Thursday, September 1, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 51 (Tuesday's Blog)

I feel like today God's still small voice is screaming at me, "LOVE THEM ANYWAYS." Today I feel like throwing up my hands and saying, "BUT I DON"T WANT TO." I'm weary, tired, and just want to go to my house where I can sleep in my own bed, etc...YES....I"m having a pity party. However, I know that nobody shows up for pity parties and there are no gifts either. So, here I stand complaining about the circumstances after Irene and some of the craziest people that I've ever seen out in public. Trust me, nobody has knocked on my door to come to this pity party and there've been no gifts either...Sigh.

This IS NOT FUN. God never promised me this 90 days with Him would be a bed full of roses. He promised He'd be faithful and walk with me. Wait...God just reminded me that my house went unscathed from the path of Irene. We lost a branch from Irene. It leaned sideways and fell into the yard. Uhmm...There's no place to hide. OK! He got me! It's just not always easy when people CAN"T DRIVE when the power to the traffic lights has been taken away, then they come out and are rude and ugly. Anybody got any earplugs? Here's what else God has had to say to me: THIS IS A WIDE OPEN MISSION FIELD TO SHARE MY LOVE WITH THEM. THEY don't have any power either, THEY might have LOTS more damage than the little Crepe Myrtle branch that I leaned sideways into your yard, and THEY are in need of ME, the ultimate power giver.

Highly convicted, I pray a prayer of forgiveness. He's right. It's time for me to show those in the wake of this storm His love. He chose to keep our house and yard safe from harm...Oh what a humbling experience this day has been.

I feel no need to challenge you with anything other than to show God's love and pray hard through the circumstances we all are currently in.

Humbled by God,

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