truly was a Great Thing that Jesus did for me and you too!

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