Saturday, September 10, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 62 (Saturday's blog)

This journey is oh so beautiful and sweet to me. God is bringing me full circle to where we first began. Lately He's been speaking lots to me about trusting others and my relationships with other people after my relationship with Him. It's an area of my life He's had to work hard on.

I'm not as trusting as I once used to be. After you get hurt, betrayed, walked on by others over and over again you begin to build a wall around you so it doesn't happen again. It's not been real long since God delivered me from depression. Actually I wrote about it in last night's blog of how God brought me to an event to tell me it was time to cross over from Depression into More in Christ. Since the night God delivered me from the deep dark place I promised Him I would be choosy in who I let "in" and who I would trust.

This morning as I was driving to work I was working on my scripture memorization. The scripture is Psalm 56:11: "In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?" THEN GOD SPOKE. "Alicia, it's time to tear down the rest of that wall and start letting people in again." I have to be totally honest with you. I"m scared to death to let people in again, but it's what HE wants and I must obey. His Word says I can put my trust in Him!

Where does that put me? Vulnerable. It puts me back in a place to show people who I really am. Well, who am I? I"m a young Christian woman who loves Jesus to pieces and loves to make new Christian friends. The truth is that I've taken 6 different spiritual gifts test and 100% of the time they come back with the following results: #1 Spiritual Gift: Evangelism #2 Spiritual Gift: Encouragement. It's who God made me to be. I am a person who dives deep into friendships and gives all of herself to them. I prefer to meet people face to face than over some social media place because I love building relationships with a human not a piece of equipment. I'm the weird girl who sends cards, letters, etc to friends just because. I don't do it to receive anything in return. It's just my way of showing them I care. Now is it nice if they write back?! Sure, but it's not required!

Last but not least...I am very tenderhearted! No, I'm not an emotional basket case. I'm female and it's how God made me. When I use the words I love you I truly mean that. Those are 3 words I hardly use so when I use them I truly mean it.

God is working on me little by little, day by day. The most important relationship of all is my relationship with Him! So on this night I would like to share with you a song that really touches my heart. It brings me to tears because it shows me just how Jesus sees me!

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