Tuesday, July 19, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 9

Over the past few days I've been complaining about this aggravating sunburn. It's gotten on my last nerve a couple of times and caused me lack of sleep for one whole night. Well, I woke this morning and thought I'll go back to bed. Not a chance. I laid back down and my body just seemed to wake right up...just like that when seconds before I was ready for another hour of sleep.

I took a swig of water and headed out for my 2.2 mile walk. The music began to play and I found myself in pure worship mode during my walk. Worshipping King Jesus! Truly there is nothing better than that. Period. God knows exactly what He is doing on these walks with Him. I hit play and the first song that played was Just a closer walk with thee followed by, Shepherd of my Valley, and finally Mark Lowry's Over my head. It was God saying to me through those lyrics, "Alicia, during these 90 Days I'll give you a closer walk with Me as we spend time together, and when those valleys come I'll be your Shepherd, and when you feel like you're in over your head, I've got this in control. WOW....I keep asking myself, why didn't I do this sooner? Right...God's time, not mine!

Now on the way home I took off those headphones as usual and uttered a prayer of praise and thanksgiving and then as always...the hard part...Listening! So, I began to be still before my King and this is what He said. "You know that sunburn that you've been complaining about? Well, you're now at the stage where peeling has begun. You're skin is red and irritated. It's kind of like your salvation, "Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (Isaiah 1:18) "You know that peeling skin it's like when you were saved I was peeling back the layers of sin that entangled you. Then when the layers of sin were gone you were breathing in new life!:" How's that for a morning talk with God?!

You see over two days I've learned that when you have a sunburn you'll go through this itchy stage because your skin cells are trying to rejuvenate themselves. When you peel back the dead skin off of you those new skin cells are given life to breathe! Also, I've learned I have to maintain this sunburn which to me seems a little crazy. I have to maintain it with aloe gel to moisturize it. It cools it down and the itch pretty much is non-existent. Never knew you could learn so much from a sunburn did ya?!! Me either!

Today I want to challenge you to ask yourself this question as you spend time with God:

1. What layers of sin are keeping me from truly living my life for Christ?

THEN, pray to God that He will forgive you of whatever sin you have and He will peel back those layers and give you forgiveness! New life in Him!

Oh what a Savior!


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