Friday, July 22, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 12

It's Day 12. This morning I didn't take the 2.2 mile walk due to the heat. It's just way too hot and I"m feeling a little tired honestly!

Yesterday I noticed that the heat affected people. They were short with their answers, and there were no smiles on their faces. They toted along bottles of water or other cold beverages to cool down their overheated bodies. At one point I said, "Is somebody beating ya'll up out there because nobody is smiling." One woman said, "It's the heat and it's making me cranky." Another person said, "The heat is getting to me and making me tired, it's brutal out there."

So, I began to think. Satan, brings on his own heat called temptation, bittnerness, anger, jealousy, lust, wrath and all those things that don't look like Christ. It can even affect the happiest of people. He starts out real sly like with a magazine cover that has a half naked person on the front. Then he moves onto reminding you of the neighbors just down the road who own a fancy car. But wait, he's not satisfied. Just when he's got your blood going real good he'll remind you of somebody that did you wrong or a circumstance....Satan loves to heat us Christians up.

Now, if we Christians display love, joy, peace, patience,kindness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, & self-control we can distinguish the heat of Satan in our lives! Isn't that amazing?!!! Isn't reading God's Word wonderful?!!!

So I challenge you today, when the heat gets too much outside make sure you take time to say a quick prayer so that God will show you how to display the fruits of the Spirit. Trust me Satan will HATE YOU MORE!

Have a blessed day!

In His love,

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