Monday, September 12, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 64

Today has been a very busy day for me. I woke early and had my morning cup of coffee and devotion. I got my husband off to work then got my grubby (cleaning) clothes on and headed outside to clean up the debris in the yard. I got started later than I wanted to because I couldn't find our rake and had to borrow my father-in-laws rake. I had to go to the store to buy some leaf bags to collect the debris in. I finally arrived home around 9:00 and was all to aware of how warm it was. Nonetheless my work began.

About an hour and a half into all of this debris cleaning, I noticed a long thorny limb in my way. I grabbed the cutters and cut it down. Well, I cut it off and began to try to get control of it. I got poked. OUCH, that hurt I said...Then God whispered "my son had big thorns on the day He was crucified and He bore an amazing amount of pain." I was reminded of the great sacrifice Jesus paid for my sin. He took on the most excruciating pain a person could take on just to make sure that my sin was forgiven and I had an eternity in Heaven with Him. OH WHAT A PRICE TO PAY.

God miraculously saved me from Hell at the age of 9. I"m all grown up now (well my best friend Sharon Gauthier might beg to differ with you) and it still gets me all choked up when I think about the ultimate price Jesus paid for my sin. He bore it all: a rugged cross, nails in His hands and feet, sides pierced. All of that for the sins of mankind. The great exchange took place on a beautiful Sunday morning for me and it still moves me to tears. God loved us so much that He gave HIS only son...It's just mind boggling. He took my sin and I took His grace, love, mercy, and forgiveness. OH WHAT A SAVIOR.


So, tonight I would like to ask you:

1. Does your salvation experience still move you to tears?

2. Have you had a salvation experience at all?!!!

In His Love,

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