Friday, September 2, 2011

90 Days with Jesus-Day 53

This morning's devotional was quite an eye opener.  It made me think about what it really is to be a true Christian and to reflect God's glory.  We all are in a wide open mission field no matter where God chooses to bring us for the day.  We have work, neighborhoods, grocery stores, retail stores, and yes even church to show others what being a Christian is all about.  Well today God spoke to me in a very different way about our Christianity and what it looks like.  He said, "Alicia, your life as a Christian is much like that of a salad bar you have choices to make.  What you do with those choices impacts your walk and relationship with me.  It also impacts the way others view Christianity."  

I began to think about what God had said.  He's right!  Christianity is just like a big salad bar.  So come along and see what choices are available on this salad bar every day.

As you begin at the very front of the salad bar you see a beautiful green bowl.  It's filled to over flowing with the most beautiful lettuce ever.  Nice, fresh, and crisp you serve yourself a small helping.  You notice writing on the serving spoon and it reads, AGAPE:  God's love that never fails.
Moving right along is a bowl of grape tomatoes.  Oh they look so nice and enticing so you say to yourself, I'll have a few.  You look on the serving spoon to only read:  Gossip:  a favorite tool of Satan.

As you continue to serve yourself you notice that the choices you've made weren't all good although to the human eye they were appealing.  You take a seat and have a look at the plate that you've served up.  It looks like this:

1. Agape Love-Lettuce
2.  Gossip-tomatoes
3.  Temptation-cheese
4.  Lust of the flesh-eggs
5.  Forgiveness-nuts
6.  Mercy-raisins
7.  Grace- broccoli
8.  Salvation-sunflower seeds
9.  Pride-croutons
10. The blood of Jesus-French dressing

You see, this salad bar is a direct reflection of the choices the enemy throws at us every day.  However, did you notice at the end of the salad bar was the Blood of Jesus?  It takes away all of our sin!  All we need to do is ask!

So, today I challenge you as you travel through the salad bar of your Christian walk today.  Be careful of the choices you make because Satan is always in the mix!

God bless you.

Alicia Roark

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